Save Me

1770 Words
Ben hated London and winter, in any order. It has been snowing all day and, if the weather news was to be believed, they could expect the same beating for the next few days. He pulled his jacket tighter and continued walking down the cold and dark Percival street. He was on his way back to the flat he shared with three other international students like him. However, he would be alone as everyone has gone back for the Christmas holidays, while Ben opted to stay and work as a part-time sales assistant in a men's clothing store. His allowance has been delayed, and he got another reminder from the school's cashier about his outstanding account. Shuddering, he plodded on. Finally, Ben reached his place and went to the kitchen for anything his flatmates left behind, which could be his dinner for that night. He smiled drily and hoped that they come back with something to replenish their coffers, as he will do his best to finish everything. Suddenly, he heard a loud knocking on the front door and wondered who could be calling on such a bitterly cold evening. Carefully, he opened the door a little and was startled to see a familiar face. She was soaked to the skin, pale as death, and when she spoke, it sounded so hoarse that he barely understood what she said. "Save me…" Ben opened the door, and she collapsed on his arms, losing consciousness. "Cyd!" he cried. He tried slapping her face to revive her. "Wake up! Wake up, please!" ----- Ben opened his eyes and heard his wife, Jin Hee, shaking him gently. "Hon, wake up…" She said, concern evident in her voice. "You must've been dreaming. Are you okay?" He stared at his wife, totally disoriented and feeling a bit uncomfortable, as if he cheated or something. Ben shook his head, trying to get his thoughts in order. "I'm… okay. What time is it?" Jin Hee looked at him quizzically as he looked out of sorts. They have been married for eight years, and Catherine was born a year later. When Ben first proposed to her, she initially turned him down. He was 12 years her junior and had brilliant prospects ahead of him in his chosen career path. But Ben persisted, followed her all-around in London, and even threatened to quit law school if she stayed adamant. Eventually, she gave in, and they got married in civil rites as Ben's parents were very much against the marriage. Ben was their only son, and Chinese tradition demands that Ben marries a good, wife-material Chinese girl. Jin Hee's family back in Busan also felt the marriage was a bit rushed, but she was already in her mid-thirties, and their daughter appeared to be so much in love with the tall and handsome young man from Malaysia. Thus, with much hesitation, they gave their blessings. She worked in London as a paralegal but quit her job when she got pregnant because of health complications. Albeit Ben told Jin Hee that he would support her decision to go back to work again, she decided to just devote her whole time to her husband and daughter. Ben stayed true to his promise and became the ideal husband to Jin Hee and adoring father to seven-year-old Catherine. They chose to settle in Kuala Lumpur but visited Busan as often as Ben's schedule allowed. Then, the job offer from Brunei came. After a series of midnight conversations and consultations, they agreed to embark on their new adventure. Jin Hee has never looked back on her decision to marry Ben, as she believed he was indeed the love of her life. Some nights, however, when Ben was deep in sleep, she found herself studying his youthful features and cannot help but be concerned how everything seemed so picture perfect. Jin Hee knew that Ben has never looked at another woman, but that was no guarantee that he will not do so in the future. She was 42 years old, and though she takes extreme care of herself with her facials, gym sessions, yoga classes, and dance lessons, she has been asked on numerous occasions whether the man beside her was her younger brother or, worse, her son. These unfortunate incidents had caused Jin Hee much distress, but Ben only held her closer and kissed her fears away. Until when? She wondered. ----- Arriving at the office, Ben went to his office, sat down, and began to deeply understand the meaning of the dream he had that night. It was possibly the strangest but most vivid dream that he has had for as long as he could remember. The uneasy feeling stayed with him from the time Ben woke up through the morning. As hard as he tried to shake it off, his mind still went back to reliving the scenes in his mind. Unsure of how long he has been sitting down, even unmindful of the coffee that Jenny quietly placed on his table, his thoughts were broken by the shrill of the office phone. "Ben, Haji Ahmad is here for your meeting," Jenny said on the line. "What? It's only 9 am. Our meeting is for 10." "Hmmm. It is 10:05 already." Ben checked his watch. How long had he been musing at his desk? He quickly stood up to head to the meeting room, and on his way, he found himself looking in the direction where Cyd's office was. "Ben? Anything wrong?" Ben shook his head and walked a little faster. "Okay, Jenny, let's get this one done fast. If I am still inside the room by 11:10, come inside and rescue me. I need to get the contracts done for the 2 pm meeting later, clear?" "Very!" She responded promptly. Jenny walked back to her desk, deep in her thoughts. Attending to Ben has been easy, and she hoped that he would ask her to be his official assistant when he finally decides to get one. The thought made her smile. Later in the afternoon, Ben was checking on some files when Cyd walked in. He looked up and found himself looking intently at her face. He thought to himself, "It was really her in my dream last night." "Ben, Kevin wants you to join him for dinner with the BIMP group on Thursday, 7 pm. I made reservations at Kashmir restaurant. Indian, very spicy, and business casual. Good?" Ben nodded, cleared his throat, and quietly asked Cyd, "Have you been to London before, or anywhere in the UK?" "Negative, Counsel. I've been to Japan and Korea already, but US and UK remain elusive in my passport." Cyd sat down across Ben in one of the guests' seats. And for a full minute, they remained still, just looking at each other. Both seemed to have something in their minds but finding the silence between them a little comforting. Suddenly, they heard a familiar booming voice outside. It was the Consulting Partner, Adrian Loh, representing the Loh in the firm's name, Winicker Ayliff Loh & Partners. Adrian was 72 years old, retired seven years ago but appeared to be the poster boy to the saying, 'You can take Mohamad out of the mountain, but you cannot take the mountain out of Mohamad.' Thus, Adrian still came to meddle in the firm's business, especially when it involves significant engagements and clients. His presence has been unwelcomed by both the lawyers and the staff because of his overbearing ways. Cyd stood up and leaned closer to Ben, then whispered, "That sounds like Mr. Loh. He must not see me here as he is looking for someone to assist him with the bank merger. I may not have a choice as Kevin is planning to go to Singapore for the next two weeks. Please, Ben, I can't work for him. I'll go crazy!" Ben looked at Cyd, then at the door, back at Cyd, and shrugged. "He may not even come here," Ben tried sounding optimistic. The voice sounded nearer, and Cyd leaned closer. "Ben, please..." She whispered urgently. "Save me!" Ben slowly nodded and wanted to say something, but she was already running to stand behind the office door. Suddenly, there was a loud knock before the door opened. Lo and behold! The significant and striking, Mr. Adrian Loh, stood blocking the entire doorway. Ben stood up, his eyes darting between Adrian and Cyd, whose dress can be partially seen behind the door. "Ben!" Adrian roared in the small office. "I am going to Korea next week. Anything that I can get for you or Jin Hee?" "Hello, Adrian!" Ben sat down again and pretended to shuffle some documents around, feigning to be quite engaged at that moment. "For business or pleasure?" "Both!" Adrian laughed. Ben stole another look at the door. He could see a little of Cyd's arm and skirt showing and felt his lips went dry. Should Adrian decide to come in and sit down, he would not miss Cyd's hiding form. "Are you seeing someone here in particular? Am just about to make a call, so, can I join you upstairs after my call?" Ben forced his voice to sound as evenly as possible. "Yes, I'm meeting Evan. It's about the bank merger. This merger is going to be the biggest thing to happen in this country since they discovered oil. We need to be one of the four law firms that will be chosen to draft the agreement." Adrian took a step inside and looked around. "You seemed to have settled in here already. Good job! Let me know if you need anything, okay?" Ben felt himself moving to stand up but forced himself to remain seated. He grabbed his phone and gestured about making a call. "Yes. Thanks, Adrian! Uhm… I need to make this call as the person is catching a flight in the next few minutes…" "Right, right! Come and see me in Evan's room after the call, okay?" Ben smiled and pretended to dial some numbers on the phone. When the door closed, it revealed Cyd, grinning ear-to-ear. "I was so scared back there! But that was amazing!" Ben bowed his head, put the phone down but was smiling when he looked up at her. "You saved me, Ben." Unable to respond, he just nodded. Cyd turned and walked out of his office. The smile left his face, and he stared at the door for a long time. "I think I need to be saved too," Ben said silently.
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