Chapter 13

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(Beckett) I could still see the look on her face. The pure shock that filled those forest-green eyes was something I will never forget. And what she did afterward, was even better. I watched as the heat slowly crept up from her neck and rose to her cheeks. That soft shade of pink stained her freckled-covered skin as I looked at Elodie curiously. Why was she so damn interesting to me? And most importantly, why couldn't I stop touching her? I felt her try to pry her hand from mine. She was completely flustered and still hadn't answered my question. "So? Which is it Elodie? Have you been kissed or not?" I asked, seeing her eyelashes start to flutter as she opened her full pink lips to speak, but nothing came. There was no way she hadn't. Right? I mean, I was just trying to tease her, but seeing her reaction now, I think her reaction says everything. "I... umm... What does it matter anyway?" She finally blurted, causing me to fight this smile that threatened to form at any moment. I tightened my grip on her hand, not ready to let go just yet as I had a feeling she might try to run for it if I did. Why did the idea of chasing her cause my c**k to stiffen? I need to get this under control. "Because I plan on kissing you at next week's game." I stated matter of fact, seeing Elodie blanch as all that color drained from her face. "In front of everyone?!" She rushed out as I nodded. "What better way to let them know we are dating?" I mean, it was the most logical route to take. What was I going to do, grab a microphone and serenade her? That one action would be enough to show my intentions. Besides, it will piss Hudson off like crazy. Who knows, I might just become captain a lot sooner than I expected. The sooner the better, considering Dad is coming to do his monthly checkup on me. One hair out of place and I know what the consequences could be. Suddenly Elodie shifted in her chair, pulling me from my thoughts. "I'm not sure about this Beckett." She whispered, looking down at our hands now as her whole demeanor changed. That's when another emotion began to rise inside of me. One I didn't like feeling… guilt. "It's okay if you haven't, we can practice." I said, thinking it might ease her a little... but nope, she was back to being shocked. "But I've never... and then you will be my first." She whispered as I swear it looked like she might cry. Why did that make me feel mad? Not in an angry type of way… but f**k, I don't know how to explain it. "Were you saving it for him?" The words escaped me before I could even stop them. That's when those green eyes snapped up and locked onto mine. Then I watched as she shrugged, knowing the answer immediately. She was saving it for him. Fuck, Hudson doesn't deserve that s**t. He goes through those puck bunnies just like the rest of them. Yeah, he is a little more discreet about it, but I have been watching when he thinks no one else is. "That's lame, isn't it?" Elodie asked, letting me know she was insecure about it as I let out a long sigh. "If it's important to you, then we don't have to. But no offense. f**k, this is going to make me sound like a dick." I grumbled, knowing what I was about to say was pretty f****d. Not because of what I was saying exactly, but why I was saying it. I knew it was manipulative as hell, but I was already in too deep, why stop now? Like I told Elodie, I'm no knight. "What? You can tell me, it's okay." She said with a sniffle, looking at me worriedly now. "Well, Hudson is most likely well-versed in that department. In fact, he is probably a pro at it. l, let's be honest here." I said, seeing Elodie's face fall as those words hurt her. But it had to be done. "Yeah, I know..." she whispered, looking down at our hands again as she loosened her grip. "What I'm trying to say is that when someone kisses another person with little to no experience, it can be a turn-off." I stated, seeing her eyes widen. "I can help you though. I can teach you if you want to impress Hudson." I planted the seed, watching as a million thoughts must've been running through her mind as I found myself waiting on a bated breath for her answer. I watched as she dragged her teeth along her plump bottom lip, biting down softly before peering back up at me. "It won't be weird? I mean, if we do that?" She finally spoke, making relief flood through me. That wasn't a no. In fact, that was something we could work with. "No, it won't be weird unless we make it weird." I joked, seeing her relax slightly as I forced a smile on my face. That's when my gaze darted to her lips once more. Has she seriously never been kissed before? "Okay, I will do it." "You will?" I rushed, quickly checking myself as I cleared my throat and tried again. "I mean, good. I think it will help us achieve the outcome we want the most." That's when I let go of Elodie's hand and began pulling away. "Wait, where are you going?" She asked hastily as I reached down and grabbed my bag. "I need to take care of a few things. Besides, practice is almost over." I said, going to stand as I watched her stand with me. I knew Hudson would come rushing here the moment practice ended. We couldn't risk being caught yet because I knew Elodie would fold immediately. She would end this if Hudson told her to and I would be back to square one. "Oh, okay, well... do I just see you tomorrow then? Or?" She asked nervously, not meeting my gaze as she stared down at her feet shyly. Was she acting shy because of me? I couldn't help but examine her, noting the way her long hair fell down her chest, causing my gaze to wander. Elodie was not bad-looking by any means. In fact, she was pretty f*****g cute. God, what am I even saying right now. "I will pick you up tonight. We should probably go somewhere more discreet." I said, thinking of where to go as her head snapped back up. "Wait, tonight?!" She rushed, making me nod my head yes as I turned to leave. "I will be waiting for you outside at 10. Don't be late." And with that, our first meeting was over. But instead of going home. I did something I shouldn't have done. That darkness I always knew was there began creeping up as I exited the library before walking across the way and waiting. I expected her to hang around until Hudson got here, but no. She surprised me by leaving. So what did my stupid ass do? I followed her. I watched as she reached up, switching off her ear as I stalked behind her, trying to blend in with the crowd. That's when the memory of sneaking up behind her flashed through me. The way her body pressed to mine and how my hand fit over her mouth perfectly. Fuck, why did that turn me on so damn much? That right there... that was what scared the hell out of me. The fact that I liked the feeling of her flailing beneath me, and when her teeth sunk into my palm, f**k. It caused my c**k to stiffen immediately. I quickly glanced down, still seeing the indent of her teeth on my flesh as a shiver trembled through me. Then more wild thoughts began to flood my mind. No one has ever had this effect on me. I have made sure to test this theory on more than one occasion, making sure whatever darkness I inherited from that asshole wasn't in me too. But here I am, following the girl as my feet continue moving on their own. Like I'm under some kind of spell. This isn't good. Not good at all. And yet, why does it feel so damn right?
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