Chapter 7

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(Elodie) I began pacing back and forth in front of the arena doors. My hands gripped the hoodie tightly as I tried to psyche myself up to do this. I just go in there, hand Beckett the hoodie, and then it's over. I thought about what Beckett said all night long. Going back and forth on what to say when I turned to look at the clock and realized it was already 5 a.m. Beckett was right when he said I would know where to find him. I mean, everyone knows he practically lives at the skating rink. I know he is on the team, but even Hudson has a social life. Sometimes I will meet up with Hudson to grab lunch after his practice and I will see Beckett still going hard on the ice. He is dedicated, I will give him that. Suddenly I felt my phone vibrate when I quickly reached down and pulled it out. Incoming Text: Hudson: Do you want to grab breakfast? He sent, making me swallow hard as I looked at the time. It was 7:45, so maybe he would think I was still sleeping. I better hurry before he starts calling, and then I will end up telling him where I'm at. Tucking the phone back into my jacket, I took a deep breath and nodded my head once before heading for the arena. I swear a small part of me was hoping the doors would be locked. Maybe he wouldn't be here this early and I could just go back to my bed and pretend nothing ever happened. Yeah, apparently that wasn't going to happen. The door opened easily, causing my stomach to twist into knots as I took a deep shuddering breath before stepping in. Give Becket the hoodie, tell him you are not interested in what he has to offer, and leave. I repeated this mantra over and over again in my head, trying to think of what to say when I turned down a hallway, heading for the ice rink. That's when I stopped, my gaze settling on that white ice down below as Beckett weaved his way across it. He had on a black compression long-sleeved shirt that clung to his muscular chest and arms. His hands were wrapped in gloves as he gripped his black hockey stick firmly, letting it slide back and forth in front of him. I hadn't turned my ear on yet, only because the silence comforted me. But for a moment I wondered if he was listening to music. The way he moved seemed like some type of choreographed dance as he turned and began skating backward now like it was second nature to the guy. I slowly reached up, switching on my ear as the sound of Beckett's blades gliding over the ice filled the arena. My gaze was glued to his chest, watching as it rose and fell heavily..each breath making my own quicken when he suddenly lifted his head. Those ice-blue eyes met mine instantly, causing my stomach to flip as I quickly looked down and gripped the blue hoodie in my hands. "Hey, I just wanted to return this! Do you want me to set it here? Or.." I trailed off, lifting his hoodie to show him as I felt the urge to bolt. I'm pretty sure my face had to be as red as a tomato at this point. What the hell was I thinking? I should've just given the hoodie to Hudson. He could've returned it for me. "You can hand it to me." Beckett's deep voice echoed around me, causing my eyes to widen before peering down at him. "O-okay." I sputtered, feeling my knees wobble as I went to take a step forward. I watched nervously as Beckett skated over towards the side, his hands quickly tearing off his gloves before tossing them on a bench and opening the side gate. "So, have you changed your mind about my offer?" He asked, making me almost go tumbling down the steps as I quickly gripped one of the plastic seats in the row beside me. So he didn't change his mind about what he said? He still wanted to do it? I cleared my throat, trying to gather myself and seem somewhat confident as I continued walking down the steps to him. "I thought about it, and I just don't think it will work." I got the guts to say, seeing a smirk pull at Beckett's lips. "Well, he reacted to you wearing my hoodie, didn't he?" Beckett asked, making me pause as I was now level with him. Of course I was up a few steps, but our height was almost equal at that point. "How did you-" "Because I'm a guy Elodie, I know how we react to s**t like that. So the fact that he got jealous proves this would work." He stated, taking a step up and closing the distance. I swear I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand straight up. What he said gave me some type of false hope as he slowly approached me. "Don't you want this to work?" He asked darkly, reaching forward and going to grab the hoodie from me. "But.. how does this work? I mean.. if we would do this. What does that consist of?" I whispered, feeling Beckett's warm fingers brush against my hand as I felt my chest tighten in response. "We act like a couple." He stated matter of fact like it was that easy. "Obviously it wouldn't be believable if we just came out and said we were dating. People would get suspicious." Yeah, that's true. I mean, I don't think Beckett and I have ever even talked to one another before this. Hudson really would be suspicious. Not to mention Ari.. Crap, maybe I should just tell her everything. "But if we do this, you can't tell anyone it's fake." Beckett added firmly, causing me to frown. What, can he read my mind or something? "You need to convince everyone this is real, or people are going to see through it. You are going to have to be comfortable with me." He began, taking another step closer as he was now towering above me. "Comfortable with you? How?" I breathed, feeling my nerves going haywire as I stared up at Beckett's handsome face. The look in his eyes grew more sinister by the second. That's when Beckett lifted his hand, going to reach for my face as I instantly flinched back, not used to being touched like that. "Like this, you act like I'm going to hurt you or something." His voice softened, making me blink my eyes at him slowly as he went to reach for me again. Will he hurt me? I mean, I have heard the rumors. But so far I haven't witnessed a single thing to prove they are true. Yeah, Beckett can be cold and a little aggressive on the ice, but dangerous? I don't feel that. At least not since the time I have spent with him.. which hasn't been much. But I feel like I can read people well, and his body language hasn't shown any signs of anger. Beckett's hand inched closer and closer, this time though, I didn't pull away. The sound of my harsh breathing was the only thing I could hear as he searched my eyes carefully before finally touching me. I felt his fingertips glide across my cheek, brushing my auburn hair back before cupping my face gently. The warmth of his palm caused butterflies to rush through me as I quickly chalked it up to never being touched this way. "That's better." His words were soft like his touch. He treated me as if I was some type of wild animal that could take off at any moment as he continued to explore my skin carefully. I felt my eyes starting to close, willing myself to calm down as his reach began to move higher. That's when I realized where he was going. My eyes snapped open as my hand flew up, gripping Beckett's wrist before he could expose my ear. "Please, don't." I rushed, feeling embarrassed now as that insecurity came rushing out. I always wore my hair down. Not wanting to draw any more attention than necessary. My whole life has been spent trying to blend in. Not wanting my disability to be the reason why people knew me. Maybe that's partly why I loved being around Hudson so much because then I wasn't known as the deaf girl. Instead, I was known as being Hudson's friend.. which seemed more important. "Why do you hide it?" Beckett asked, making me swallow down this lump in my throat as I tried to process his question. I wasn't hiding it exactly, I just didn't want the attention it brought with it. Before I could answer, the sound of a door closing echoed through the arena and made me jump. That's when footsteps started to approach and I quickly turned my head away from Beckett to see who it was. The moment my eyes locked onto Hudson's surprised face, my heart dropped. I didn't expect him to be here this early. "El, what are you doing here?" I guess he didn't expect me to be here either...
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