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I somehow found myself at a random bar getting trashed on Long Island iced teas. There was no shame in my drink order, it tasted delicious and it’d get me hammered quicker. And right now, what I wanted to do was forget that my father had just disowned me.   Four drinks in and I found a friend in some bar drunk who was probably also drowning out his sorrows. We had already dealt with his dilemma, his wife cheated on him with his brother, and now it was my turn. “You know, my father has been absent my entire life, keeps vital information from me and has never once told me he loves me,” I told the random stranger.   With a flick of his wrist he called over the bartender and got us another round of drinks.   The man whose name I had already forgotten pushed the LIT towards before speaking up in a slurred motion. “Your dad sounds like a prick.” He was. Was I even allowed to call him my father anymore?   I took the drink and sipped on it while I contemplated what I was supposed to do now. The whole point of me working at the company was to make him proud, to continue his legacy. Now that he had disowned me, did I even have a place there.   “He is. He gave my position to a man he barely knows. An incredibly sexy man, but I deserved it. I worked hard for it,” I said a bit too loud. I hadn’t realized how angry I was until I said the words out loud. Pretending to get over it seemed so much easier. Nate and I had been getting along so well now that it felt useless to bring it up.   Nate. God that asshole knew everything, and just pretended like he didn’t. That we could work together and get over our differences. I was such a dumbass. One shining smile and he had me forgetting everything.   I turned back to the man sitting next to me and he was watching me intensely, or he was more drunk than I was. “Then take it back,” he spurred me on.   “I can’t there’s nothing I can do,” I conceded. What was the point. If I was disowned, someone was still stealing from the company, and my father didn’t care then why should I?   Because I care, I reminded myself. I worked my ass off and I didn’t think I was ready to just give it all up. Not yet. I just didn’t know where to start.   “You can. Find out all their secrets and take what’s yours,” he said aggressively pressing his finger into my shoulder.   Find out their secrets. How was I going to begin to do that? Nate didn’t seem like the type to freely share his secrets, and I already knew my father wasn’t one to allow himself to be vulnerable to anyone. But I had to at least try.   After getting my new friend an Uber home, I set out on my mission. I had already talked to two out of the three major disappointments in my life. So, I figured why not do the last one all in a span of 24 hours.   Janet wasn’t too happy to answer my call at 2am, but I didn’t care. She was either involved with the embezzling, or she was keeping my father’s secrets. Once I got the information I needed from her I was glad to hang up on the old nag.   I had finally arrived in Midtown and luckily I had an in with a tenant that told the doorman to let me up. Knocking on the door, once, twice, three times. I waited for it to open. I was sobering up after all the struggle I went through to get here. It was probably for the best, I needed to say everything and sound coherent.   The door opened to a half-asleep Nate with no shirt on. I couldn’t stop myself as my eyes raked up and down his chiseled body. My eyes followed the v line of his abdomen straight to his... Nope. Focus Ro.   “Rowan?” It took Nate a couple blinks before he said anything else as he held the door open. “It’s nearly 3am what the hell are you doing here?”   I didn’t care what the time was. I was trying to hang onto my fury. They screwed me over and pretended like nothing happened. Then I was so stupid and let it go. I was angry and hurt. Everything had piled up on me I felt like I would suffocate if I didn’t get everything off my chest.   Nate didn’t owe me anything, but out of respect he should’ve told me. I should have been informed of what was going on. “You knew. This entire time you knew and no one told me,” I said to him looking straight at him.   He didn’t even respond to my comment, he simply overlooked it and assumed I was trashed. “Are you drunk?” he asked me with a hint of disbelief. I wished I was drunk, because then I could forget the events from the last day. Maybe I would even forget everything they kept from me, then I could move on. But I felt betrayed by everyone around me, my own father refused to acknowledge me further.   “I thought I should be semi sober,” I joked with a half-smile. Maybe I was still a little drunk.   “Come inside,” he urged me opening the door further. I knew if I stepped inside it would be a bad idea. I needed to keep this relationship professional, or at least as professional as it could stay after I showed up at his place at 3am to berate him.   I shook my head and started to turn around. “This was a mistake,” I whispered to myself.   I began walking towards the elevator and pulling out my phone to get a car. Nate called me from his door, “Rowan come inside.”   “No.”   Before I reached for the elevator button, I was flung over Nate’s shoulder like a sack of flour. I couldn’t see anything with my hair hanging around me like a curtain, and all I could do was struggle to get out of his hold. My fists were furiously hitting his back, but he seemed unfazed by the taps he was receiving. I needed to start going to the gym or something.   “Put me down you asshole,” I yelled banging on his back once again.   A loud smack silenced me. “Did you just spank me?” I questioned completely dumbfounded.   He continued walking into his apartment and kicked the door closed with his foot. “That’s what happens to unruly brats,” he responded. He sounded irritated, but I couldn’t tell as the blood began rushing to my head.   Nate tossed me on the couch like I was a rag doll as I fumbled around to stand back up. I could still feel the imprint he left on my ass.   “This entire time, I thought I was bettering the company only to find out that everything was happening behind the scenes!” I angrily shouted. Speaking my truth may just be the only way for me to let this go. I had no idea what I was doing earlier when I decided to do this, but I’d blame it on my drunk friend from the bar for giving me bad ideas.   He crossed his arms over his chest making his biceps bulge as he looked down at me. “Who told you?”   “Mr. Sommers himself,” I replied. I wasn’t sure if I was allowed to call him my father anymore. But it stung having to call him Mr. Sommers. What happens when a child gets disowned? Was I supposed to change my last name?   Nate chuckled lowly shaking his head. I just wanted to punch his perfect f*****g face for thinking this was a joke. “From the look on your face I’m assuming he didn’t tell you everything.”   “I gave him the option to. He said he didn’t want to see me again,” I told him remembering how he opened the door and watched me walk out without as much as a good riddance. Delilah tried to stop me at the door telling me he didn’t mean it, that this was all a big misunderstanding, but then he forced her to step back and let me leave.   “It’s for the best.”   I scoffed. “You sound like my father.” No wonder he felt safe telling Nate all his secrets, they were exactly the same. They would always place their interests above everything else, including family.   “He’s a smart man,” Nate said.   “He keeps secrets.”   “Only when necessary,” he argued back. Of course, he would defend him. In the end he ended up taking control of two companies and I was just there to look pretty. He was right when he said that to me when Sam and I were looking at the office.   I just couldn’t let it go. He knew all along, knew that I wouldn’t actually be running anything and it was like a slap in the face. “I hate you.” I started my breathing get heavy. “You came in and took something I’ve worked my entire adult life for. You just came in and everyone was open with you. You know more about my own father than I do. You’re arrogant and self-absorbed. You judged me without getting to know me. I hate you so much that it hurts. You made me hate Daniel.”   I was on the verge of angry tears. I wanted to take everything back, to take what was rightfully mine, what I had worked so hard for.   “Did your little arrangement with James end already,” he taunted me with a stupid smirk across his face.   I shut my eyes tight recalling my earlier conversation with Daniel. “Don’t talk about him,” I seethed through clenched teeth. I didn’t care that he knew Daniel was f*****g me, but he had no right to through it in my face either. Not after what they all did to me.   He tilted my chin up with two fingers forcing me to look at him. “You actually have feelings for him,” he asked me.   “Of course, I don’t. He’s just a good f**k,” I spat trying to prove to myself that it was nothing more than that. If I said it enough, it would eventually have to be true.   “And that’s what you need?”   Before I could process what was happening, my lips were on his in an angry haze. He didn’t stop me, didn’t push me back. Nate grabbed my hair in his fist and brought me closer to him. This was a mistake.   My lips opened of their own accord and he shoved his tongue down my throat his hand gripping roughly onto my waist.   “This means nothing,” I breathed out in between kisses.   He began pushing off my coat, hands traveling up my abdomen. “I wasn’t expecting it to.”   We became a tangle of limbs and clothes as we furiously tried to undress one another. I began unbuttoning my shirt as he worked the button of my pants before shoving it down. I was down to the last few buttons before he grabbed each side and tore it off pushing it off my shoulders. Mistake I kept repeating to myself.   But I was too far gone, consumed by my anger and lust. Nate bit my lip and I could taste the metallic flavor of blood, but he didn’t stop and neither did I. My hands were pushing down his pajama bottoms, but before I could get to his boxers, he turned me around and shoved me over the couch.   My panties had somehow disappeared in the shuffle of clothes, and there was nothing left between us but my bra. There were no meandering touches as he bent me over and pushed inside me in one quick thrust. A moan escaped my mouth as Nate began to pull out slowly only to shove into me harder.   Nate grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled my back slightly lifting me off the couch. “Is this what you want?” he growled with another powerful thrust.   I was angry and my anger translated into pent up s****l tension. My therapist said it was an unhealthy way to cope, but that didn’t stop me. Now here I was making another mistake. “I hate you - uhn - ”   “I’m going to f**k you hard Rowan. You’ll remember it every time you try to challenge me.”   “f**k you,” I moaned.   His hand tenderly stroked the curve of my ass and before I knew it he smacked me, hard. I yelped as the sting of the hit rocked me forward. I hadn’t however expected my body to respond to his action. I enjoyed it. It only made me hate myself even more for enjoying everything he was doing to me.   “Be a good girl Rowan,” he groaned yanking on my hair. I could still feel the heat from his palm emblazoned on my cheek as he gripped my hip and pounded into me mercilessly.   I shook my head in an attempt to stifle the words that wanted to escape from me. f**k this was a mistake. What the hell was I doing. How was I supposed to go back to work after this. I didn’t have enough time to finish my thoughts before there was another loud smack.   “Be a good girl Rowan” he repeated emphasizing every word.   “Yes,” I answered without a missed beat. My abdomen was hitting the edge of the couch and it was beginning to hurt as Nate continued to pummel me from behind. I tried to grip onto the edge of the seat hoping to ease the friction between me and the furniture, but he yanked my wrists back and held the in one hand. I didn’t want him to stop, but I knew this was a mistake. I’d deal with the consequences later.   He didn’t accept my simple submission and questioned me again. “Yes what?”   I knew what he wanted me to say, but I was struggling with letting those two little words out. This was supposed to be for my pleasure, not for him. I took too long in responding, and there was another smack causing a high pitched keen to escape my lips. “Yes sir,” I responded.   I knew I shouldn’t have done this my mind kept listing everything that was wrong with this even as he pushed and pulled me against his length I was so close. I could feel myself almost reaching that peak. The immense amount of pleasure he was giving me was drowning out all the hate I felt. For my father, for Daniel, for Nate. But especially for myself.   I felt myself ripple around him before my orgasm crashed through me and I fell limp onto the couch. The only thing keeping me up was Nate holding onto my wrists as he continued to f**k me just like he said he would. In one swift move he pulled out of me and I could feel the spurts of his come landing on my back and trickling down my bottom.   He left me there trying to catch my breath as I hung there trying to regain feeling in my legs. All I could hear was the sound of footsteps retreating. Nate came back and wiped his come off with a towel not saying another word.   Nate pulled me back holding me up against his chest with his fingers kneading my breast as I heaved up and down. He walked me into what I was assuming was his bedroom and I could feel him begin to harden against my back again. He shouldn’t be, he should be regretting this already. I was. At least I think I was. This was a mistake and we both knew it.   He laid me on the bed face down, his hands softly massaging the prints on my ass, soothing away the pain. My mouth fell open in appreciation as he continued his soft assault.   “On your back Rowan,” he ordered taking a step back.   Like the good girl he said I was, I did as I was told. I was so eager to please him for whatever f*****g reason that I wasn’t questioning orders.   Flipping over, I laid on my back, my hands instinctively coming up to my breasts. “You’re so f*****g pretty Rowan,” he told me as he began to stroke himself. His eyes were shining bright through the dark, he was being illuminated by the light coming in from the large windows.   Only now was I catching a glimpse of his d**k and he had every right to be arrogant. “I’m going to f**k you now,” he said to me moving closer towards me like a predator.   I wasn’t sure why he was asking as if he hadn’t just f****d me over his couch, but I nodded in approval nonetheless.   Nate yanked me by the ankles to where I was close to dangling off the edge. He brought my legs, running his hands down the length before holding them over his shoulders. “I need you to speak.”   “Yes sir,” I answered knowing that was what he wanted from me.   He took his d**k in his hand and ran it up my slit hitting my clit on the forcing me to shiver at the contact. I was still overly sensitive, and he smiled at my shutter.   “Yes what?”   “Please f**k me.”      
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