Chapter 3

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(Elodie) I glanced back one last time, seeing Ari give me a thumbs up before I crept up the stairs and headed towards the dark hallway. A few of Hudson's teammates lived in this frat house, and this is where they usually held most of the parties after the Guardians played..but I haven't gone up here before. Trying the first door, I held my breath and went to twist it, realizing it was locked. That's when I turned my head, thinking I saw a dark shadow out of the corner of my eye but was met with an empty hall and continued on my hunt. Locked..all of them were locked. I mean, I guess we could talk out in the hall, but someone would definitely come looking for him. They always did. I was about to turn around when my eyes caught one more door, making me hold my breath as I hoped to god it would open. Who knew college guys would be so proactive about keeping their doors locked?! I reached for the last door, feeling my heart pounding in my chest as I twisted the handle...and then I felt a click. It was open! Oh thank you whoever lives here..I promise not to mess up any of your stuff. I pushed the door open, going to walk in as a chill suddenly trembled down my spine. What if someone is already in here? Clicking on the light, I let my eyes adjust for a moment, hoping no one was here before peeking around. A soft sigh escaped my lips when I saw the room was empty, that would've been embarrassing. Just as I was about to go examine the small trinkets on top of the dresser, I felt a large hand touch my shoulder, making me practically jump out of my skin. Whirling around, my eyes locked onto a smirking Hudson as he tried not to laugh. I couldn't help but stare at his full lips, the way they pulled at the corner made my mouth go dry as they started to move smoothly. "You made it too easy El." He smirked, motioning towards my ear as I reached up to switch it back on. Usually I can feel his heavy ass footsteps approaching me. Maybe I'm just too nervous to even notice that now. "I wasn't sure if anyone was in here." I confessed, making Hudson shrug before walking towards the dresser I was about to approach. "This is Beckett's room." He mumbled, the mention of Beckett causing another shiver to tremble down my spine. What is up with that?! I swear Beckett's name is the equivalent of Voldemort's at this point. Beckett Storm, the boy who shall not be named. Yeah, seems fitting. "Oh, it was the only one that was open." I added, wrapping my arms around my waist as I began to look around. Everything was kept neatly..even the bed was made like no one had ever slept in it. I would've thought this was some type of guest room honestly with how tidy it was. Compared to Hudson's dorm at least. He has so much stuff lying around..he even collects these anime figurines his cousin sent him from Korea. I think it's cute though. Suddenly Hudson turned towards me, his gaze wandering down my body as I felt my cheeks warming. Why was he looking at me like that? "Where's the jersey I gave you?" He asked, causing me to glance down. I could see my cleavage being pushed up by the way my arms crossed beneath my chest and quickly dropped them to my side, realizing how I must've looked. "Uh, Ari has it." I sputtered, watching as Hudson's eyes widened, making something else flash across his face. Something I hadn't seen before. "Hudson, I actually..well, there was something I wanted to tell you-" I began, taking a deep breath before closing my eyes and getting ready to say it.. I just had to get it out. I had to tell him how much he meant to me. How much I have loved him since the moment we first met. He wasn't just a best friend to me..he was so much more. He was the one I looked forward to seeing every day..he was why I even had friends or felt the courage to wear my cochlear implant in public. It was because I had him by my side, cheering me on every day for the past twelve years. "I want to ask Ari out." My eyes snapped open, the words Hudson just blurted practically knocking me on my ass when my hand went up instinctively, making me adjust the volume. Did I hear that correctly? "W-what-" I choked out, making Hudson sigh heavily before running his fingers through his dark brown hair as he began pacing back and forth in front of me. "I know. I know this is coming out of left field-" "I thought. I thought you hated each other." I stated, really thinking that. I mean..he couldn't stand to be in a room with her for more than ten minutes before he got up and left. And Ari.. I felt my body start to go numb, this realization making my legs feel weak as Hudson continued to ramble on about Ari. "I know, I tried to. I mean, I know she is your best friend El, but the past few months, I just can't get her out of my head." He explained. Then another wave of hurt came crashing through me. That's why he has been coming around more. I began replaying every moment Hudson came to our apartment and the fog started to clear. The way he would just stop he asked if she was even there sometimes. The subtle looks and awkward wasn't me he started to have feelings was Ari. I was a complete i***t. The realization felt like a slap across my face as I tried not to break down in tears. "You're not mad at me, right El? I mean, I wanted to tell you before I did anything. You are like my sister. I didn't want to do this behind your back." He added, that word was just another low blow as I found myself nodding my head. I didn't know what to do or say..I didn't know how to feel anything but hurt and betrayal at the moment. I shouldn't feel betrayed. Ari didn't know this would happen, and yet of all the people it had to be..of all the people Hudson had to like..why did it have to be her? My gorgeous best friend..of course it was her. Why wouldn't Hudson fall for Ari? Hell, I find myself gawking at her half the damn time. Suddenly Hudson put his hands on my shoulders, making me jump as my eyes darted to his brown ones. "So you're cool with this? I mean, you don't mind if I ask her out? Do you think she likes me? Has she said anything about me or-" Suddenly there was a loud bang outside, making Hudson's gaze snap to the door as I quickly reached up, turning off my ear. I couldn't hear him say her name again. I just couldn't. "El?" Hudson's mouth formed my name. The look in his eyes grew concerned as I swallowed down this heartache. I couldn't break down now..I just couldn't. I didn't want to be any more pathetic than I already was. "Yeah, if that's what you want." I stated numbly, unsure of how my voice came out sounding but I didn't care. I just wanted to say anything to get Hudson to leave. He needed to leave before I said something that would ruin our entire friendship. Suddenly Hudson rushed forward before bending down, letting his arms wrap around my waist as he lifted me into the air and gave me a tight hug. I could feel his chest vibrating but I didn't hear what he said..just by the way his body seemed to hum told me enough. He was excited. More excited than I had ever seen him. "El? Did you hear me?" I realized Hudson was mouthing in front of me now. "Hmm?" I responded, trying to focus on him as this pain began to consume me. "You ready to head down? We can go get a drink." He offered as I turned my head, looking away from him. God, why did it hurt to even look into his eyes now? Maybe because I knew he would be happy.. "In a minute, I just want to check in with my dad." I lied, making Hudson hesitate for a moment before nodding and letting me go. I didn't even realize he was still hugging me. "Want me to wait?" He offered and I shook my head no. "No, you go, I will be quick." I rushed, giving him the fakest smile I could muster as he nodded yet again before going to turn. That's when he started to look around, his gaze growing darker before he paused in front of the door. "Don't stay long." And with that, he was gone. The moment that door closed, it was like the air around me closed in, causing me to crumple to the floor as I slapped my hand over my mouth, stifling the sob that threatened to escape me. Before I could even let the first tear fall..two feet suddenly appeared before me, causing my head to tilt back as my eyes widened in shock. Someone else had been in here. My gaze drifted up to the pair of legs standing in front of me before settling on a bare muscular chest, making my cheeks flush instantly. Why was this guy shirtless?! It was almost as if he were glowing by the way his smooth white skin shimmered beneath the light. Did he have a freaking eight-pack?! Then I managed to pry my eyes off of his torso, moving to his face. Oh god..I knew this person. It was Beckett freaking Storm! Of course it was considering I'm in his damn room! Beckett's black hair was damp and hanging down his forehead, framing those ice-blue eyes that seemed to pierce right through me. The way his mouth twisted into a sneer caused my stomach to drop as I watched them start to move slowly. "Well, that was pretty f*****g pathetic." What he said made all of my fears come true..he had just witnessed that whole freaking thing. How worse could this get?!
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