Chapter 12

1395 Words
(Elodie) "Okay, I think if we come up with a plan, it might help make things easier." I explained, going to sit down in the seat across from Beckett when he suddenly shook his head no. "Sit here." He stated, nodding towards the chair right beside him instead. "There?" I asked, my eyes going wide as he just crossed his arms in front of his broad chest before leaning back and smirking. "If we are doing this, you need to get used to me. Sit." He ordered and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. He really was bossy... I pushed the chair back in before walking around the table where we decided to discuss things. After the whole attempted kidnapping thing, Beckett was able to convince me that this was truly the best way to get what we both wanted. Now we just had to come up with the plan to do it. I stepped towards him, watching as Beckett slid the chair out with his foot before motioning for me to sit. I hesitated for a moment, lifting my hand and brushing my hair back behind my ear. Beckett glanced at my implant before meeting my gaze as he just sat and waited patiently for me to sit down. Weirdly enough, after that encounter we had at the ice rink, I'm not as self-conscious about Beckett seeing my implant as I usually would be. Maybe because he is so blunt about things. He would tell me exactly what he was thinking, that's for sure. Also, Beckett doesn't seem like the pitying type to me. I sat down, feeling my back go as stiff as a board as Beckett suddenly swung his arm around me, pulling the chair closer and making a loud scraping sound echo off the walls. Luckily we seemed to have this section of the library mostly to ourselves. Beckett didn't seem worried though. "Um, do you have a notebook and pen or something?" I whispered, trying not to look at Beckett as he leaned into me. I could feel the warmth of his body practically engulfing me as I swallowed hard, keeping my eyes glued to the table. "Why do you need a notebook?" He asked curiously as I began to play with the hem of my shirt nervously now. "You know, to write our plan down. I don't want to forget anything. And do you think you can scoot back a little? I swear I can feel your breath on my neck." I muttered, making a dark chuckle rumble from Beckett's chest as he reached up, taking a strand of my hair in his hands. "And why do you keep touching my hair." I snapped, going to bat his hand away when he gripped my wrist, stopping me. "I like it, it's pretty. And no, you can't write our plan down. You will probably end up losing it or something. No one can know about this Elodie, remember? We have to make this seem as real as possible." He stated, making me freeze as one word stuck out to me the most. "You think my hair is pretty?" I asked in bewilderment. Truthfully I felt like an i***t for getting caught up on one compliment. But to be fair, I never thought Beckett was capable of giving compliments. "I mean, it kind of reminds me of rust." He stated, making me frown before finally yanking my hair free from his grasp. "Geez, thanks, that's so sweet." I mumbled in annoyance. That's when Beckett eyed me carefully, humor seeming to fill his blue gaze as I just glared up at him in return. "Let's just get this over with before Hudson comes to find me." I added, watching as all that humkr fell from Beckett's face . "Why are you so hung up on this guy?" He suddenly asked. I felt my eyes widen, his question catching me off guard. "Well, I mean... I don't know. Why are you so hung up on the girl you like?" I asked, feeling defensive as he pulled his arm away from my back. The actuation caused my heart to drop and that feeling surprised me. Why did that hurt my feelings? "Who says I'm hung up on her?" He stated, glancing towards me cooly as I could tell that the playfulness he had earlier was gone. "Well, you must be if you are willing to do all of this for her." I muttered, playing with my fingers nervously as Beckett let out a loud sigh. "Maybe I'm just used to getting my way, and when I don't, I do everything in my power to change that." He stated darkly, turning his body towards me before placing one hand on the table and the other on the back of my chair. "Listen Sunshine, there is something we need to get straight. I'm not the good guy here. I'm not some white knight that swoops in to save the day. I'm the villain, willing to do anything I can to get what I want, and you just so happen to be the person who can help me get that." He explained, causing my stomach to twist as I looked away from him, glancing down at the table before nodding. Obviously he just cares about the girl he wants to make jealous. Even if he says he isn't hung up on her, he must be if he's willing to go out of his way for her. "But you don't seem like the villain to me. I mean, you are helping me too right? That has to count for something." I whispered, feeling Beckett's gaze glued to my face as we just sat there for a few seconds, not saying a word. "We will see how you feel about that by the end of this. Just remember, I warned you." He said, going to reach down before grabbing something from his bag. What was that supposed to mean? "No names or specific details." He stated, placing a notebook and pen in front of me before leaning back and slipping his hands into his hoodie pocket. I nodded once, taking a deep breath and trying to calm down as this all seemed so intense. "First, we need to come up with a timeline. We should go on a few dates, maybe run into each other publicly first." Beckett began, treating this more like a business meeting now. "Oh! I almost forgot... Hudson told me he plans on asking Ari out at the next game." I explained, the mere thought making my stomach ache as Beckett sat there quietly, not responding for a few moments. "Next week's game?" Beckett finally asked, making me nod as he sighed heavily. "Well, I guess that's when we make our first move then." He declared and I couldn't help but swallow down this fear that came bubbling up. "W-what kind of move?" I asked, knowing this was going to be the start of everything. "That's when we will make it official that we are dating." "Already?! I mean, will it be believable?" I rushed, feeling the panic start to rise as Beckett leaned forward, gripping my hand and making me jump. "Calm down Sunshine. Don't worry about it being believable or not, I will handle that part. All you need to do is get used to me. Get used to this." he said, pulling my hand from my lap before sliding his palm against mine. There was that nickname again... What was up with that? "You will be the one who Hudson can read. If he sees that you are uncomfortable with me, this will be over before it even starts." I looked down in shock, feeling my heart do a million flips as butterflies flooded through me. I mean, Hudson held my hand earlier..but it didn't feel like this. Maybe because I'm nervous right now. I watched as Beckett's fingers threaded through mine. The feel of his smooth palm caused a shuddering breath to escape me as he gripped me tighter. "I think we should do some practicing.. tonight." he suddenly blurted, making me almost choke as we just sat there, looking at one another. "What kind of practicing?" I whispered, feeling my heart hammering in my chest as I swear Beckett was fighting a smile. "Have you ever been kissed Elodie?"
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