Chapter 2

1471 Words
(Elodie) I felt my heart start to race. My eyes scanned the ocean of people around us as I recognized a few familiar faces, causing me to smile shyly. These weren't really my friends, they were mostly people that I had come to know through Hudson. But they were nice enough. At least I have Ari by my side, she tends to attract most of the attention, which I welcome greatly. After the Guardians won the game, the whole stadium erupted into cheers, me included. I couldn't help but jump up and down while clapping my hands excitedly as Hudson and the rest of his team took a victory lap around the rink. But once those brown eyes peered up at me, that was when my heart started to do this weird flipping thing. "You going to the party El?" Hudson mouthed, knowing he didn't have to yell for me to understand him. I nodded my head up and down as his eyes darted to Ari next before giving me a tight smile. "Find me when you get there." He added, and I swear I almost melted to the damn floor. Tonight was the night. I was going to tell Hudson everything and since they won the first opening game of the season, I was hoping that excitement played in my favor. I know the adrenaline that rushed through these guys when they won. It practically vibrated off of them as the whole room seemed to become engulfed with it. Ari suddenly gripped my arm, making my head turn towards her as I saw her head tilt to the other room. "I need to fix my makeup." She said, pulling me along with her as I just followed mindlessly. Even without my "ear" on, this type of scene was a lot. I mean, the flashing lights and the people that keep bumping into you. It was complete sensory overload but I didn't want to tell Ari that. I tried to blend in as much as possible, not wanting to draw any extra attention. Even if I felt that anxiety start to creep up, I hid it well. Truthfully, it's been hard for me to find real genuine friends. Considering Hudson has always been the most popular guy at our school. That seemed to amplify even more once we started attending college. A lot of people would be nice to me, just to get to him. But with Ari it was different. She moved here from California and didn't know a single thing about Hockey or who Hudson Lee was. So when I met her in our dorm for the first time, it was like a breath of fresh air to learn that. I let Ari drag me towards the bathroom as she dodged a group of guys who were openly checking her out. One went to approach us as she lifted her hand and quickly shooed him away. I watched as his friends burst into laughter before being pulled into a dark room when the light switched on. "Okay, stand here." Ari rushed, pulling me in front of the mirror and making me face her fully as she lifted her hands. I couldn't stop from chewing my lip anxiously, knowing what I was about to do might just change everything. "God I love your freckles." She mumbled, making me almost miss what she had said as my gaze focused on her mouth. I had to go through years of speech therapy to be able to read lips, but it was worth it. "Now, when you get Hudson alone. Just be yourself okay? I know you are nervous..but I mean if you don't try, you might just become some old cat lady who-" I gasped, slapping her shoulder and not letting her finish that sentence as her mouth widened into a smile. I could picture the sound of her laughter perfectly. It was one of those noises I seemed to memorize pretty quickly. Reaching up, I slid my finger along the edge of my ear before switching it back on. At least in here, it wasn't too loud. "What if he says he doesn't feel the same way Ari?" I asked nervously, making her pause before brushing my long auburn hair back and becoming more serious now. "Then he's an idiot.." She grumbled, causing me to frown at her now. Hudson was not an idiot.. "Ari.." "Fine, if he says no, then he is f*****g blind as s**t. You are incredible El. Sweet, smart, funny.. beautiful. The whole freaking package. I mean, who knows, maybe after Pete completely f***s me over, I might switch to girls and slip into your dm's." She winked, causing me to burst into laughter before covering my face. "Oh my god." I laughed, feeling my cheeks warm even more as she pried my hands away. "All jokes aside, I think no matter what, this will be good. He will either wake the hell up and you will be getting that D, or you can move on and finally find it somewhere else." She smirked. "Wait, you don't think he will want to sleep together tonight will he?!" I rushed, completely not prepared for that. I mean, I expected possibly a kiss, but not going all the way! "Relax El. You don't have to do anything you aren't ready for. But if it does happen. I'm sure it will come naturally." She added, her eyes lighting up with excitement as I couldn't help but feel it too. We both quickly burst into giggles before jumping up and down as I hugged Ari tightly. Considering she was 5'6" and I was 5'1", her boobs were practically smothering me as I finally pulled away before gasping for air. "Okay, now take off that disgusting jersey." She mumbled, making me frown. I glanced down, looking at the jersey Hudson had given me as it practically engulfed my body. "But-" "Nope, no buts..that thing does nothing for you. You are hot El. I would kill for an ass like yours." She stated before making a point to smack my butt causing me to yelp. "Off, now." She commanded, using her "not f*****g around" voice as I swallowed hard before nodding. I slowly stripped off the jersey and was left in a black tank top that hugged my body tightly. "Seeexy." Ari sang happily before plucking the jersey from my hands and tucking it under her arm. "Just because I know you, I'm keeping this with me." "Now, how do I look?" She asked, glancing past me and into the mirror before fluffing out her curls. "Gorgeous like always.'re seriously not going to give him another chance right?" I asked, not wanting to overstep..but Pete did a number on her. I mean, he had this goddess convinced something was wrong with her. She was even asking me if she should get a nose job! "Hell no, I just want him to beg a little." She added while settling those honey-brown eyes on me before winking. "Okay, that I can get behind." I agreed, wishing I could see it happen. Let's hope she keeps this confidence throughout the night though..hell, I wish I had a fraction of it. Suddenly I felt my phone vibrate and my eyes widened in shock. I could feel my heart lodge into my throat as I pulled out my cell phone and clicked it on. Incoming Text: Hudson: Hey, where you at? I thought we were meeting out front. The message said, making Ari scoff before shaking her head. "He might not be your boyfriend now, but he sure acts like it." She grumbled. Those small words gave me hope that maybe he is finally starting to see me how I see him. I found myself smiling as I went to type back. "Oh, tell him to meet you upstairs!" Ari rushed, making me pause as I felt my fingers hover above the screen. "You don't think that sends the wrong message?" I rushed, starting to feel myself backpedaling now. "El..that's the whole point." I nodded, agreeing with her before placing my fingers on the screen and typing it all out. Me: I'm inside, want to meet upstairs where it's quieter? Before I could even think about erasing it, Ari quickly hit send, giving me a little "whoops" as my eyes widened in shock. Just as I was about to react, a text had already come back. Incoming Text: Hudson: Yeah, good idea, there is something I wanted to talk to you about anyway. Be there in a sec. I swear the way my head snapped up to Ari almost gave me freaking whiplash as we both gasped. "See! I told you!!" She squealed and I couldn't help but join her. This was happening..this was really freaking happening.
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