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Walking around the palace made me feel like a stranger. It's been seven long years. This was my home before. These walls made me feel safe from scrutinizing gazes of my pack members. They never saw me like a princess after discovering my cursed nature. They were more afraid of me than my demon wolf. They would stare at me with horror, avoiding to cross paths with me and they would start whispering to each other after I turn to leave. They avoided me and so I never had any friends. Not even one. Young ladies like my age would talk loudly about their admirers and the boys that they like while I listen. Those days made me feel alone, more alone than I have been in the SilverClaw Mountain. I spent my childhood following my father. Doing my best to fulfill my duty and making him proud. My father was my friend. I saw two palace guards outside my old room. A woman in maid's uniform, a little older than my sister, approached me. " I'll be at your service, Your Highness." Bowing down submissively. We entered my room, and saw my gown. The sleeves had elegant embroidery like rose vines shining like tiny diamonds. Perfect for being the star of the night. "Wait for me here." I said as I glanced to my maid. I did not wait for her reply and started walking towards the bathroom. The place looked well maintained. Like I never left. I made a quick warm shower and went out wearing a white robe. "What's your name?" I asked her. Went to the wardrobe to get my undergarments. She turned around when she saw me untying the robe. "Macy, Your Highness." She replied shyly. "Help me with the gown, please." I asked her with a friendly tone so that she doesn't get scared of me. I needed someone doing her job right not someone who trembles everytime I give instructions. "O-of course. P-princess." She stammered when she saw me walked with only underwear while my hands covered my breasts. " Don't feel awkward, Macy. We're both women." I told her when she keeps averting her eyes from me. She helped me with the gown, make-up and my hair. I told her I wanted my make up to be light and my hair just straightened. Now, the last piece were my jewelries. Family heirlooms from the treasury. Hundreds of signature piece from each King and Queen that has been crowned in the kingdom left the palace with great fortune of inheritance. It's been a glamorous tradition that a new king or queen must have a set of jewelry as signature piece. People from all over the kingdom would come to see it worn. Thousands of centuries have passed and hundreds of Alpha and Luna have been crowned, each have their own signature piece. The numbers of jewelry set, heirlooms, all kinds of valuable stones in the treasury, unimaginably overflowing. All of it were secured in a big room that looks like a volt and were always heavily guarded at all times. Macy was about to place the ruby necklace on my neck but I stopped her. She was confused at my actions. " Get me a jewelry set that can blend with the colors of my ring." I instructed her showing her my ring. She bowed and left. After ten minutes, she came back with Mrs. Morisse, she was in charge in safekeeping the jewelry. She entered my room enthusiastically, she stopped halfway across the room and performed proper courtesy. She walked towards me, walking with ease on her high heels as if it was part of her body. Carrying my mother's signature piece in her hands on a framed wooden rectangular box. " Your mother's jewelry set have lost a ring, Your Highness." She informed me. "Nothing was lost." I told her as I held up my hand in front of her to show her the missing ring. She was shocked, more like displeased. "I thought it was stolen a few years ago,Your Highness. I was surprised that your father didn't punished me after losing it and he just told me that it may have been misplaced. I didn't know you took it." She said. " I didn't took it, Father took it and gave it to me before I was sent to the mountain." I told her while I was still looking at the mirror. " These were your mother's favorite, Your Highness. I understand" she said and walked towards me carrying a jewelry set with big-rounded emeralds same as my ring. "You have a very good taste in jewelry, Princess. " She added and very pleased with my choices. After wearing my jewelries, I looked at the mirror one last time and was pleased to my appearance. I did look like her. Now, I believe my father was telling the truth. I always thought he just wanted me to feel good. "It's time." I said to them and walked to the door. Knowing my life would change completely after the ceremony and there's no going back at this. The door of the throne room was closed but I can hear people inside. The trumpet signalled everyone that I have arrived and the ceremony is about to begin. The door opened and the crowd were on their places. Standing at the front of their seats but their heads were turned to my direction. It's a long aile to for me to walk. As I have reached the end of the aile, the four tall elderlies wearing red coats and holding my crown started the ceremony. I kneeled on the palace floor, listening as he spoke words of wisdom and started praying to the Goddess. How Ironic. A devil asking guidance and blessings from a Goddess. I heard my wolf chuckle at the words coming out from the elders. Maybe we both share the same humor. I felt something heavy rested on my head. Well, I was being crowned. Wearing a crown is not as simple as it looks, a crown carries a kingdom and it's people and I will be burdened with their future. They're all under my care now as queen. "Rise and May the Goddess have mercy on you." The elders stepped back as I rose from kneeling. I faced everyone and noticed one seat has been left empty in front of me. Looks like my half-sister doesn't approve the idea of me being queen. "Long live the queen!" The crowd cheered. They do look happy. Some are quiet and curious. Some faces looked relieved. Finally there's someone with a good potential will lead them. This will be written in history. That there was once a devil who saved the day.
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