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After the ceremony. Everyone went to the banquet hall to celebrate. It was dinner so everyone was at their table eating while I was at the end of the table pretending to be one of them but my thoughts were wandering some place else. My mountain. I hope Luca is doing a great job or else he'd regret meeting me. I was so lost at my thoughts I did not hear the council members were wishing me well and gifts from important people are being landed on my feet as their offering. " Are you okay, My Queen? The head council asked and brought me back to my senses. "Yes." I answered right away. "Will you give us a speech?" He asked again. "Sure." I responded to his request. Standing up with a drink in my hand. I raised my hand to signal the musicians to stop for a while. People's head started to turn at my direction. Waiting in silence. "Lovely evening, everyone. Thank you all for coming for this special occasion. Wishing me well and for the gifts. Those were deeply appreciated." I paused. To have a little emotional impact to the crowd. " It's unfortunate that Our Beloved King, my father, was not here to witness me on this special day." I said and looked at everyone. Men bowed their heads and women touched their chest with the same expression on their faces. Sadness. Sympathy. Those were the emotions I needed to continue. They have to be on the same page as me. "With his death our kingdom was being threatened. I know we are still mourning the loss of my great father, but I encourage all of you to be strong. I believe we will get through this together. " I said. My words hit everyone to the core. They're very much threatened and scared when they lost a leader. People are so easy to manipulate now that I am queen. I've learned a lot from the devil for seven years she's been manipulating rouges. " My father once told me a real leader knows how to sacrifice. We have lived this long with him. We have witness what kind of man he was.. a man true to his words. " I continued. I shared them words that my father, have always reminded me and they nodded in unison. Agreeing to everything I've just said. "With me, as your Queen. I will hold on to his words and wisdom that he left me. I promise that his legacy and bloodline will continue through me. I will ask nothing more from all of you, only your faith in me. " I said sincerely. And that sincerity was answered by a loud cheerful applause from my audience. Buying every word I said. "Thank you and have a goodnight." I said and turned to leave. Tomorrow is something more important than this. Morning came. I wanted to go for a run like my usual routine but this isn't like the mountains anymore. People are all over the place. I'm more comfortable with rouges now. No courtesy, no formalities, no royal etiquettes. We eat with our hands, on wide leaves as our plates. We live so simple. Surviving the forest was way more easy than living in this palace. Too many rules. I'm starting to be like Reina. I want to bend some rules. But not today. It can wait, I will have to prepare. The sun wasn't fully showing and I was up already. I went to the bathroom to take my time and enjoy the shower. My wardrobe now is full of dresses and gowns. I'm no longer in the cold mountain so I don't have to wear furry coats all the time. I decided to wear something light. A simple white silk pencil cut dress. My breasts aren't too big or too small. It's just the perfect size for my body. It's a little tight for me but I can still breathe so I shouldn't worry because the dress made my hips look wider and my belly flat. "A little seductive for a white dress." I commented on my self while looking at the mirror. I covered the part of my body that is still showing skin with black cotton coat with the same length with my dress. Opening another huge cabinet, I looked at the collection of shoes they've prepared for me. I picked up a pair of classy white plain looking heels. I don't really like walking in heels but this day is an exception. Something's tells me I needed to look good today. Someone rather. "You look perfect, Ameira." Reina said with a smirk. I feel like she was up to something but I just don't want to ask her because I know she'd only make fun of me. So I don't want to give her the satisfaction of messing with me. Satisfied with my look for today, I headed for the door but it opened before I could even reach the handle. It was Macy. She looked at me like she couldn't believe her eyes. I'm already up and well dressed. Suddenly she got scared. "Good morning,Your Highness." Bowing and made sure she didn't forget to address me well. "I- m s-sorry, Your Highness if I was late." She continues. "Hush,now Macy. I woke up early and it's not your fault. It's still too early for breakfast to be done but I need mine right now. I'll see you at the banquet hall,Macy." I interrupted her and gave her a different job. She quickly left to do what I have said. I've decided I needed to see someone before I leave for an important meeting with the high council. My half-sister. Her name is Amber. Her room is just a few doors away so I've decided to disturb her sleep. Just something fun to start my day. I did not bother knocking. I entered her room and saw her sleeping on her bed. I wonder what time does she wake up every morning. Maybe high noon because she never looked tired since when we were kids. "Wake up, Princess." I made my voice authoritative and intimidating. She woke up squinting her eyes, when her vision cleared and saw me. She jumped out of bed wearing her white night gown. Bowing her head in submission. "G-good morning, My queen." She greeted me and looked up. She was confused why was I in her room this too early morning. "Get up and get dress as fast as you can. You're coming with me. " I ordered her and left her room. I went straight to the banquet hall for my breakfast. It was simple. Bacon,eggs, pancakes, fruits and juice but I don't really complain. It's not my nature to complain when I have simple things. I finished my breakfast so quickly. Amber appeared in front of me and sat at the table to have her breakfast. And I watched her eat. She was wearing a simple baby pink dress. Making her look so innocent and young. I don't hate her. I never did. I was just distant because her mother was so overprotective of her from me. "Why didn't you come to my ceremony?" I inquired. " I wasn't feeling well." She answered. Liar. " You don't feel well with me being your queen." I retorted. It made her stop slicing her pancakes. "No, your Majesty " her voice low and submissive. " You're not a good liar, Princess Amber." I pointed out. " Speak your mind, Princess. You are not a Princess for no reason. We were raised differently but I'm sure father did not forget to teach you his leadership skills. If you have something to say, say it now. I'm listening." I said like I was lecturing her for the first time. She went silent for a minute. Composing some words in her head. I was just watching her facial expressions since she was busy slicing pancakes. " I don't hate you, Your Majesty. I didn't attend your ceremony yesterday because I feel like a joke. People see me as a weak leader. I wasn't really sure I'd be fit for the position. I'm sorry if I have offended you with my absence on your special day. Forgive me, My Queen." She said honestly. "Stop addressing me as your Queen or your Majesty when we're talking at regular basis." I told her. I just get tired hearing those words. "B-but it's against the rules of courtesy, Your Majesty, and I don't know what to call you. Without those, I'd sound disrespectful." She countered. " Call me sister." I suggested. She looked surprised with my sincere words. She looked at me waiting for me to say I was joking but I looked at her with seriousness. She nodded to tell me she agrees silently.
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