Chapter 9

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(Beckett) "Move." I barked, trying to shove my way past the group of girls that always seemed to gather here at 9 am. That's why I get my s**t done early, to avoid this crap. Of course, seeing Elodie this morning threw me off, and that's why I'm now running later than usual. "Yo, Storm! Wait up!" Ace, our goalie yelled out before jogging towards me as I didn't bother stopping. He was the last person I wanted to see right now, especially with the s**t going on in my head. "Saw you at the party last night. Did you finally pull that stick out of your ass and decide to have some fun for once?" He joked, still seeming to be at a half-jog as I pushed my way out of the doors. Yeah, that's not why I made an appearance last night. All I did was shoot Ace one of my cold glares, hoping to god it worked this time as he let out a booming laugh. I swear this guy has a death wish. Ace Andrews was a big-ass dude with olive skin, gray eyes, and curly black hair. He called himself the Italian Stallion which I hope to god it never sticks. He is a huge Rocky fan apparently. All I know is that he seemed to get off on annoying me. Why? I have no f*****g clue. I've said like three words to the guy. Not friendly one's at that, and yet he still approaches me every damn time I see him. "You can't fool me Storm. That look might work on the others, but I know deep down there's a big softie in there somewhere." He joked, making me lift my hand before flipping him off and continuing to walk away. "One day you will warm up to me!" He yelled after me, humor lacing his voice as I just clenched my jaw in response, knowing that would never happen. Not because I don't think it's possible, only because I know for a fact I would never let that happen. I'm not here to make friends. I'm here to secure my position on this team and eventually be drafted into the NHL. Slipping my hands into my front hoodie pocket, I couldn't help but inhale deeply. God, it even smells like her now. What did she do, sleep with it on? I know what I'm about to do might not be the most ethical thing, but once I saw this chance, I couldn't help but take it. Truthfully when I presented this idea to help Elodie out, I knew it had the potential to end up going badly. She could slap me in the face and tell Hudson about me wanting to "help" her, which in turn would make it even harder to accomplish what I needed to. Or, she could've thrown herself at me like every other puck bunny that attends our games. But she doesn't seem like that type. From what I have gathered, she is completely obsessed with Hudson for some reason. Why? I have no f*****g clue. He wouldn't have that position as captain if I had been here freshman year. But since I was forced to transfer colleges by my dad, I ended up joining the Guardians later than I would've liked. But that's where Elodie comes in. With this plan, we both get something we want. I get to tear Hudson down, making it so he loses his position as Captain, and Elodie can be there to pick up the pieces. Or whatever s**t she wants to do. I don't care really. But this won't be easy. Hudson isn't like the rest of these assholes. He sees me for what I am. How? I have no f*****g clue. Since the first moment we met, I knew he saw it. That darkness that lives inside of me. The part of me that my family tries so desperately to keep hidden. I didn't choose to be like this. It's something I was born with. Something that I inherited. Those dark thoughts and memories of the past still haunt me. But that's why I'm here. That's why I'm going to secure my place on this team and be the type of man my father pretends that I am. Storm men don't have weaknesses. But Hudson Lee does and I know exactly what it is. Well, who she is to be more exact. He can pretend all he likes. Saying Elodie Jones is the sister he never had. Warning everyone on the team not to mess with her. Not like anyone even had a chance. She clearly only has eyes for Hudson and he is so f*****g blind not to see it. Or maybe it's more of a denial thing. But going for her best friend? He has to know that s**t would hurt her. So what secrets is Hudson Lee hiding? And why is he trying to keep Elodie at arm's length but the moment another guy shows attention to her, he flips the f**k out? God was it satisfying to see that look in his eyes. That anger he so rarely shows..the possessiveness and warning he held in that gaze. f**k was it sweet. That's when Elodie's wide forest-green eyes flashed through my mind, making me falter in my steps. I quickly recovered, rounding the corner towards the library as I continued on my way. I swear she has to be the opposite of me in every way possible...and yet, we do share one similarity. One that almost draws me to her. We both have flaws. Mine isn't as noticeable, but I try to hide it just as much as she does. I can't help but feel curious about her. Wondering why she prefers silence when she has the capability to hear. I notice the way she turns off her implant, tuning out the entire world around her whenever she pleases. Why does that make me feel envious? But for her to be comfortable in the silence. That's what I truly crave. Because my silence is filled with demons. Stepping into the library, I nodded once to the old woman sitting behind her desk as she gave me a soft smile before glancing back down. Not even offering me a greeting, which I preferred. She must've realized after the first few times that I wouldn't return it. I walked towards the back, heading for my usual dark corner as my gaze traveled towards the large window to the left. That's where she usually sat. I could picture her now. That wild auburn hair that fell down her shoulders with tones of copper and gold throughout. Her long eyelashes fluttering softly as a soft smile pulled at her full pink lips. Not to mention her golden skin and the freckles that seemed to cover it. Elodie Jones was like sunshine incarnate.. and if she was the sun, then I was the rain. A dark cloud that blocked her path, stopping that warmth from reaching anyone. I continued on my way, trying to shake the image of her out of my mind as I found the worn-down chair I always sat in towards the back. And then I pulled out my phone. The reason I was even at the party last night was to do some digging. I needed to find out how to get Hudson to give me what I wanted. What would make that asshole step down from the team and pass the captain position over to me? Then I saw her in the hallway. I watched as Elodie began testing the doors, looking for one that was unlocked. I wasn't sure what she was up to, but my curiosity was peaked. So, I slipped into my room after taking my shower and left the door unlocked. As soon as she came in, I hid inside my closet like some type of weirdo, watching.. Waiting. Then came Hudson. It was almost like the opportunity fell right into my lap. So I made up some story about me wanting to make a girl jealous and she believed every word. How much more perfect could this be? Now I just have to make sure everything goes according to plan. I pulled up Elodie's number, having gotten it from the school database last night and clicked on the text icon. Truthfully, I was going to give her a few days to think things over. So seeing her in the rink first thing this morning was quite a surprise, I won't lie. But even more so was how trusting she seemed to be. I want to chalk it up to her being naive as hell, but something inside of me.. That part of me I have to hide. It says something different. Something I'm not willing to explore. I began typing out a message, knowing she was going to be surprised as hell that I had her number and tried to imagine the face she would pull when she read it. Beckett: Meet me at the library when you get back. We will go over the plan. I sent before sitting forward and resting my elbows on my knees, keeping my focus on the phone in my hands. Then I saw a text come back, causing the corner of my mouth to twitch as I read it quickly. Elodie: Beckett? How did you get my number? I couldn't help but scoff, realizing this might be a lot more fun than I anticipated. Beckett: Does it matter? I replied, wondering what she would say next as a few seconds passed. Elodie: I guess not, as long as you didn't bully someone into giving it to you or something.. Beckett: And what if I did? Suddenly I caught myself smiling, quickly wiping that s**t off my face before sitting back and typing again. Beckett: Just come to the library. I'm towards the back. Also, don't let anyone know we are meeting here. I added for good measure and went to turn off my phone, but before I could, I saw her respond again. Elodie: Jeez, I won't. A please would be nice though. Who knew you would be so bossy? Bossy? She has no f*****g idea what she's about to get herself into, does she?
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