Chapter 4: Moon

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-Elijah P.O.V.- “Why is she not waking up?” I ask my mother. Mine and Aiden’s mate has been in a coma for about 4 days now. She had to drink something so her wolf could come back, but honestly, I am half-tempted to kill that witch because she put my f**king mate in a coma. The only thing that is keeping me from doing that is my mother and Aiden. I am f**king furious. Aiden and I are currently sitting against the wall that is across from Skylar. My mother and Hannah are the only ones that are going near her. Anyone else and I might kill them. Aiden is just silent throughout this. I am more of the angry one while he is the levelheaded one. “She is going to wake up today, but you need to give her time. I have spoken to her wolf and her wolf is keeping her asleep so she can heal. You need to understand that her old Alpha really did damage to her. Thankfully our witch made something to bring her wolf back because her wolf will help her move on. Her wolf will help her accept you two. So, calm down.” My mother tells me in a stern voice. I know she is right, but F**K. “What did her old Alpha do to her?” My brother Aiden finally spoke up. “I cannot tell you that. She needs to be the one to tell you. You need to learn from her what has been done to her. You need to work hard for your mate, understand?” We both nod at her before her eyes harden. “Tell that to your wolves as well. They better control themselves when she wakes up. I mean it.” My wolf whimpers at her tone. And I know Aiden’s wolf did the same. I was going to say something when our beautiful mate started to move around. -Skylar P.O.V.- “Do I have to wake up now?” I ask my wolf, Moon. I am currently in a dream state coma as my wolf calls it. She has taken the form of a human in my dream since she is a part of me, so she can do that. She came to me after I blacked out from taking that potion and I couldn’t have been happier. I am currently dreaming that I am on some beach with my wolf. She has been talking with me about all the ab**e I went through when I lived at my old pack, and I apologized to her that I wasn’t strong enough to stop him from injecting me with wolfsbane. Moon made it a point to not blame myself for that. She has also been yapping about our mates. She is a horny wolf too. She has been talking about how handsome they are and how lucky we are. She has also been talking about them both having s*x with me at the same time. I agreed that it sounded nice to be loved by two and to not be ab**ed. I only spoke openly about it because it is just her and I, plus I am asleep so their wolves could not hear us. I told her that I can’t just jump into their arms because I am scared of the past repeating itself. She told me she understood, but to let her talk to their wolves first. “Yes, you have to wake up now. I want to run and be free. I want us to become strong again. I am just thankful that I didn’t die, so yes, I want you to wake up. Please.” I sigh because I know she is right. It would also be unfair if I chose not to wake up since she deserves to be free. She deserves to be able to run and to live along with me. Since it was stolen from us. I then close my eyes to focus my energy on waking up. I groan because it is a bit challenging. I am finally able to open my eyes, but I close them quickly from the light. I then blink them a few times to get used to the light and I look to see Lilith smiling at me. “Can you help me sit up please.” I ask her softly. She smiles big and nods. She helps me sit up and then steps back. She then motions with her hand to look over towards the wall. I look over to see my two mates sitting there with worry in their eyes. Just then Moon goes nuts. Moon: Mate! Mate! Mate! She yaps in my head running around. Me: Yes, I know. I know. I try to calm her down in my head. Then she begins to beg me to tell them to walk over to me because she wants them to touch us. Not in a s****l way but in a comforting way. Then I take a deep breath and I just about lose all of my senses. They smell AMAZING. They both have a sandalwood, cedar, and woodsy type of smell. I close my eyes and just breathe in their scent. It is calming Moon and it is surprisingly making me calm down as well. God, I could breathe that scent in all damn day. I look up. “You two smell really good.” I told them shyly. Aiden smirked while Elijah chuckled at what I said. I turn to Lilith who smiles at me. “I am guessing that your wolf is now present?” I nod. She chuckles. “That is amazing. Now she can talk to Bones and Darth.” I look at her confused because I do not know who those people are. Then Aiden’s voice makes me look at him. “My wolf is Bones and Elijah’s wolf is Darth. And it seems your wolf has already made herself known to our wolves.” He says the last part chuckling. I look down, blushing. Then I start breathing hard and fast….I am freaking out because this is moving too fast for me. Oh Goddess, I cannot handle this…How am I going to handle two mates? Moon then speaks to me. Moon: Calm down. You have me now, breathe Skylar… I listen to her as I close my eyes and start to lower my breathing. I end up calming myself down with the help of my wolf. I then open my eyes to see Lilith sitting in a chair looking through her phone. Then I look over to see my mates sitting down, but I can see through their body language that they want to comfort me. They wanted to help me. Moon: You should let them. Bones and Darth have shown me how much they care and how they treated you when they found you. They just want to show you love since they have been waiting for a mate. They will not do anything without your say so. You need to tell them if they can hold your hand, kiss you, or do anything for you. I know you have been hurt and I wish I could’ve been there to help you, but I am telling you that now that they want to just show you love. Let them, please. I think about what she said…and maybe I should give them a chance. Not too much of a chance. I look over at Lilith who somehow seems to notice what I was thinking or wanting to ask her because she stands then just walks out. Elijah and Aiden stand up as if they are going to leave and I need to speak fast. “Please.” They stop with their backs to me. “Please stay…. Your smell calms me and my wolf. Please, I need some comfort right now.” I say softly in an almost begging tone. Elijah and Aiden turn around on their heels and smile at me. They then went to sit back down across the room where they were sitting, but I didn’t want them to be far away from me. This may be pushing it, but I need to do this. “Can you both come sit on either side of this bed….” I ask in almost a whisper while looking at my hands. My face is beet red from blushing so hard. I hear them shuffling and then Aiden appears on my right side with a chair and then Elijah on my left side with a chair also. I smile at how they are being cautious and careful to not trigger me in any way. They then sit down and look at me. I decide at that moment that I need to tell them what I have been through. Having Moon with me is making me stronger than I was. I let out a sigh and then decide that it is now or never. “I need to tell you both about my past, so you can better understand me.” Before I can continue, Aiden holds up his hand making me stop. “When you tell us what you have been through, can we hold your hand while you tell us? I only ask because our wolves will not be able to handle the noise unless we are touching you. If that is not okay then please you need to tell us another time.” Aiden tells me softly. I don’t say anything as I just hold out my hands. Elijah takes my left one and laces our fingers while Aiden takes my right while doing the same. I instantly feel the bond as soon as we hold hands. Electricity shoots through my body and I can see that they both want to hold me, but they hold back because they know I am not ready. I am also having to fight the urge to jump into their arms from the feeling I am feeling. I have never been touched in such a comforting manner. I then take a deep breath because I need them to know everything. 
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