Chapter 8

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(Elodie) I stood frozen between Beckett and Hudson, the two guys seeming to be having some type of stare-off as I shifted on my feet awkwardly. "Hudson, I was just returning Beckett's hoodie." I explained, making Hudson snap his brown gaze towards me for a moment before locking it back on Beckett. "You could've given it to me. I would've made sure to return it." He stated firmly, the tone of his voice almost threatening as I felt my brow furrow in confusion. What was this? I mean, I have never seen Hudson act like this ever. I could see the disdain he held for Beckett reaching the surface as he went to step forward, going to reach for me. "Come on, let's go get something to eat." He snapped, keeping his eyes on Beckett as I turned my head slightly, wanting to see how Beckett was feeling about this. That's when I saw something I never expected to see. A smile..he was actually smiling. "You better go El, we can finish our conversation later." He stated cooly, sliding those blue eyes to mine as I felt my heart start to race. I was surprised he called me El first of all..but the way he said we would talk later seemed to have some type of hidden meaning to it, which I'm guessing he wanted Hudson to think that way. "Thanks for returning my hoodie." He added, making a point to pull off his shirt right in front of us, revealing his smooth white chest as I swear I almost started choking when he slowly pulled on the hoodie next. "El, let's go." Hudson barked, pulling at my arm now as I tried to pry my eyes away from Beckett. God, why was he so good at this?! I couldn't believe he really just did that. "Y-yeah, sure, let's go." I sputtered, finally turning away from Beckett as I stared down at my feet in embarrassment, knowing my cheeks must be bright red. I could feel Hudson's gaze burning into me as he continued pulling me up the steps when he suddenly slipped his hand down, reaching for my own now. That's when my stomach did a million flips, the warmth of Hudson's hand shooting straight to my chest and neck as I felt my head start to spin. He was holding my hand..actually holding it. I bravely lifted my head, peering up at Hudson and expecting to see him looking down at me, but instead, he was looking behind me. That's when I peered over my shoulder, watching as Beckett skated backward on the ice, his attention focused on me solely. Then he dropped a puck on the ice before slapping his hockey stick down and shooting the puck straight into the net, causing the sound to echo around us as Hudson continued pulling me up the stairs. "I don't want you to meet with Beckett alone again El. Next time tell me when you are going to do something like that." Hudson stated lowly, making me turn back away from Beckett as I looked up, meeting Hudson's brown eyes once again. I don't think I have ever seen him so serious before. Was he actually mad about this? "I'm sorry, I just didn't want to bother you." I whispered, feeling embarrassed now as he continued dragging us toward the arena doors. "What's going on with you? I mean, since last night-" He began, stopping right before we reached the doors. "Is this about what I told you? About me wanting to ask Ari out?" The moment he said Ari's name, reality came crashing down as the grip on his hand began to loosen before he finally let me go. "What? No. I just wanted to return Beckett's hoodie and wasn't sure if you were awake this early." many freaking lies. I hated lying and here I was doing it every time I opened my damn mouth. "You didn't see my text?" He asked, making me blink up at him as my mouth fell open. "Uh, no, I must've put my phone on silent." I squeaked, wondering if he could read me as well as I could him. Apparently not. Hudson nodded his head before lifting his hands and pushing his hair back. It was hard not to stare at the toned muscles of his arms as they flexed before me. I'm thoroughly convinced if Hudson had grown up in Korea, he would be the star of some K drama right now. He definitely has the looks and charisma. "Okay, because I was thinking of asking her out soon. But if you're not cool with it.." He trailed off, causing my throat to dry as I tried to think of what to say. Why wouldn't his best friend be cool with that? Unless she was in love with him..and if he learned that, god, I don't think he would ever look at me the same again. He would probably feel awkward around me..and that wouldn't just affect me, it would affect our families too. Our parents even spend Christmas together. "No, that's fine." I said, forcing a smile as I avoided his gaze. "Hey, look at me." He whispered, stepping closer and gripping the sides of my arm with both hands. I slowly tilted my head back, peering up at Hudson's handsome face. I could feel my heart start to race as I swallowed down that lump in my throat, forcing myself to calm down. "Back there with Beckett.." He began, nodding back towards the rink. "He didn't ask you out or anything like that, did he?" Okay, I wasn't expecting that. That's when I saw something in Hudson's gaze that I didn't quite know how to label. But it was almost similar to the one he had last night when he was looking at Ari flirting with Pete. "No, of course not. Why would Beckett Storm ask me out?" I laughed awkwardly, making Hudson visibly relax. "You're right. Just try to stay away from him, okay?" Hudson stated once more before wrapping his arm around my shoulder and leading me towards the doors. "I will." I said, lying yet again. Because right at that moment, I made my decision. I wasn't going to stay away from Beckett, in fact, I was going to date him. Well, fake date him. But seeing Hudson react like this just from me meeting with Beckett alone was enough to show me that maybe this plan could work. Maybe if Hudson sees me with another guy, he will realize that he wants to be the one I with instead. I know seeing Hudson with other girls helped me realize how I felt...and the jealousy that came with it made me realize how much more I liked him. So perhaps that's what Hudson needed. Considering I have never dated before, that might be what's keeping the "sister" vibe going. He hasn't seen me as anything more. All of that is about to change..and Beckett Storm is going to be the one to help me do it. "So, what are you feeling today? Breakfast burritos or that one diner at the other end of town?" Husdon asked, changing the subject as we stepped outside and began heading towards the parking lot. "Let's go to the diner. I'm feeling pancakes today." I decided, causing Hudson to give me one of those heart-stopping smiles while nodding in agreement. "Well, look at you, finally deciding for once." He joked, knowing I usually left the decision up to him even though he would be the one to ask me what I wanted. "I think it's time I start taking more chances." I added quietly, not even talking about the pancakes anymore. "Damn, I didn't know pancakes were that risky.. but I'm here for it." Hudson teased before letting out a smooth laugh as I just felt even more determined than ever. No matter what, this choice is going to change everything. I can just feel it..but what that outcome is, I guess we will find out soon enough. Let's just hope Beckett won't back out.
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