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Amiera's POV "Hmmm.. this is good." I said as I sat in a carefree manner facing the sunset while I closed my eyes enjoying the cold breeze of fresh air blowing on my face.  "It'll be better if you leave this stupid place." My wolf answered. Disturbing the peace I am currently enjoying. I just ignored her most of the time because she is pure evil. So I pushed her at the back of my mind. I tried to give her a better name like Lily or Maddie but she told me she's the queen of the underworld and she's stubborn as hell to argue with so I let her have her own chosen name. Reina. It's almost sundown, the darkness already covered half of the SilverClaw Mountain. It was formerly called the Forbidden Mountain but the name was changed because of me. People renamed this mountain for my honor and memory. They treated this Mountain like it was my tomb, like I was long dead. This mountain is still part of my pack's territory but it's too big to even guard it from rouges and so it was abandoned for ages until I was sent here. If there is one thing my pack is still thankful for me, this would be my very dangerous job -driving out rouges. Or so they thought.  I don't really drive them out, at least not all of them. Actually it depends on Reina who to kill and when to make them useful. Well, sometimes it depends on their attitude towards me at first meeting. They better use their wits on survival when facing someone like me. Just like my little minion Luca. He was acting like my right hand. There's actually five hundred of them in this mountain living with me or shall I say living in isolation with me, in secret. The council gave me a place that I could be alone, so that I could not harm anyone else except rouges. This mountain was swarming with rouges when I first got here. I started my first day on the spot, killing them one by one until I was bathing in blood. My wolf is the cursed one. She appears once in every generation and the person who possesses that wolf is forbidden to live another day and is killed at once. But my father, The King, loved me so much that he could not bring to himself to kill me. I am the only child, his only living remembrance from his beloved Luna, The Queen. My mother came from one of the first born werewolf bloodline as well, but her whole family was killed during the war which made her the only living Hechanova bloodline. She was mated to my father who came from the Kingsley bloodline. The very first werewolf the Goddess created. Armani Kingsley. Who was said to have been the Goddess's lover. She gave him abilities and gifts so he can protect his Royal Kingdom from his enemies. Then she created more after that. She was pleased with her creation so she created more high born bloodline, Hechanova, Dragonov, Voltaire, Remises, Smith and fifteen more high born bloodline. The chosen families. The high born families were chosen by the Goddess for one purpose, to maintain and preserve the purity of Kingsley's. But she was not yet contented, and created werewolves of regular size and lesser kind, so the High borns can rule over them. She created this order to please her lover, Armani. The Goddess and Armani had a son, Jovanni Kingsley who then continued the Kingsley Bloodline. But not all love stories have happy endings, Armani later left the Goddess and married a high born she-wolf that she created herself. He made her his queen, called her his Luna. The Goddess was furious with her that she cursed her. She was cursed that she can never bear a child. The Goddess preserved Armani's Bloodline through their son and so that the werewolf kingdom can only be ruled by the Kingsley and her Bloodline. The blood of a werewolf and a Goddess ruled for generations. The Goddess left with a broken heart caused by her lover's betrayal and was never seen again. The books in our library never had any information of why the Goddess created the Demon Wolf. The information about my wolf were limited and my father failed to find a cure to my curse. He hid me from allied packs, only my pack knew of my existence and they dared not say a word to tell anyone my existence or even my name. Everyone feared me since then. I was describe by my people as an abomination. Blessed with the Goddess's blood but cursed by her. I never prayed to her nor called for help. She made me a joke. I have her blood in my veins yet she gave me a cursed demon wolf. I was able to live this long, all thanks to my father. He protected me. He used his power as king to keep me alive but the council of the kingdom was formed to keep King and Queens in control. Powerful but with limits. The council made the werewolf laws and their laws are honored because the first werewolf king, Armani made this law himself before he died and for generations the council created laws for the Kingdom and everyone is obliged to follow even the Royal family. Honoring Armani's council and preserving his last words. My father is the King of all Alphas in the kingdom,Alexander Kingsley. Which basically makes me a princess.Our family is superior than other Alphas that are living around the kingdom. Our bloodline was special compared to others. My Father and the fathers before him was the first high born Werewolves that the Goddess has created and preserved. Strongest of our kind. It's so strong that when can make other Alpha's submit to us. I have the strongest and purest werewolf blood running in my veins and I was considered high born. I was born and breed to be the best but to be specific I was born to be perfect or maybe just close to perfection. If only I wasn't cursed with this demon wolf. I got up and started to walk down the long muddy stairs. I heard a twig click along the creeks and from a mile I've smelled a familiar scent. My little minion Luca. "Princess", he bowed. " We've caught some rouges while we were wandering in the east side of the mountain." he said when he approached me. A smile formed on my lips. "Take them to the battle ground." I ordered him with my authoritative alpha tone.  The battle ground is where I play my little games. I need to have a little fun while wasting my life in this place right? I stood in front of five rouges kneeling with their heads down. I like to practice my gifts and this is where my wolf Reina comes in. She can read their current thoughts like the devil she was. I let her take over my lips everytime rouges are caught. She decides who to keep and who to kill. I have to let her have her evil ways or I'll be stuck with unresting arguments all the time.  Reina can say her words using my lips like I was possessed, and I have seen her other abilities like controlling the darkness of the night, taking away a person's will using my blood in blood fusion, she can read the current thoughts of a person by merely looking through the depths of someone's eyes. She can only have take overs when I let her, she's been well controlled by me since I have been training myself every day for control. In exchange for that privilege, she shares her gift to me. I can read the current thoughts of my subjects which I have always find it useful. Reina's takeover. "Time to play with my newly caught rouges." My wolf smirked with excitement all over her face while my eyes turns from pit black to yellow ones.  "P-please forgive us from t-trespassing." A female rouge in her late twenties, spoked. Fear evident in her voice. She looked up to me, her face with tears and I looked at her brown hair which may be caused by sun damage and her skin full of scars proof of being a fighter.  "Forgive you?" I laughed. "I'm not a God, darling" I told her, looking through the depth of her eyes reaching her thoughts.  "Please let us go." She pleaded again. " We'll never cross paths again." She added.  "But that's no fun at all." I stood straight and smiled because she came up with an idea to have my fun.  I've read their minds, all five of them. It's so boring to read their thoughts because all they can think about is beg. But I always know how to make someone find so much strength to fight. Just a little drop of hope will give them enough faith to keep going and that is the will to survive.  "Listen carefully, I want you five to fight each other. The last one will get to live and be part of my home under my Dominion." I said after I walked pass them. Clear and loud enough for them to hear.  They looked at each other. All of them hesitating to make a move. They must have been friends for a long while that's why they couldn't bring themselves to hurt each other and so I thought a little more push to break the friendship.  "Fight for your lives, if I don't get the fight that I want to see tonight. Well," I paused to make a little melodramatic suspense. " I'm afraid I won't get to have my fun but these wolves can have theirs." I added while referring to my blood thirsty wolves and a mischievous smile curved my lips. Now they will have to chose from the choices that I gave them. They can fight each other or they can fight my wolves but only one choice can guarantee survival and that's the former. For so many years I've been in this mountain I've encountered different kind or people, but it all goes down to two; the weakling and the strong ones. There's a particular one that I like the most, the traitor.. and one of them will make this show amusing. After some time, someone moved. It was a fast one. "I'm sorry." The tall but lean young rouge muttered while he drove his claws to that female brown-haired rouge's heart. He must be the first one to digest the information quickly.  "Well, I admire his critical thinking skills." Reina remarked. I was just listening to Reina's remark on that young man. There, I sat on my wooden throne watching as if the killings never bothered me. But the truth is, it does. At least a long time ago.   After the brown-haired died, the young man soon latched on the other rouges. He was fast and stronger than them so that was his advantage. After killing the four, he kneeled while sobbing. I can see the pain in every sobs that escapes his mouth. The tears of regret that comes running down his face.  "You had your fun, it's time to rest Reina." I said to my Evil wolf without a hint of emotion towards her. I never loved my wolf, we are not close like good friends. We're not even close to any kind of relationship. She's evil but she lives with me in the same body. Does that make me like her? Maybe.  I stood from my throne and walked towards the young boy. He didn't look up while I was approaching him. I stopped in front of him and that's when he looked up to me with those hateful eyes. But fear is still there lingering inside him as he can feel the aura that is so strong it makes you shiver like you're already facing the devil in hell. I hate it but I can't hide it. I can hide my scent but not this aura, the strong power my wolf posses is forbidden to even exist in this world.  I have let Reina in control for once and she killed the entire pack mercilessly. Women and children. No one survived. I hated her but I did not cry for the great loss that I have done, I felt my humanity left my body after witnessing the countless death I have caused.I did what my father bid me to do. That neighboring pack wanted to have war with us but my father valued the lives of our people. He hates the bloodshed in wars between packs so left with hard choices. He did the unforgivable. He used me since nobody knew I existed. Only our pack. I was like his secret weapon and he asked me to do this just once. So that the elders and the council can be convinced that I can still be useful. He asked them to send me to the SilverClaw Mountain so that I can still live. In return, I would do them a favor by eliminating their enemies. I thought I would finally be accepted but I was wrong. They feared me even more. They said I cannot live among them because I'm too dangerous to be around.  At the age sixteen, my wolf appeared too early compared than normal wolves who wait at the age of eighteen before phasing. When I was ten may father trained me ten times harder than the regular training my father gave to children same as my age. He said I am to be the next Alpha.. but I'm a woman which will make it harder for me to claim my rights. At a very young age I understood him, for every decision he have made for me and for the pack. I knew in my heart he loved me. I never blamed him when our pack turned against me and wanted me dead. I knew it was really hard for him to send me away and to have me kill an entire pack. So yes, I did trained so hard so that I may be able to take down anyone that comes my path. Even Alphas.  "What's your name young man?" I asked looking straight avoiding his eyes. Whatever hateful thoughts he have now doesn't matter anymore, those were for Reina. I don't want to read them. " Riley." He answered in whisper. A loud sound of slap landed on his face which caught him in a surprise, a whimper came out from his lips. "You will address her as Princess." Luca scolded him. I waved my hand in the air to signal Luca to stop. " How did you become a rouge?" I asked. " I killed a member of my pack, I got banished, Princess." He answered. I was looking at his eyes to see if he was lying to me.  "He's telling the truth but he's hiding something." My wolf remarked when he heard the man's answer. "Tell me more." I told Riley. "She was my mate. I caught her having s*x with someone else." He told me and pain is still visible in his eyes. There's that word I've been trying to avoid for how many years. Mate. I have longed for someone like that before but I gave up that dream because I was cursed. Forbidden to find him. The elders of my pack feared that I may breed more of my kind and kill everyone else. I, alone endangers the whole kingdom, they can't imagine what will happen if it happens to have more of my kind. It'll be pure chaos. Just like saying I was forbidden to find love. It pains me to realize that I have someone out there that was made just for me but I cannot have. If there's something good in this place, I think it is the feeling of being safe from the pain of rejection of a mate and I'd like to keep it that way. "Can I ask a question Princess?" He asked looking hesitant but curious. Luca is about to punch him but I told him to hold his ground through our mind link. His punch was stopped in mid-air. "Ask." I answered Riley shortly. "What are you, Princess?" He asked but he felt that his question needs a reason to support as to why he has asked that question. " I- I mean I don't smell your scent as wolf but I've seen your eyes turn a different color but your wolf didn't take over, that's not possible for normal wolves." He muttered his words as fast as he can so that he doesn't make me feel irritated. "I'm a wolf just like you, but more powerful." I answered simply. I knew my answer is vague which only made him wonder more about me.  My scent needs to be hidden. It's forbidden for my mate to find me. I'll be able to smell my mate but my mate won't unless we touch. My father searched the world to find me a witch. When he came home he gave me an Emerald ring, it was a family heirloom. My mother's favorite. He said I should wear them all the time to hide my scent from everyone. I was told to stay away from my mate if ever I find him and not let him touch me. Touching me will let him sense that I'm his mate. Wolves knew their mate famously from their scent and touch. They said a mere touching of your mates skin, even hair, can make you melt with pure sensation. One thing that I will never experience. Nobody knew about my ring except me and my father. This is just one of my little secrets.   I handed him my hand for him to take. But he was hesitating and looked at Luca for confirmation.  "Hold my hand." I told him. He did as I told him. I cut his arm enough for him to bleed. He was afraid and shaking but it faded away when he saw me cut my hand and landed it on his bleeding arm. Now he understands it was blood fusion. He's officially member of my pack. The Devil's Pack I retorted in my mind. Reina could only chuckled as a response. Once my blood enters the vein, it takes away the person's will. He'll no longer hate me. I'll be his master. He will be the same person that he is, but his free will will be gone. A person's free will is the main cause of one's disobedience. Without free will, you're like a machine waiting to be given work. You will only do what you're told, say your master's will and live by your master's rules. "Do you hear me, Riley?" I asked through our mind link.  "Yes, princess." He answered submissively.  "Come" I said and nodded at him to follow me.  We walked past the dark forest, he was keeping distance like he was afraid to offend me or something. I let him battle with himself until we reached my small little town full of rouges I gave shelter and shared my peaceful time here in the mountains. In simple words, they're stuck with me. "Here's your cabin. Belle here is going to be your roommate." I told him when I opened the door and ushered him to come inside. Belle was bowing her head down at my presence.  "B-but she's a she-wolf, Princess." He sounded worried. " So? " I questioned him while raising my eyebrow. "Nothing,Princess." He bowed his head understanding he have said the wrong words. "Take care of him, Belle." I look toward Belle waiting for my orders.  "Yes, Princess. " She answered calmly. I turned to leave and stopped when Riley spoke through the mind link. "Thank you princess." He said with mixed emotions of fear,hate and a little hint of being relieved even after what he's been through because of me. I did not answer and continued walking back to my own cabin. Honestly, there's nothing to be thankful for.
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