Chapter 5

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(Elodie) Beckett wanted to make someone jealous. But who? I don't think I've heard of any serious ex-girlfriends he has had. To be honest, I guess I don't know much about him in general. My mind has been so consumed with Hudson, that other things or people around me never really mattered that much. How messed up is that? "Who?" I found myself asking, feeling a lot more curious than I probably should have been. It's not like I would go through with this..whatever THIS was. "Does it matter?" He asked coldly, making me bite the inside of my cheek before looking down at my hands. "Well, you know my it's only fair.." I trailed off, trying to not get emotional again. I just managed to stop crying. Beckett seemed to pause for a few moments, thinking over what I said as I wondered if he would even tell me. "Fine, it's a girl I have a few classes with." He finally stated, making my eyes dart back up to his as he stared at me intently. "Really? Do I know her?" I asked curiously, wondering who this mystery girl could be when he shook his head no. What type of girl would catch Beckett Storm's attention? She must be someone gorgeous...probably super rich too. "That's all I'm going to tell you about her." He stated firmly, causing me to frown as I let out a long sigh. "So what are you trying to say we do? How can we make them jealous?" I asked, feeling confused and frustrated by this whole freaking situation. But from the look that filled Beckett's eyes, I had a feeling that might not have been the best question to ask. Beckett stepped forward as his body hovered above me ominously when a mischievous grin filled his face. "Come on Elodie, you can't be that naive. What do you think would make a guy jealous?" He asked playfully. His voice came out deeper and I couldn't help but shiver in response. "I..well..but then we.." I began to sputter, motioning between us as I wasn't sure how to say what was running through my mind. "Just give me one example, that way I know we are on the same page here." He whispered, acting like a freaking smart-ass and trying to make me even more embarrassed. I swear he was enjoying this way too much. "One example? That's easy..I mean..well..we could..if we were going to do this, then we would probably hold hands." I managed to choke out. The way my heart leaped into my throat caused me to clear it awkwardly as I went to look away. "Hold hands? That's the best you can come up with?" He scoffed, causing that annoyance to rush back as I crossed my arms in front of my chest before glaring up at him. "Whatever..I don't even know why we are talking about this. There is no way we are doing it." I went to turn, ready to leave for real now as I expected Beckett to come after me..but he didn't. And when I went to reach for the door handle, I found myself pausing as I closed my eyes before dropping my head...feeling pathetic. "Please, just don't say anything to him about this. If Hudson finds out about how I really feel.." I trailed off, knowing it really would ruin everything. Hudson doesn't have feelings for me, and he probably never if Beckett told him, it could change everything. "I won't say anything." Beckett stated, his voice right behind me as he suddenly pulled something over my head, making me panic for a moment. But once he kept tugging the object down, I realized it was some type of hoodie, making me glance down in surprise. "It's going to rain later." He explained, causing me to peer over my shoulder as I watched Beckett's muscular back heading towards his dresser. "Go on then, you can leave now." He said coldly, the tone of his voice more clipped as it made me feel kind of guilty. I mean, it's not like he was being super nice before..but he definitely hadn't been this cold. I nodded once, turned to the door, and went to leave. "When you change your mind Elodie. You know where to find me." Those words were the last thing I heard before I stepped into the hall and closed Beckett's door. My feet were frozen in place as I tried to gather the courage to walk down the hallway and face whatever scene might be waiting for me. Would Hudson be flirting with Ari? Would he try to ask her out tonight? And what if she said yes? What if my other best friend has had a secret crush on Hudson all of this time too? Had I just been that freaking oblivious that I misread this whole situation all along? Ugh..this is so frustrating. I took a deep shuddering breath. My eyes locked onto Beckett's door one last time before glancing down at the oversized blue hoodie that now covered me. That was kind of nice, right? I shook my head back and forth, trying to knock these confusing thoughts from my head when I turned and made my way down the dark hallway. Just get downstairs and find Ari. If she is talking with Hudson then I am leaving right away. Truthfully, a part of me just wants to leave without telling her, but I know if I do, it will make her freak out. Besides, we lived together, so there was no avoiding this. I reached my hand out, grabbing the railing on the stairs before heading down slowly. That's when the music began to grow louder as I lifted my hand and clicked off my ear. The house must've doubled with the number of people inside since I was last down here as I squeezed my way through a couple of groups standing around and chatting. I made sure to keep my gaze down as I weaved my way towards the kitchen where I expected to find Hudson and Ari. I could feel my chest tighten with each step, the hurt still so raw as I swallowed down those tears before lifting my chin and scanning the area. Then I saw her. Ari was standing by the counter, her mouth pulled into a wide smile before she threw her head back and let out a laugh. s**t, she was totally flirting right now. I could tell by her body language alone. Then I watched as she reached her hand out, going to touch someone as I held my breath in anticipation. Once the guy came into eyes widened. It..It was Pete..she was flirting with Pete! I felt relief flood through me but was quickly knocked back down when I saw Hudson standing not too far away from them...and he did not look happy. His eyes were glued to Ari as he lifted his beer before placing it against his lips and tilting the bottle back. I could tell he was pissed...and I wondered how the hell I did not pick up on this all sooner. It seemed so obvious now that I know. I chewed my lip nervously, wondering what I should do as I debated just texting Ari to meet me outside when Hudson's gaze snapped up. It was almost like he sensed me here or something. I watched as he straightened his back, those brown orbs narrowing before glancing down at my chest and back up. "El, come here." He mouthed causing me to glance at Ari again when I realized Pete was whispering something into her ear, making her giggle. Yeah, she was too far gone.. So instead I took out my phone, going to text Hudson from across the room. Me: I don't feel too good, I'm just going to head out, okay? I sent to him, glancing back up as I saw confusion fill Hudson's eyes before he reached into his pocket. Then I pulled up Ari's number, going to text her next. Me: Things didn't go too well, I'm going to head out. Want to leave with me? I sent, feeling conflicted..on one hand, I really needed my best friend..but on the other hand..she was partly why tonight took a turn. Obviously not by her own doing..but still, it sucked. I glanced up, noticing Hudson was gone now when he suddenly appeared at my side, scaring me. "What's wrong? Did something happen up there? Where did you get this?" He began firing off questions, making me blink at him in confusion when he suddenly turned me around, checking the back of the hoodie Beckett gave me. Before I could process what Hudson was doing, he turned me around again, making me face him. "Did you take that from Beckett's room?" I shook my head no while wrapping my arms in front of my stomach. Why was he freaking out about this? "He let me borrow it." I whispered, seeing Hudson's eyes widen as he just stood there looking down at me. "Did he touch you El?" Hudson asked, the look on his face turning angry now as I felt my mouth open and close, feeling confused. I mean..he did..but not how I think Hudson is I shook my head no. Hudson was about to say something else, when someone's arm quickly looped through my own, causing me to jump. I turned my head, seeing Ari now standing by my side as I let out a relieved breath. "Hey, you ready to go?" She asked, her lips moving slowly as I felt my head nodding up and down. I wanted to get out of here...bad. The anxiety I felt began to take control, making me squeeze her arm tighter as I peeked over at Hudson briefly, realizing he was staring at Ari now instead. "Want me to give you guys a ride?" He asked her, making me shrink back as I felt like I didn't belong here anymore. Knowing what I do now..I'm sure he just wanted to take her home, not me. "I think we are good, besides, you've been drinking." Ari's mouth rushed out, and I swear I could freaking kiss her right now. God I love my best friend...let's just hope when I tell her what Hudson says..she doesn't confess anything to me either. "El, text me later yeah?" Hudson added, his eyes glancing back down to Beckett's hoodie for a moment before that anger from before seemed to return. "And take that s**t off when you get home." I didn't have to hear the tone of his voice to know he wasn't happy when he said that. Ari began tugging me away, making me wave goodbye to Hudson as he glanced between us before disappearing behind the crowd, and that's when Ari caught my attention again. "Wow, what the hell has got Hudson so jealous?" Jealous? Is that what that was? Wait, does that mean Beckett might be right?
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