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"Good." I smirked. My plan is going very well. "I want this written down so that it'll be clear and so that I won't be repeating my self." I instructed with my strict tone. I'm already loving the feeling of acting like a queen I was born to be. The head council waved his hand to a young man holding a scroll of werewolf laws. The young man awaited for my words so that he could write them down. "Reina,you devil. Here we go" I whispered to my wolf. Who is now smiling like an i***t. Sitting straight, formulating my words very well so all of them can understand me clearly. " First, I want my arrival here to be announced as a good news. Take care of the news properly, I want people to know I was their hero before and now. I'm tired of the dirty and scary stories about me. Fix my stained name. " I said spitefully remembering how people gossiped about me being worse than what I am already. "Consider it done, Princess." The head council assured me. I just nodded. Deep breaths before I drop the bomb. "I am to be the next Queen of the whole Kingdom, the first Female Alpha of Golden Crescent Pack, and this council is to lift up the restrictions of me being mated. " I projected my words like a real queen. Everyone was shocked to what they have heard me say. But the head council was expecting this from me and this was the only choice they have now so they can remain in their position. He moved forward kneeled before me and bowed his head. " Then you shall be queen,Princess." He said and looked up. " That is what you're born to be." He added. Everyone else followed his actions. " Prepare the ceremony today,Head Council." I instructed. " I am to be crowned queen before sunset." And I left the room. Carrying in my hands the sealed letter from the high council. I have to read it privately and plan my next move. I need to be well prepared. I happen to know a place where I can think right. A huge door appeared in my eyes at the end of the hallway. My father's office. The King's private room. I was like his shadow, following him always. I just love learning from his lessons and lectures. I was his perfect daughter. A part of me felt coming here was a familiar thing, I'd like to imagine he was just behind the door, working. I touched the door handle and pushed it open. Some furnitures were replaced but the desk was still the same, the leather chair was still the same. And it hit me,the pain. I didn't notice my eyes had tears now. When I felt it slide down my checks. I touched my face and looked at my fingers wet with my tears. I wiped it away and told myself it's useless to cry. I can't bring back the dead but I can still live his legacy. I locked the door behind me and went to the chair to sit. I inhaled air before opening the letter. After reading the invitation letter, we are being offered a position in the council as a member. How bold of them to send this. Tomorrow is the high council meeting and the letter was addressed to the one acting-in-charge since the King is dead. "I feel like attending it." Reina suggested again excitedly. "Yes, we should." I answered her. Didn't I say follow your guts? Or is it just because my wolf is excited about something? I guess we'll know it when we get there. Someone knocked twice on the and have a moment before opening it, the head council stood and bowed a little. " Everything's ready now, Your Highness." He said with a proud smile on his face. He might be feeling good today because he finally had a solution to the current problem. I am his biggest problem but he doesn't know that yet. I smiled to my thoughts. " What about the current queen, my step-mother?" I suddenly remembered her. She was distant to me as well as my half-sister. Shouldn't she be objecting? Since I came here, I never saw her around. " She died a year ago, Princess. After that, the King could no longer hold it together, he longed to see you but majority of the Council objected. He became more depressed and eat too little everyday and his body gave up. " He said without even a hint of sadness in his voice. "When my father pleaded for the council to see me, how did my step mother reacted?" I said coldly. Looking at him showing no emotion. I cannot show any emotions to these kind of people. They'll take it as my weakness. "She shared your father's grief, Your Highness. " he simply replied. I went silent and no longer asked him questions and he must have remembered why he came to me. "Your ceremonial dress is already in your room,Princess. Should we bring your lunch to your room as well?" He offered like he cares for my help. Now I'm starting to be suspicious. "Sure." I replied. He left after bowing. "What do you think, Reina?" I asked my wolf. Not because I like hearing her opinion but I know she can always see through people. "I don't trust him. Maybe you should replace him when you become queen." She suggested. "There will be time for that." I assured her. The throne room is where the ceremony will be held. Important people from the pack attended as well as those who are curious enough to want to see me. Their new queen. I did not allow the neighboring Alphas to know what is about to happen today. I wanted them to meet me personally after I've taken care of the war. It's not that I can keep it a secret for a long time. Our library have all the names of important families and their histories, I've spent my time reading about them since I was curious of the outside world when I was young, I wasn't able to socialize when my cursed wolf appeared. My father have planned a grand birthday celebration for me when it was my turn to have my wolf. When my father was still alive, I was confident that I was safe from spies but when he died, I'm sure for a short time, enemies will take it as an opportunity to have the kingdom watched at all times. I bet they have their spies here watching over me now that I am new here. Nobody has seen me except my pack members and those rouges I turned into my loyal servants. Now that I've appeared, they have already concluded I'm no visitor in the kingdom. I'll have to get back to my mountain after this and gather my warriors. But first this place needs a make-over. Time for a regime change.
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