Chapter 4

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(Elodie) I stared up at Beckett's towering frame, the room seeming to darken the closer he got to me as my voice caught in my throat. I had heard stories about Beckett Storm..apparently, he came from a very wealthy family. The kind of wealth that could get you out of sticky situations, which Beckett seemed to find himself in often. I mean..they could all just be rumors..but this one girl said Beckett once beat up a guy so badly that he broke his spine, causing him to become paralyzed. Even Hudson doesn't seem to like Beckett. He never hangs out with him, and whenever Beckett is brought up in a group setting, Hudson gets this weird look on his face. One that lets me know Beckett is pure I guess, in turn, I kind of grew to avoid him at all costs. I shouldn't even be in here, practically on my knees in front of him. Seeing him this close and knowing he had witnessed that whole embarrassing display that just happened, I felt frozen in place. Beckett suddenly dropped down, squatting in front of me before reaching out and grabbing my chin. I felt my eyes widen as a gasp of air came rushing from my lips. "I wouldn't be wasting those tears on that asshole." His lips formed the words so smoothly that I almost thought I was making them up. "It never would've worked anyways." He added, causing me to frown as I finally blinked my eyes, feeling those unshed tears start to spill over. Before I could respond, Beckett lifted his thumb, swiping across my cheek while staring at the clear liquid curiously. "I can help you if you want." He added, making me go to reach up and turn on my ear, but before I could, he stopped me. "No, I like it when you stare at my lips." My gaze darted to those icy blue orbs as his words surprised me. For a second, I thought he was teasing me, but the look in his eyes was enough to tell me that he was serious. "H-How can you help me?" I asked, knowing it was barely a whisper by how small I felt right now. "Hmm, there's lots of ways." He began, tightening his grip on my chin before tilting my head back further. I couldn't help but swallow hard, just the way he was staring at me alone was enough to make me squirm. But having his hand on my was a lot to process. "I could kick his ass for you if you like." He offered cooly, causing a gasp to escape me before I shook my head no hastily. I didn't want Hudson to get hurt..especially by this supposed psycho. Seeing how adamant I was about keeping Hudson safe seemed to humor Beckett, making him laugh. That's when I felt the urge to turn on my ear again. What did his laugh even sound like? I don't think I have ever heard Beckett Storm laugh. I never thought it was something he did truthfully. Every time I saw the guy, he was like some moody stormcloud forcing his way through a crowd. No one dared to get in his path..because if they did, who knows what the punishment might be. "Well, maybe I could help in other ways then." Beckett began, his thumb moving across my chin now, stroking me softly as I felt my cheeks warming. Other what?! I had never been this close to a guy before..not even Hudson. I mean, I can feel his freaking breath on my face right now! Thank god it was minty..and that cologne he used..the woodsy scent was just another distraction that overwhelmed me. "No thanks, I'm not interested." I tried to say firmly but from the glint in Beckett's eyes, I'm pretty sure it came out more as a whimper. "You haven't even heard my offer yet." Beckett stated as I went to pull away. I didn't need this right now..whatever game Beckett was trying to play, I wasn't going to be a part of it. I reached up, gripping Beckett's wrist as all of those emotions came flooding out of me. I was done with all of this..I just wanted to go home, crawl into my bed, and cry myself to sleep for the next two months..maybe longer depending on what happens between Ari and Hudson..but she would never..right? "Please..I just want to go home." I pleaded, seeing his eyes search mine carefully as another round of tears came rolling out. I hated this..I hated being so vulnerable, especially in front of someone like him. He will probably use this against me somehow. "Hudson will never see you the way you want him to." Beckett stated, his face lacking any type of emotion as he finally pulled his hand away from me. "Yeah, I'm pretty aware of that. Thanks for pointing it out, jerk." I snapped, going to stand and get the hell out of here when his strong hand suddenly gripped my arm, yanking me back towards him. My body crashed into Beckett's naked chest as our height difference really showed now that I was standing. Of course he had to be 6'3" or some god-like height..Hudson was still taller though, at least I think..but Beckett's chest..yeah, he seemed to work out a lot more. Suddenly I glanced down, noticing a tattoo that went across his ribs that I hadn't seen before. It looked to be some type of writing. That's when I heard my ear click on as I realized Beckett was the one to do it. Peering up at him in shock, I watched as he lowered his hand beneath my chin and tipped it back. "Eyes up here Elodie." He smirked, causing heat to creep up the side of my neck as the way he used my full name made my insides twist. Everyone usually calls me El. "You didn't let me finish. Hudson will never see you the way you want him to. But I know how to get him to." He added the last part, making my brow furrow as I felt my mouth fall open. "How?" I asked, seeing Beckett smirk as he lowered his hand down, brushing my long hair to the side. "You make him jealous." He whispered. The look on his face was smug, like what he said answered every single problem I had..and all I could do was laugh. Yeah, Beckett didn't seem to like that. In fact, he was frowning now. That seemed more like him. "Make him jealous..that's your answer? Yeah right. Hudson made it very clear he sees me as a sister. So that will definitely not work." I scoffed, feeling annoyed now as I went to pull away again. I was done talking about my problems. "Then we will change that. We make it so he doesn't see you as an annoying little sister anymore." "He never said I was annoying.." I muttered, causing Beckett's mouth to fight another smile. This one seemed more genuine though..and honestly, it made my eyes widen. God, why did the jerk have to be handsome too.. "Either way. I can help you. I mean, you have been desperately pining after the asshole for years haven't you?" Beckett accused, making me gasp. So many things he said in that sentence rubbed me the wrong way. Pining?! Seriously? Was it that obvious? I let out a scoff before glaring toward Beckett now as I felt more annoyed than I guess that was something. "I haven't been pining after him..I mean..I have had a crush, but it wasn't anything serious..I'm fine..this is fine, everything is..fine.." I lied, making Beckett's jaw tick as he exhaled sharply through his nostrils. I don't know why I said fine so many times..but I just wanted to convince both him and me that it was true. "Listen, I don't usually like to get involved with this type of shit." He snapped, the annoyance in his voice now mirroring my own. "Then why are you?" I shot back, making him pause before searching my face when his gaze went to my ear, settling on the white contraption that clung to it. I quickly raised my hand, going to cover it up as that familiar sense of insecurity came creeping back when Beckett stopped me mid-reach. I felt my eyes widen in surprise, seeing his gaze travel back to mine before he opened his mouth to speak. "Because there's someone I want to make jealous too."
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