Chapter 11

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(Elodie) I lifted my arm, waving goodbye to Hudson for the third time as he finally left me alone. What is his deal? It was almost like he wanted me to beg him to stay. Which I obviously would've if it wasn't for Beckett waiting for me inside. Of course Hudson decides to give me attention the only time I don't want it. But he did say he would swing by after practice if I was still here. Beckett and I should be done talking by then. At least you would think. I can't even imagine how this was going to go. After opening the library doors and stepping inside, I rounded the corner quickly, seeing Mrs. Ward sitting behind the desk. The moment our eyes met, I could see that warm smile she usually greeted me with spread across her face. "Good morning Elodie, didn't think I would see you in today." Mrs. Ward said softly while moving her hands as she spoke. She was one of the few staff members that worked here who knew ASL and used it whenever I saw her. I think she knew I turned off my ear a lot of times and opted to use ASL just in case. She told me that her brother lost his hearing as a teenager after a diving accident. So they both learned ASL together, to help with the transition. I don't use ASL very often, only because I learned to read lips so well. But when I see someone using it, I can't help but feel excited. It's like our own special language where we can say whatever we want without anyone else knowing. Unless they know ASL that is... "Good morning." I said back sweetly, trying to act casual as I passed her and headed toward my usual sitting space. I slowly set my bag down, glancing back towards Mrs. Ward before biting my lip nervously. "Oh sweetheart, that book you have been waiting for just got in. Want me to get it for you?" She asked, making me shake my head no. "I will get it on the way out. I'm just going to look for something." I said, feeling guilty for lying. God, why did it feel like I was about to rob the place or something? I hated all of this sneaking around and lying. I would make a horrible criminal that's for sure. "Need any help?" She asked, and I shook my head no before going to walk towards the back of the library. I swear the sound of my heart beating loudly was so stressful that I immediately reached up, switching off my ear for a moment. I don't mind feeling it going crazy... but hearing it added to the anxiety that now filled my chest. I took a deep steadying breath, my eyes sliding from one bookshelf to the other as I passed row after row. God, was it getting darker the further I went?! This was like something out of a horror movie... That's when I reached the end, my head peering around the corner as my gaze landed on an empty red chair. I felt my brow furrow, wondering where Beckett could be when someone suddenly stepped up behind me, placing their hand over my mouth. My eyes widened in shock, the words Hudson spoke earlier racing back to me as he warned me of this very scenario as I went to reach for my pepper spray. That's when I remembered I left my bag at the window I always sat at. Of course I did! I felt the assailant dragging me backward, my legs kicking out as I was carried down one of the rows as something finally registered in my brain. That smell. I knew that smell.. I peered down at the hand that was clamped over my mouth, noticing a scar across the back of it along with the dark blue hoodie I had just returned earlier this morning. That's when I bit down, biting his palm hard as I felt something rumble against my back. Was he laughing right now?! Before I could bite him again, Beckett let me go, causing me to whirl around and look at him in shock. "What the hell Beckett!?" I tried to whisper yell, but I'm sure it was just a yell. I watched as Beckett lifted his hand, placing it against my lips as he peered down the aisle behind him. "Shh, someone is going to hear you." His mouth formed the words, but that's not what I was focused on. It was his finger pressing against my bottom lip, making my heart leap into my throat as I swallowed hard. "Now, no more screaming. Not unless I ask you to of course." Beckett smirked, making me frown as I finally came to my senses and slapped his hand away. That's when I quickly reached up, switching on my ear as I tried to calm my racing heart. "What is wrong with you?! You scared the hell out of me." I rushed, eyeing his dark handsome face as the shadows seemed to make those ice-blue orbs shine even brighter somehow. "I tried calling your name, so I figured your ear was off." He explained, nodding towards my implant as what he said surprised me. He called my implant an ear. Not many people know that unless they are familiar with the deaf community. So how did he? "So you decided to get my attention by dragging me to a dark corner?" I grumbled, making Beckett shrug. That's when his hand suddenly reached over, brushing a strand of my long auburn hair over my shoulder as he made it very hard to focus. "Well, I didn't want to startle you and risk the chance of you screaming." He explained cooly like it all made sense to him. All I could do was stare at the man, wondering if Beckett Storm might actually be an alien or something. He is the most unusual person I have ever met in my life, I swear. "So, you were able to shake that asshole off." Beckett stated, taking a step towards me as I quickly took one back, bumping into the bookshelf behind me. "H-he isn't an asshole." I whispered, seeing Beckett's arm reach up, causing me to flinch as he gripped the wooden shelf above me. That's when Beckett clicked his tongue before shaking his head in disapproval. "We talked about this Elodie." He stated darkly, and I swear my knees were close to buckling. That's when Beckett leaned down, the smell of him invading my nostrils as a shiver trembled through me. "You are going to have to get used to me touching you if we are going to do this." He whispered, his eyes peering into me as I nodded softly and tried to relax, but I couldn't. "Do I scare you that much?" Beckett asked curiously and I realized it wasn't that I was scared of him. I was just intimidated... No guy has ever looked at me the way Beckett has. It's almost like he is peering into my soul or something... but that could just be those blue eyes. I swear those were intimidating enough on their own. "N-no... It's not that. I just-" I choked out, trying to get the right words out. I didn't want to seem lame. And what I was about to say was very lame. "What, sunshine, tell me." Sunshine? Where the hell did that come from? "I... Well, it's just..." "Mhm, keep going, I'm listening." Beckett nodded, amusement clearly filling his face as he used his free hand to start playing with a strand of my hair. "I have just never done this type of thing before okay!" I blurted, completely frustrated now as I was close to stomping my damn foot with how annoyed he was making me. "That's pretty obvious. I mean, it's not much of a secret." He stated, making me blink at him as I felt embarrassment rush through me. "Yeah, maybe this was a bad idea." I grumbled, going to slip out from where he trapped me when he suddenly gripped my arm, pulling me back to him. "Wait. That came out rude didn't it?" He asked, surprising me like he didn't know it was rude. I just nodded my head, not able to meet his gaze as Beckett lifted his hand before running it through his hair quickly. "Listen, I meant that you don't need to be embarrassed about it." He explained much softer now. His tone surprised me as I now peered up at him, seeing the sincerity on his face. "Are you nervous about this too? I mean, because of the girl you like?" I asked, feeling curious about the mystery girl who caught Beckett Storm's attention. I watched as Beckett looked away for a moment before letting my arm go. "I don't get nervous." He stated seriously and I just rolled my eyes. "You don't get nervous... Like ever? Not even before a game?" I asked, seeing him shake his head no. Wow, he was serious. "I don't get nervous because I prepare myself for every situation. Calculating each move carefully and what the possible outcome might be. Then I come up with a solution for every single one." Beckett stated firmly, making me frown as I thought about this. "Then why do you need my help? If you have it all figured out?" I asked, making him go quiet for a few seconds before finally opening his mouth to speak. "Because the scenario where you help me out is the most successful outcome." He said, matter of fact as I looked down at my hands now, feeling nervous again. "Is it the most successful outcome for me too then?" I whispered, watching as another look filled Beckett's eyes, one I couldn't quite decipher. "Yes, I believe it is."
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