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I arrived at the palace gate with Mr. Gibbs as my escort. I dared not bring any of my warriors with me before the council because they believed I was living a solidarity life alone in the mountain. The slight problem was Mr. Gibbs saw my little town deep in the mountains so I had to talk to him to skip the part where he saw everyone. I gave him a well detailed story of how he had found me in the woods. I know messengers from the palace are being inquired of their duty concerning how the important letter was delivered and received by the recipient. I was carrying the unopened letter, which I don't find necessary to open anymore because I did not came here for the council. I've come for a different reason. If they wanted my help they better give me something good today. Asking help from the devil is no free game. This time there's no Alpha or father to keep me in line for their own benefits. "G-good morning, Princess Ameira." The palace guard at the gate greeted me. He couldn't believe his own eyes that he'd be able to meet the devil today. I did not answer him and just nodded. He didn't clearly see my face as I was wearing a black cloak. It's not that I am ugly, it's just that some of the elders in the neighborhood still recognized my face and I don't want to cause a scene or attract attention. Knowing that I'm back will surely cause discomfort to the whole kingdom. I've been brought to the entertainment room by the messenger. All were instructed to leave this room especially the servants. I looked around the room, nothing has changed in this room. The grand piano is still placed near the long, wide window overlooking the palace garden. Just like how I remembered it, I thought to myself. "Excuse me, miss. May I inquire, who are you? And what are you doing in this room? " A young lady, wearing a fine gown in the shade of pink. Her eyes were as grey as pale ash and her skin is flawless like she had not done a single work in her life. She was beautiful, like a real princess. If my guess is right, this would be my half sister. She have changed a lot and she now have a body of a real woman. "I'm home." I simply said. Not even bothering to remove my cloak. "Home? This is my home and I have never seen you from around here. You must be a stranger. Please escort yourself out. Before I call the palace guards." She threatened gracefully. She must have been offended by my reply. I did not address her right and not even greeted her good morning. I would rather die than bow down to my half sister. I thought to myself. "Go on, then. Call them." I said with no care at all. Before she could shout, the door leading to the throne room opened. A group of elders entered the room, bowed in unison. The head of the council took a step forward for a proper courtesy. " It's good to see you again, Princess Ameira. Forgive us for disturbing you. This matter is urgent." He said respectively. " You're wasting precious time with all the courtesy, let's get down to business." I replied coldly. My half sister is still standing in the corner with her mouth open. I did not even bothered introducing myself to her since she'll probably avoid me after knowing I'm here. The elders led the way and we ended up entering another room which I recognized very well, the banquet hall. "Please sit down and eat breakfast, Your Highness. We know it's been a long journey coming here to answer our summon." He invited me full of enthusiasm in his voice. A servant in his forties was two feet away from me bowing slightly and waiting for me to give him my cloak. I slowly untied the ribbon of my cloak and gave it to him and so he went to the corner and held my cloak as if his life depended on it. Revealing my face to the elders and council members, their eyes admiring me, some of them smiled seeing my face again. Which I feel something was off with them. I didn't see any fear or doubt in their eyes. I stared back at them with my sharp and cold eyes and all they could do is avert their eyes. I know I was beautiful. Too beautiful to be a devil. My face has a distinct beauty, which enhances my strict and distant side of personality. I had long black hair, black pupil resting on my cold eyes while my face and skin complexion is white but not pale because I had spent most of my time outdoor. I was wearing a simple white gown made of silk. Wrapping my figure like a second skin and my breast showing enough cleavage. My body was perfectly toned because of the constant training but I have not failed to take care of the beauty I posses. My father always said I looked more like my mother. She was beautiful, strong and smart. Like a perfect queen. I walked gracefully until I've reached the end of the table. All eyes on me. Another servant came rushing to move my chair for me to sit. I sat down, all members of the council followed my action and started eating. We ate in silence. I didn't eat much as I was more like watching them. The head council decided to break the awkward silence. " We're glad you're here now, Princess." He started. " If you have noticed, Your Highness, the former council members that have sent you away have died along the years. Now we've replaced them with new members. " He continued informing me with the big changes. I looked up from my plate. Looking at him in the eye and started reading his next words which I recited perfectly to him. " So you've decided you needed me back because my father is dead and you think my half- sister is pathetically weak that she can never handle this kingdom even if she finds her mate. " I said directing his words back to him. My words silenced them all. He was surprised. Shock even. Then he recovered from his reaction shortly. But he did not continue his words showing that he's worried that he might say the wrong words and might sabotage their only chance to seek for my help. So I've decided to share my opinion. A mind-blowing one. " Everyone knows I'm forbidden to be mated." I said with all seriousness. " Or should I say, the council forbid me to be mated." I paused and watched their eyes reading each thought. Everyone is so anxious to where my words are going. They don't know I can read their thoughts and that's one thing I'd like to keep doing. Perks of being a devil. My wolf right now is so focused and I'm starting to like her. " Even if my sister finds a mate and bear a son, her blood is not as pure as mine. In simple words, her son or daughter will still be weak like her. " I stated another fact. Some bowed down their head and avoided my eye contact showing they have thought about it too. " I'm the last person here who happens to have the purest and most noble blood of a werewolf. " I added. I'm smiling in my mind to how my thoughts are working right now. Each member is waiting for my next words. " What you said was true, Princess." The head council spoke when I didn't continue. He looked at me with pleading expression still urging me to speak my mind but I did not give what he wants. The idea will have to come from him. Which he will do in a matter of time and that is, now. " We've thought about all of it before summoning you here, Princess. We were hoping you'd help us with the crises. Neighbouring packs know your sister is weak and right now our pack is awaiting for war. They believe your bloodline is now extinct and no longer believe that our pack is the strongest. " He informed me with worry and handed me another letter, but the seal was new to me. He must have noticed me looking at the seal, so he felt like I still needed an added information since I was not around when the changes happened. "It's the invitation of the high council, Princess. Without an heir to the throne, the twelve neighboring alphas formed an alliance which is now called the high council. " He added. " Is this council not the highest? If they have a high council now, what does this council do?" I pointed out for everyone. Now, I understand why they have summoned me. The high council is now leading the decisions and not them. They no longer value this council because their king have died. I'm starting to see it clearly. This council is hungry for power. That can be negotiated but with a great price. For now, I need to damage their pride. " Without a king, this council cease to exist." Another council member interjected. " As the council of the Dead king, what solution have you came up with?" I asked them. Silence. "Will you fight with us when your sister takes the throne as queen?" The head council asked. So he still think I'm a tool. A killing machine. I get it now, they want me to fight another war for them. After that I'm back to my lonely mountain. Like I'd let that happen. I've got better plans in my mind. "Half-sister." I corrected him. " And my answer is, No." I said with cold eyes. "If that is all, I'll be heading back to my mountain. Good luck with the war." I added and walked slowly towards my cloak. "Princess, please hear us out." The head council said panicking. I stopped for my steps and slowly turned to face them again. "I'm waiting." I said after a short silence. "We need your help so badly, Princess. Please don't abandon us. You saved us before, we know somewhere in your heart you still care for this pack. Is it not why you have come when we summoned you?" He said those words convincingly. Like I would believe that s**t. "I'll help when my desires are met." I said coldly. They looked at each other and nodded. They're action was now an act of desperation. "We'll hear you out, Princess." The head council said, defeated.
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