Chapter 14

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(Elodie) I slammed the door shut, pressing my back against the cool wood before sliding down slowly. What the hell did I just agree to? My heart had to be beating a million miles a minute as I raised my hand, placing it over the pounding in my chest before rubbing it soothingly. Beckett was going to be my first kiss. Not only that, this was going to be happening tonight! What am I going to do? I mean, how am I going to do this?! I never expected it would happen this way. With me being well aware of when it was going to happen. I thought it just would, and possibly with Hudson. Beckett was right though. The moment I kiss Hudson and he realizes I have no freaking clue about what I'm doing, it will ruin the whole moment. And what's a kiss? I know Hudson's has had a handful of them by now. It's time to grow up. What I'm about to do is exactly what needs to happen. I need to make it so Hudson doesn't see me as a sister anymore. God, I need to brush my teeth. I went to push off the floor, my eyes darting up as I was now met with a confused-looking Ari standing in front of me. "Hey El, um... What's going on?" She asked, causing embarrassment to rush through me as I lifted my hands before brushing the hair from my face. "Oh, you're home. I thought you were working at the Cafe today." I said awkwardly, not expecting her to be here. "David asked if he could pick up an extra shift. Of course, I wasn't going to turn that down." She said, and that's when I realized she must've just woke up. She still had on her sleep shorts and matching cami. "So, about last night. How are we handling things bestie?" I watched as the words formed on her lips before she walked towards our kitchenette. I didn't need to hear the concern in her voice to know it was there. Obviously finding me on the ground freaking out played a part in that. I didn't want to lie to Ari but I didn't want to tell her the truth either. I know if I don't tell her something, she is going to be completely blindsided at next week's game. I will tell her soon, I have to, but right now I need to just focus on tonight and what that's going to entail. I will handle the rest later. "I'm good." I choked out and quickly cleared my throat to try and sound more convincing. "I mean, I'm trying. It will just take a few days I think." There, that was better. Ari just turned to look at me. I could see her back stiffen slightly as she bent her head before nodding once. She thought I was lying. Which I am, but I didn't want her to think that. "Hey, I'm going to be fine. I promise. But what about you? How did things go with Pete?" I changed the subject, hoping that would help. Now Ari looked away guiltily, making me narrow my eyes at her. What was she hiding? "Ari, what aren't you telling me?" I asked, making sure I got a clear view of her lips. I was tempted to turn on my ear but I could focus better without it. "God, why do you have to be so good at reading people." She grumbled and I couldn't help but smile. "Well, last night Pete begged me to give him another chance. Not full-on dating!" She rushed. "Just taking it slow. I told him no s*x for a while, not from me or anyone else for that matter." She added, and I could see the hurt flash across her face. That's when I stepped closer, reaching my hand out for hers. "Ari, are you sure about this? I just don't want you to get hurt." I stated, watching as those honey-brown eyes looked away guiltily. "I know. I just can't get over the prick." She mumbled and I nodded, pulling her into a hug. I guess if anyone can understand that it's me. I'm also hung up on a guy here. Even though it's more of a one-sided thing... I mean, I'm about to fake date someone just to get a chance with Hudson. "It's okay. I'm here for you no matter what. Just please let this be the last time." I said not even bothering to read her lips because I knew whatever she said, it didn't matter. She already made up her mind. That's when a crazy thought flashed through me, making me freeze as it caused my stomach to ache. That thought not only hurt, but it also surprised me. Maybe Ari would be better off with someone like Hudson. A deep part of me knows they would look amazing together. He would also treat her much better than Pete ever could. But I don't want to go there. It hurts too much to even think about it. "Okay, I'm going to get an iced coffee and something fried. You want to come with me?" Ari asked, making sure I could see her face now when she did. "I just ate, you go ahead. I think I'm going to work on my essay some more." I explained, needing to be left alone before I had another meltdown. "Aww, look at you being all responsible." She teased, patting me on the head and I just narrowed my eyes at her. "You should be doing the same! Considering we are in the same class!" I quipped, watching as she quickly turned and ran to her room, obviously done with the conversation. I decided to head to my own room, making sure to lock the door after I shut it when I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. You need to get it together Elodie. Beckett will be here picking me up before I know it and I need to be ready. Walking over to my closet, I hurriedly opened it before sifting through my clothes and wondering what the hell you even wear for something like this. I was about to Google outfits to wear for your first kiss when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Incoming Text: Hudson: Hey, where are you? I told you not to leave without me. Oh god, I forgot all about Hudson. I was so caught up on the Beckett thing that I didn't even remember to wait for him. Me: Hey, sorry. I ended up heading back home early and have been wrapped up in my essay. I lied, feeling my stomach twist in response. That's when I realized I had another text. This one was from Beckett. Beckett: Wear something warm. That was all it said, making my brow furrow. What, could he read minds or something? I decided not to text anything back, considering I had no clue what to even say to that, so I started looking through my sweaters. Of course I didn't settle on the first one I picked. Four outfit changes, three very thorough teethbrushes, and ten hours later... It was time. Apparently I had become a hot commodity on the one day I was trying to sneak out. First Hudson kept texting me like crazy. He even asked to come over and I told him Ari wasn't here. He said that wasn't why he wanted to, but come on, I'm not stupid. And after Ari got back from getting her coffee, she kept coming in and out of my room every ten damn minutes I swear. I eventually convinced her to watch a movie with me, which she always falls asleep when we watch movies.. and now here I am, glancing down at my phone as time slowly ticked by. 9:51 pm. Was it too early to go down now? I peeked over at Ari as she snuggled into the pillow beside me, and that's when I made my move. I slowly lifted off of the couch, tiptoeing my way towards my bedroom before grabbing the green sweater with daisies on it that I decided to wear. I put my hair up as well so that way it wouldn't get in my face and borrowed some of Ari's cherry-flavored chapstick just to be safe. Guys probably like that right? After slipping on my sneakers, I glanced back one last time, staring at Ari's sleeping form as I felt like I was committing a crime or something. I was almost twenty and had never snuck out once in my life. So this was all new to me. I took one last deep breath and closed the door before locking it. Then I headed for the elevator, ready to finally do something brave for once. What I wasn't expecting though was the person waiting inside as the doors opened. "Beckett."
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