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Morning came quickly after the long night. I woke up early and went for a run. I always trained myself like I was about to do battle the next day. When the sun start peaking at the top of the mountain, I start to run again but this time I'm heading to the battle grounds. I need to train my people. I made this place like a little pack. Because my blood is stronger than any other Alpha, I can control these untrained wild beast of rouges and train them like killing machines. My wolf used to have fun hunting rouges and killing them on the spot. I think she just love doing her job which is being completely evil. But then I started hating myself because of her and a thought crossed my mind. If my pack won't accept me, I'll make my own pack. This time no ones overqualified. I didn't do it right away because my father doesn't know this and this may cause him a big trouble and I just couldn't have the heart to burden him even more than I already did. But I just can't keep bathing in blood everytime I cross path with rouges. Before I was sent away I had spent every night studying about my wolf hoping I could find a cure but there was none. I am doomed like a million times over because I'll be forever stuck with this devil. I had to be head strong. It's true that there are some things we cannot change and all we can do is live with it. So here I am, living with it. I stopped running when I've reached the battle grounds. Some wolves started their routine trainings. I watched from afar with satisfaction filling my heart. Somehow I needed to socialize, I can't just live alone in the mountain like some lunatic. "So who wants to train like a real fighter today?" I said as I approached everyone. They were startled when they heard my voice. They stopped what they're doing and bowed down. "Goodmorning Princess." I heard the majority murmured and I waived my hand to tell them to continue their training and not mind me. "It'll be my honor to fight you today, Princess." Luca said while bowing to me. He's my first rouge to ever try blood fusion with my alpha blood. Guess what? I tried to stop my heart once and he died with me for a split second. I was amazed with the power I hold. In short, If I die, all of them will come with me. That's what Reina told me after my little death experiment with myself. My blood was poison to their veins if I die but as long as I live my healing qualities are exquisite. Faster and better than any other wolf. It's like sharing my gift but the truth is, they were bargaining life with the devil. "The return must be greater than what was given." Reina once quoted. Spoken like a true devil. They do know about this since I'm not hiding it from them so basically to my advantage they can never go against me or conspire to kill me. What can I say? Devils are smart. "It's okay Luca, let them have their chance." I said as my eyes travelled around the crowd. There I spotted Riley, the newly recruit. "Wanna give it a try, Riley?" He looked at me assessing if he's next decision is right or wrong. "S-sure." He said after a short silence. The crowd started clearing for both of us. As the looks of it, seems like he wants to fight in human form but with claws on. I showed him my claws and shock was so clearly shown on his face. "Focus." I said cutting off his shock. I know he'll get distracted. My claws are silver. Like well sharpened knives. And note this. I'm the only wolf not affected by silver. One and only. Why? Simple answer. It's the devil's work. "Gifts" Reina calls it. He attacked first attempting to claw my throat but I simply dodge the attack like it was so natural for me. Before he could even turn around, I'm already on his back and my left arm vined his neck with my razor sharp silver claws touching his skin, burning it while my claw rests on his throat. Before he could attack again my right hand twisted his hand on his back. My claw digged a little deeper in his sudden move, now his neck is starting to bleed. "Hush, now.. we wouldn't want to get killed today." I whispered behind his ears. He raised his other arm to signal defeat and so I loosened my grip and slowly let him go. " Wanna try again?" I asked him a challenging question. " Yes, Princess." He answered, this time with determination to win. Now that is something to start with, determination. I'm starting to like this kid. "That's the spirit." I remarked. Smiling like a devil and yes, I do love challenges. He started use his speed in fighting. Which made me happy to be able to have a fight like this. Someone not holding back because of fear. I know he's scared but I admire how he fought his fears to put up a good fight with me. This kid needs a good training. He is fast but not as fast as me. I heard his rigid breathing and that's the cue, he's starting to slow down because he is tired now. For the second time, he's defeated again. "You're so hard to beat up, Princess." He said after he fell down on the ground. " You'll get better." I told him with a little appreciation in my voice. " Kili, train Riley as hard as you can." I told Killian who's just around the crowd watching the fight. He's one of my favorite warriors and I trained him personally. He nodded in response. "I need him to be as sharp as you " I added. Then left the battle grounds to do other stuff. I was at the front porch of my cabin, my hand aimed for the door handle when I was interrupted by Luca's message through our mind link. " A man here claims to be a messenger from the Golden Crescent Pack. What should I do to him, Princess?" Luca reported. "Bring him to me." I ordered. I was sitting on my chair looking over the beautiful view from my window, green trees surrounded the mountain and I can hear the birds singing in delight of today's good weather. But I have a feeling today is not as good as it looks like, I feel something heavy in my heart but I cannot muster what.. nobody from my old pack comes visit me. Even my father. I feel this might be important. A knocked on the door made me turn my head to the door. And a man dressed in a royal messenger uniform from the palace was holding a letter sealed with a red stamp. He handed me the letter, and bowed his head. I expected him to leave immediately, but he stood there. Waiting for something. I looked at him in the eye and his thoughts we battling if wether he should say something or not. And it disturbed me. "Speak." I said not breaking eye contact. I needed to know if he's telling the truth. "P-princess Amiera, forgive me but I have to break the news to you. Please don't get mad at me. I'm just a m-messenger.." he stammered. "What is it!?" I said being impatient. He was shock at my response and decided to get straight to what is his purpose here. " The elders and the council summons you to the palace, Princess. It's urgent. A-and.. I-i a-am s-sorry that..." He was mumbling his words because of his uncontrollable trembling. " Speak clearly please. I need to get the information right. I won't harm you, I promise." I calmly said so that he can relax a little bit. "Y-your father's dead, Princess.aHe died two days ago." He said bluntly and closed his eyes. Hoping I would keep my promise. The news was like a bomb but I can hear nothing but a deafening silence and the loud banging in my chest. "Get out." Was all I can master to say. I wanted to scream. I wanted to kill someone. "It's okay to kill someone, Amiera. It's not something we haven't done before" Reina suggested, not even respecting the pain I felt for my father. "Go to hell!" I shouted at her in my head. Throwing her at the back of my mind. I don't need her and her stupid evil suggestions. I have to let this out. I sat on the chair. I wanted to cry but no tears came down my eyes.Am I going to get through this? I'm starting to feel pain while I stared at nothingness. I felt numb. I just can't believe it. I refuse to believe it. I wasn't even there when he was taking his last breath. He was the only good I ever had in my life when the whole world turned against me. Any daughter would be so lucky to have him. My half-sister was the luckiest, I guess. She was able to spend time with him which I never did, because what choice do I have? His death was a big loss for the kingdom but he was much more than that to me. He's my greatest loss. I don't have anyone else but him. I kept going through the hard times because I knew he'll always be there for me, to protect and love me in spite of being cursed. I always feel that he understands me better than anyone else. I owe him my life. Everything that I have now, everything that I am now, I learned from him. He dedicated his early days on training me, making me perfect, grooming me to be the best leader but all his efforts were all for naught when I turned up to have the demon wolf, earlier than I was expected to turn. I will always remember that one cursed day, my sixteenth birthday. I was so happy when I heard my wolf's voice in my mind. We were on the training grounds, the royal arena of the palace, doing my daily training with my father and other pack members. After I heard her voice, a very powerful and dark aura visibly emitted from my body, turning my eyes into a glowing shade of yellow, my claws weren't black but silver. My father saw my half-turned wolf state. He instantly knew what my wolf is. The cursed demon wolf. Everyone saw what I was and from then on, I was given a street name of SilverClaw. My father forbade people in mentioning my name and started to make me live in secret. I will be in great danger when other packs find out about me. People refered to me as SilverClaw when they can't help themselves from gossiping and discussing my very being. I stayed in my office the whole day. No breakfast or lunch, I lost my appetite. I was staring at the sky outside. Watching the clouds turn grim. It's almost sundown. Time flies so fast. But I just needed time to calm down, before I lose control. I've decided, I needed to know more. The council must be so desperate to summon the devil. "Bring him back here." I mind-linked Luca. After a short moment, I heard Luca knocked and opened the door. Both of them entered with their faces unsure of what will be their fate the moment they face me. But to their surprise, they did not see the angry version of me but the calm and cold expression written all over my face. For all those hardship my father invested in me, I'll make sure it was not wasted, not by me. "Leave us." I told Luca, then motioned for the messenger to sit down in front of my desk while I question him. He sat nervously. He didn't feel comfortable to be in one room with me. " How did he die? Was he murdered?" I asked him with a sharp look. If ever someone did, I'd make sure justice will be served by my very own hands. "No, Princess. Your father, the Alpha, has started to get sick after a year that you've been sent away. He was heartbroken and everyday we see his pain. He longed to see you Princess but the council would not let him. He started eating less and less until his body gave up." He narrated those words with sadness in every word. I know our people loved my father dearly. He gave up so much for all of them,even his daughter. I've realized I've caused my father so much suffering, he endured seven years of sadness before he died. "Why was I summoned?" I asked him. "T-the council instructed me to bring you back to the palace,Princess. The kingdom is facing a great crisis and in need of help. " he answered me. "What kind of help?" I inquired. "The news of your father's death had spread all over the kingdom, Princess. The head of the council shared me some information why you were summoned. He said that there's a group of Alphas that have threatened us. We needed someone like you to help us win the war right now because we don't have a real leader." he informed me. "What about my half sister?" I stated coldly. " Your sister just turned sixteen a month ago and has not mated yet, Princess. Even if she does soon, she doesn't know the ways of war." He said worriedly. " Then wait for her to find her mate.She may be mated to an alpha who could help lead the crown's warriors." I didn't have time to get to know my half sister. She was born when I was nine years old. After my mother died, my father had a hard time finding a good Luna. I was busy training while my sister was spoiled by her mother living like a real princess. She went to school and made friends while I was home schooled by our father. She was carefree and lived her life happily. She wasn't trained like me by our father since her mother would always object the idea of her daughter getting a scar. She never believe war would come since she always boasted that we're the strongest wolves and her daughter has a birth right to be a potential queen. She trained her to be glamorous, sophisticated, graceful and elegant so she will look perfect when the day comes she gets crowned. I was all sweat and she was just sitting pretty. Now I wonder where that got her. When father decided to be married again, I did not object. I was actually hoping he would find happiness again. Losing my mother made him sad all the time, even when he doesn't show it. His eyes says it clearly. Everytime he looks at me, I sense his pain and grief of losing my mother. She died giving birth to me. He once said that I reminded him of her and that I looked like her. I would look at the paintings of her in the palace and would wonder if my father was telling the truth or he just maybe wanted to make me feel good because he knew I was having a hard time in my life. "It was so easy for them to send me away when they found out about my wolf because my replacement was always favored." I said bitterly. "Now, tell me what's the real deal here." I added. I know my half-sister can be a potential successor but there's something else that bothers me. A gut feeling. " The council members said that your half sister is half low born that even if she finds her mate, she will not be strong enough to protect the whole kingdom from other neighboring packs,Princess." He blurted out. He looks at me depressingly. " She's not lowborn. She still have my father's blood in her veins and she can still breed and continue the bloodline." I told him. I wasn't entirely taking my half sister's side and was merely stating a fact. I didn't want to leave my mountain since I love the peace here. " You're right, Princess. But the crown's allied packs will not listen to the council anymore. They will only honor the pure blooded Kingsleys, the blood of the first werewolf and the chosen families. Everyone in the palace are starting to feel uneasy, because they feared for their lives, because war is always destructive. Please, Princess help us. Our people depends on you. " This time he was pleading. I rested my back at the wooden chair I was sitting. Trying to weigh my decisions. But I have someone who can help me decide. "What do you think, Reina?" I asked my wolf. "A lot have change in the outside world, Amiera. Don't go to battle unprepared. " She answered. I'm a little surprised she was talking some sense. I looked at the messenger one last time. He has calmed down now. "What's your name?" I asked out of the blue. " Arnold Gibbs, Your Highness." He stood from his chair and bowed as he introduced himself to me. " I'm sorry for not asking your name first before asking questions." I apologized as a Princess because that's not what was taught to me before. I was rude now and not acting as a Princess anymore. Maybe because I've been accompanied by rouges these past seven years. He smiled and nodded. I stood from my chair and walked towards the door, as he saw my movement he quickly followed and opened the door for me. Luca was standing outside like a Royal Guard. "Give Mr. Gibbs the guest room." I instructed Luca then turned to Mr. Gibbs. "Rest for the night and we'll be heading to the Palace tomorrow morning." I said and went back to my desk. When I heard the door closed behind me, all I could think about right now is another problem. Leaving this place. I just hope I don't accidentally cross paths with him. My mate.
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