Chapter 15

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(Elodie) "What are you doing in here?" I blurted, wondering for a moment if I was seeing things when Beckett suddenly reached out. I watched as his hand pinched the front of my sweater as he gently tugged, making me go stumbling into the elevator. "I told you we were meeting at ten." He stated, reaching around me and pressing a button. I tilted my head back, staring up at Beckett's dark face as the shadows seemed to make him even more handsome. "But... I thought you meant outside. How did you even get in here?" I asked, knowing my dorm had pretty tight security. If you have visitors you have to call ahead of time or they won't let them come up. Beckett just shrugged, not even answering my question as he stared deeply into my eyes. Seeing him towering above me and feeling how close we were together, I suddenly remembered why he was even here in the first place. And that's when my cheeks burst into flames. I darted my gaze down, staring at his full pink lips as I felt my throat dry. That's when Beckett reached his hand up, grabbing the ponytail behind my head before forcing it back. "You look nice with your hair up like this sunshine." He said cooly, making my stomach flip a good thousand times, I swear the elevator was now falling and about to crash into the earth at any moment. Well, that's what my body felt like anyway. "Thanks, I thought it would make things easier for… you know..." I trailed off, feeling embarrassed to finish that sentence. "Elodie Jones, did you Google how to kiss before meeting with me?" He asked, making my mouth fall open. Okay, now I'm really embarrassed. "I-I." "Didn't I tell you I would teach you everything that you need to know?" He whispered, inching down closer to me as I felt my eyelashes start to flutter. Was he going to kiss me right now?! Before I could process what the hell was about to happen, the elevator stopped, making Beckett reach down and take my hand. "Come on, we should have some privacy up here." He said, pulling me out of the elevator as I just floated behind him. This was already making my brain melt and we hadn't even started yet. Suddenly a rush of cool air blew past us, making me shiver as Beckett led me outside. "Wait, are we on the roof?" I asked. Even though I live here, I have never been up here. I always thought it was breaking the rules to go up here. Maybe my dad told me that when I first moved here because he was afraid I would fall off the building or something. "Very perceptive of you." Beckett teased, making me scowl as he continued pulling me along. "Are we supposed to be up here?" I whispered, feeling another breeze blow by as I tried to hide the chill that it brought with it. "Even if we aren't, there's no one around to stop us." He said ominously as a dark smile spread across his face. That's when I realized the type of situation I just put myself in. First off... I didn't even really know Beckett. I mean, I am putting all of my trust in this guy who is known for having a temper and a dangerous side. Second, we are on top of the building where no one will hear us if something happens. And third, I'm freezing my ass off! But with all that being said... why didn't I feel scared? Why did I let Beckett continue to pull me towards the side of the building as I followed behind him blindly? "Here, this is a good spot." Beckett declared, nodding towards a small bench that seemed to be next to a few potted plants. Granted they were all dead... but still, it was kind of beautiful at the same time. I watched as Beckett led me to the bench, his eyes glancing back towards me every few seconds as I felt my heart start to race. Luckily I turned my ear on right before entering the elevator because there was no way I could focus on anything up here. "Are you cold?" He asked out of the blue, sitting me down before taking the seat beside me. "I-I'm okay." I chattered through my teeth, making Beckett scoff before shaking his head. "Elodie, just say you're f*****g cold." He grumbled, making me swallow hard as I nodded yes. That's when he instantly stripped off his hoodie. The same one I borrowed before and shoved it over my head. "What about you?" I rushed, seeing he was just in a plain black T-shirt now. "The cold never bothers me." He said, making me slap my hand over my mouth before fighting a snort. "What?" He asked in confusion. "You just quoted Elsa from frozen." I said, making Beckett look at me in confusion as I realized he had no idea who or what the hell I was talking about. But why is Beckett so much like Elsa? "Nothing, it's nothing." That's when Beckett leaned closer before putting one arm behind me as those icy blue orbs began peering into me. "How do you do that?" He suddenly asked, making my brow furrow as he seemed to be searching my face intently. "Do what?" "Shine so brightly even in the dark." He whispered, the words he just spoke caused my heart to jump into my throat as we just sat there looking at one another. Then I felt it. This pull coming between us. The tension grew more and more by the second as I realized I was about to have my first kiss. But this... this didn't feel like how I thought it would. It didn't feel awkward or planned. It felt, natural. "We are going to start our lessons now." He warned, making me nod as I watched Beckett lean in closer. That's when his hand came to my chin, tilting my head back gently as I closed my eyes. "Just don't think too much about it. Follow my lips." He whispered, the warmth of his breath tickling my skin and then I felt it. I felt the brush of his lips against mine... the subtly of it all at first and how that quickly changed in an instant. That's when Beckett's grip tightened. His mouth pressed against me deeper as I heard some type of whimper escape me. I swear it was like watching the snow fall. Like I was staring straight up at the night sky, not knowing if I was the one flying or if it was the snow that was falling all around me. That's the only thing I can compare this moment to. All I knew right at this moment is that Beckett could kiss. Like really really kiss. I felt his other hand slide up before gripping the base of my throat lightly and tilting me back even further as his body practically engulfed me. I didn't even know what to do, but I didn't think I needed to know. I think Beckett was in so much control of the both of us, that I just had to try and not shrink back. "Open for me." He ordered, making my stomach flip as I did exactly what he said, parting my lips for him as his tongue quickly gained access. I felt our mouths fuse, the way he rolled his tongue against mine had my head spinning, I didn't even know If I could control my body right now. Beckett consumed every single one of my senses, making it so he was all I heard, felt, and tasted for who knows how long it lasted. "Good girl, just like that." He praised, making me moan into him as I began to push back, feeling caught up in the moment. Obviously I had no clue if I was doing it right, but Beckett seemed to be into it. And then I felt something else. Something hard pressed against my thigh as Beckett reached down, lifting me into his lap as shock filled me. "Put your arms around my neck." He commanded, making me hesitate for a moment before finally doing what he said. "That's it, now keep kissing me just like you were." He growled, making me nod before connecting our mouths once more. And that's when I realized I was way too into this. The feel of Beckett beneath me felt so damn good, that I completely forgot why we were here to begin with. Was he thinking about her while he kissed me? That realization made my stomach drop. He had to be, right? But why wasn't I thinking about Hudson then? Why couldn't I picture him while I'm kissing Beckett? I closed my eyes tighter. Willing myself to imagine Hudson as Beckett's breath filled my lungs, taking complete control of my mind. Hudson, you are doing this for Hudson. "Hudson." Beckett pulled back before gripping my ponytail and tilting my head back roughly, making me wince. "Wrong, let's try that again Sunshine." He gritted through his teeth, seeming completely pissed off as I swallowed hard in response. Did I just say that out loud?
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