Chapter 6

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(Elodie) I turned over in bed, my eyes focusing on the dark ceiling above me as I let out a frustrated groan. There was no way I would be sleeping tonight. Not after what happened. Not after what Hudson confessed to me. I kept replaying the past two years over and over in my mind. Wondering if it had been truly obvious this entire time. I mean, he said it started a few months ago, but what if he always had feelings for Ari from the start? I went back to that morning I met her. Mom, Dad, and Hudson were all with me, helping me move my stuff in when Ari walked through the door like some type of goddess. I couldn't help but stare at her in awe as her full lips pulled into a gorgeous smile. I thought she might see Hudson and freak out considering who he is, but nope, she didn't even spare him a glance. "Oh my god, you must be Elodie. You are so pretty!" She said excitedly, her compliment throwing me off guard as Mom and Dad took an instant liking to her. Now that I think about it. Hudson was really quiet. It was like he was observing her. Probably confused as to why she hadn't screamed or rushed at him, begging to go grab a coffee or get his number. Which has happened more times than I would like to remember. Is that when it started? All I knew was that tonight changed everything. After Ari and I left the party, Hudson kept texting me like crazy. Asking me to tell him when we got home safe and said he could stop by after the party to bring me some stomach medicine. I figured he was just trying to see Ari, so I shut him down. "So? What happened?" Ari asked while tugging me towards her car. I hadn't said a word since leaving the frat house..and I could tell she was getting impatient. "Your text said things didn't go well, how?" I lifted my hand, brushing my auburn hair out of my face before looking down at my feet. Don't cry Elodie..don't freaking cry. "Well, he um, he told me he liked someone else before I could even say anything." I whispered, knowing she probably couldn't even hear me with how quiet I must be talking. That's when Ari stopped, her hand wrapping around my arm before pulling me to a halt with her. I'm sure she was talking..but I didn't want to see what she was saying..I knew what it was, and once she asked, I would have to tell her right? I would have to confess it's her and then things might get weird. What if the moment I say it, something clicks inside of her, making her realize she likes him too? Then What? Do they start dating? I watched Ari's feet step closer before her body was now right in front of me. Then I felt her touch soften, letting me know she was officially concerned. That's when I finally looked up. The feel of my heart beating rapidly made me swallow hard as I raised my gaze to her frowning pink lips. "Who El? Who the hell do I have to beat up?" I saw the words form, the irony of it all making me fight a laugh. What will she think if I tell her? I peered into those honey eyes, seeing the anger and concern she held in them as I tried to fight this heartache. I didn't want to lose her. I didn't want this to get between us. I didn't want to tell her that the girl Hudson liked, was her. "El? Did he tell you who it was?" She asked again, and before I could stop myself, I found my head shaking back and forth, telling her no. I have never lied to Ari before, but this felt like the only option. The possibility of what might happen if I didn't, I was too much of a coward to face it right now. "Ugh! I swear boys are so stupid. I mean, is Hudson that blind that he can't even see what's right in front of him?!" She said, her lips moving quickly as I held in a scoff. He did see what was right in front of him, it just wasn't me. "How can he act like a jealous boyfriend over your hoodie and then tell you he likes someone else? Maybe if you just told him-" "No, I can't. I just..I know it will ruin everything if I do." I blurted, feeling my bottom lip quiver as I let all of that pain finally come crashing through me. The fact that it's Ari that he likes, that tells me he would never want me. We couldn't be any more opposite. She is confident, girly, gorgeous, and outgoing. She is everything that I'm not.. How could I think this could be anything more when I'm competing with her? That's when Beckett's words slipped through my mind. The feel of Ari hugging me tight not even registering as I remembered the look on Hudson's face the moment he saw whose hoodie I was wearing. That was jealousy, wasn't it? I mean..even Ari caught that. After crying some more, Ari helped me to the car and we ended up watching a few episodes of Stranger Things before I decided to go to my room and get ready for bed. Now here I am at 3 a.m. still unable to sleep. I let my gaze drift across my room. Luckily Ari and I were in a place that had two bedrooms and our own bathroom. It was more like an apartment than a dorm room honestly. The moment my gaze settled on the hoodie draped across my desk chair, I couldn't help but hop up and grab it. Now what I did next had to be creeper level ten but I couldn't help it...I lifted the fabric, bringing it up to my nose before inhaling deeply. God, why did he have to smell so good? What even is that? I swear most guys on the hockey team wore axe or something like that. This seemed more mature, more manly..definitely expensive. I padded back to my bed with the hoodie in tow, bringing it with me before I kept staring at the Guardians logo on the back where Beckett's last name was written above it. That was sweet of him to give this to me. I mean, he really didn't have to. And the look on Hudson's face was surprising. What did he have against Beckett? I swear Hudson has never openly disliked anyone before, but with Beckett, he doesn't hide it. He clearly doesn't like Beckett Storm. I bit down on my bottom lip while tracing the letters on the back of the hoodie before feeling my mind start to wander. What if I did it? What if I took up Beckett's offer and tried to make Hudson jealous? Obviously I would feel too guilty to actually go out and date someone else. I mean, I wouldn't want to lead anyone on..besides, would there be anyone even interested in pursuing me? I seriously couldn't think of one person that could be mildly interested. God, I'm pathetic. What do I have to lose if I do this? Worst case, It doesn't work and Beckett and I just stop pretending. Hudson never has to know. Whereas if I confessed everything and told Hudson how I felt, I could truly lose him forever. It would make things awkward and it would never be the same. Or...I just keep on pretending I don't have feelings for him. Who knows, maybe I will be a part of the wedding party..and worst case, Ari is the bride. I groaned, rolling over and taking the hoodie with me as I felt my heart ache. This way, I won't be disrupting anything. Hudson might see me more than a sister, and open his eyes...or, we just keep being friends. Beckett gets his girlfriend and everyone is happy. But why didn't that thought make me happy? I caught myself frowning as I realized I was now hugging the hoodie to my chest when I quickly tossed it to the end of the bed away from me. Stop being weird Elodie. This is stupid, you can't do this. Of course you can't. I will just return the hoodie to Beckett tomorrow and make it very clear that we will not be doing this. Yeah, I just have to let this go. That's the only thing I can do.
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