Pregnancy news

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We are still at the clinic trying to take in the news, we have moved to Dr Hayley office. "ok let me see if I'm taking it in right- *I'm pregnant with twins, they seem healthy but there's something covering them a sort of forcefield. *I should be roughly 2 months pregnant but with the size of the babies, I'm more likely due in 2 month instead of going full term, like a normal werewolf, which is 6months. I'm not sure what to ask about first" I say a little flustered. "Ask anything you like Luna and I'll answer the best I can all though I've never seen anything like this so there might be things I don't know but I will try my best" Dr hayley said looking a little out of it too. "it's just a lot to take in" Blane said looking as confused as me. "ok I will start small and work our way through them, sooo..." I say but soon realise I'm not sure where to start. "how do you know there is two in there if you can't see them" Blane asked starting us off. "it's the heartbeats we could hear there's definitely not just one in there" Dr Hayley said which I suppose being a doctor she would know by just listening, where as what I heard was a flutter. "ok and how do we know what is covering them, is it Hope and Adira or some other unknown magic and how do we know it won't hurt the babies" Blane asks making me think maybe we need to speak to martha. "if I'm being honest I'm not sure about that" Dr Hayley said looking a little worried. "Maybe we could ask Martha about that" I say thinking aloud. "ok so im only going to be pregnant for maybe 4months instead of 6months, so that gives us a couple of months left, is that safe for the babies" I ask looking between Blane and Dr Hayley feeling worried now even more. "Well if it was any other she-wolf being pregnant then I would say it would be a worry but your pregnancy is completely different so they will be fine as they are developing a lot faster than a normal pregnancy would be, they are way a head from what I could see" Dr Hayley said making me feel a little better. "what do we need to do now, what about food and stress and fruit and exercise and training an-" Blane started panicking "please my love breath and let the Dr answer a question at a time" I say cutting him off mid rant. "I'm sorry love but we need to make sure your feeling ok and doing everything we are meant to for the babies" Blane said holding my hand. "well main thing is eating plenty of fruit and vegetables and some exercise but don't over do it and try small and often meals if you are still being sick" Dr explained "and if there is anything more you want to discuss anything I'm always here" she finished off. We thanked the Dr and made our way out, walking towards the pack house in a daze we were greeted by the pack members we came across. We put back the joining of packs by a couple of weeks to give us time to build. They are due to come in 2 days time now all the other houses are done and everything is prepared. "We have so much to do Blane will we be ok having a baby, no not a baby two babies" I say with a hint of desperation, I'm seriously worrying. Blane stops us, turning me to face him holding my shoulders with nothing but love and happiness in his eyes making my worry die down a little. "my love we will be good, we join packs in a few days, everyone is training even harder, we will get the meeting out the way tomorrow and hopefully have some time before any attacks happen, don't worry my love I will be by your side every step of the way, I promise" he said stroking my cheek. I lean into his hand feeling more at ease. "your right my Alpha, with you by my side anything is possible, I love you so much and your going to be a great daddy" I say smiling making his eyes shine bright with pride. We make it to the pack house where Liddy, Maxine, Zane, Trixie and Wes were waiting for us in the living room. Blane looks at me making me smile at him and give him the nod making him smile. "we have the results from Adira tests and we have news" Blane says making everyone go silent. "well what is it, is everything ok" Zane asks looking as confused as the rest. "Well turns out WE are going to be parents" he said looking at at them, they were all wide eyes and open mouths until they all cheered and ran to us wrapping us in a group hug, but I notice Liddy still stood near the sofa looking shocked. I pull away from everyone happy and cheering hugging and back slapping. "Liddy are you ok" I ask looking at her now with tears over her cheeks, she grabs me into a hug crying "wow, oh my goddess Adira of course I'm ok was just a little shock, I can't believe I'm going to be a auntie" she said sniffling making me laugh " you are an auntie, my auntie" making us both laugh "yes technically I am your auntie but more like sisters, this means I get to be a proper aunt" she said now looking at me "well you do have a point there and your the best sister I could have asked for" I say making us both cry. "don't forget me too, I'm so excited to be an auntie" Trixie said joining in our hug crying also. "Well at least you will both get cuddles at the same time" I hear Blane say behind us making everyone look confused until I shout "WE'RE HAVING TWINS" And then everyone cheers and hugs again. This is one of the happiest days so far all of us being together laughing, happy and content. We explain everything about the pregnancy and everyone is so understanding and the girls of the group are of course already planning a shopping trip. I look around at everyone and feel so happy and lucky to have them as my family and I couldn't wish for a better family to surround our children. Later me and Blane made our way to bed, it's late and we have a big busy day tomorrow. We are sat in bed ready to sleep wrapped in each others arms, "I love you so much Blane I couldn't ask for anything more, my life is perfect, crazy and most of all full of love" I say sleepily "yeah I know what you mean my love I feel the exact same, I love you so much too" Blane says as my eyes get heavy and I fall to sleep. I've been up for the last couple of hours trying to get ready for the meeting, it's took me so long because I keep being sick. I finally pull myself together to get dressed. I decide on a deep blue dress, that reaches to almost the floor with some black sandles. I braid my hair to the right side over my shoulder. Blane is wearing a black suit with a white shirt and he looks hot. "Are you ready my love" Blane asks grabbing a hold of my hand, heading for the bedroom door. "As ready as I'm ever going to be" I reply feeling nervous. As we head downstairs to greet the first few Alphas that are arriving my stomachs in knots, I squeeze Blanes hand trying to take comfort. "breath my love everything is going to be fine" Blane whispers in my ear sending tingles down my spine. I relax instantly. Everyone is doing jobs getting ready to expand our pack, so at the door we stood with Zane holding hands with Trixie to the right and Wes to the left of us. Everyone is busy in the kitchens and around the pack. Liddy, Maxine and A Black car was driving upto the Pack house causing me to tense a little. Before I knew what was happening a 2 men got out the car and rushed at us I put my hand out with my eyes changing and the men froze I lifted my hand and they were in mid air with eyes wide. "please love could you release my brothers" Blane said touching my side pulling me to him. My head snapped to to my right looking at Blane, making sure I heard him right, he nodded and chuckled at me. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know I just saw you running at us" I apologise while lowering his brothers to the ground. "That was crazy" The oldest man said, this must be Julian. Not the best first impression but I hope they understand. Blane, Zane and Wes were laughing at the men as I put them down. Well how was I supposed to know they weren't a threat. I can feel my face heat up embarrassed that I'm meeting my brothers in law like this. All the men are hugging and laughing when Blake comes by my side, kissing my cheek. "let me introduce to you my brothers Alpha Julian and Beta Gage.. and of course Gages mate sally and this here is my beautiful mate Adira" Blane says pointing to the men and a woman as she comes up and wraps her arms around Gage. Julian is around 6' and has black hair cut short and neat with blue eyes and Gage is around 5'9" dark brown hair and brown eyes, all 4 brothers look very similar. Sally is around 5'4" Blonde hair past her shoulders with brown eyes. "please call me Julian there's no need for formalities when it's just us family" Julian said kissing my cheek earning a growl from Blane making us all laugh. "it's lovely to meet you all, Blane has told me a lot about you" I say looking at each of them. "he has also told us a lot about you too, even though he told us you were a Hybrid I wasn't expecting that on the first time meeting" Julian said laughing. making me blush even more. "Hi Adira it's nice to meet you too and can I just say I'm glad your on our side and not against us with those crazy moves" Gage said making them laugh even more. "Ok that's enough of teasing my mate" Blane said smiling pecking my lips. "wow you really are a beauty, we will have to swap stories about our mates and get to know each other" Sally says hugging me making me smile. she is so soft spoken but I also get the impression that she doesn't take any crap also I can see us getting along great. A cough from Zane got our attention walking upto us with Trixie "I would also like to introduce my beautiful mate Trixie" Trixie said hi and gave a small wave blushing from Zane comment. "Wow who would have thought a few months ago our brothers would be lucky enough to meet their mates" Julian said with a smile but I could feel his sadness at not finding his own yet. "That's true Julian but I'm sure you will also find yours soon I'm sure the moon goddess has an extra special mate for you and that's why its taken a awhile" I say feeling his loneliness making my heart hurt for him and a tear slide down my cheek, I walk to him hugging him to his surprise but he needs it I can feel it will help. I release him from my hug and go back to the side of Blane who hugs my inhaling my scent. "can you all hold back after the meeting there's some news we would like to discuss with you" Blane says looking at his brothers just as more cars started more cars came. There was a lot of Alphas with there Betas, some also had their Lunas with them, well the Alphas who had been lucky enough to find their mates. The coven leaders were also invited, they came by portal with a trusted witch with each. Martha was the first leader to arrive she gave me and Trixie hugs asking how we are and then helped the other leaders feel at ease being here. All together we ended up greeting 27 Alphas from all around the world and 12 coven leaders. I try and remember everyones names but it's hard when there's so many of them. One stuck in my head Alpha Damon gave me a bad feeling, his beta gavin seemed like he was scared of him. I mind link Blane about it so we could keep an eye on him. All the others seem genuine. Blane knew a few of them personally already and had spome to them all on the phone. We didn't have a meeting room big enough so we set the dining room up as one, all pack members were told not to enter as it was an important meeting.
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