First Heartbreak

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Did Doli just say what I think she said? I stopped walking further into Doli's room suddenly, "What? What happened? Why did you stop?", Doli turned back and asked. "N-nothing", I lied. Doli let out a loud groan before rolling her eyes, "Don't tell me you are not ready yet. You guys have dated for three years and he hasn't kissed you, you think that's normal?", here she goes, lecturing me about my love life. "Uhh, he has", I tried to defend myself. "Oh no, no, no, baby girl, I can count the number of times that has happened on my fingers which means you guys rarely kiss", Doli shook her head. Doli is actually right about the kissing thing, sometimes I wonder if my lips aren't sexy enough because Jaxon seldom talks about kissing me. From what I've seen on TV and heard from Doli, real couples make out but I and Jaxon haven't made anything out. "What's your point Doli?", I folded my arms. "My point is that you need to up your game girl, no guy would want a girl who doesn't make any move", Doli snapped her fingers in my face "Tonight we make Jaxon a m**ning mess", Doli pulled me to her bed. She's gone mad. "Let's start with the outfit", she opened her closet bringing out two shopping bags and dropping them on the ground,"You went shopping for me?", I asked feeling sweet inside me. "Yeah, I know you wouldn't come prepared", she giggled as she brought out the contents of the bags. What will I ever do without Doli? "Make a choice, White Devil or Black Angel?", she held up two outfits. The first one was a white armless crop top with white trousers, a matching denim jacket with a pair of a horns printed at the back and a pair of white stilettos. The second outfit was a black crop top, black leather bum shorts, matching leather jacket with a pair of angle wings printed at the back and a pair of black, knee-length high heel laced boots. I stared at the clothes in Doli's hands, I know I'll look great in both, "White Devil", I chose. "Great, now let's do something about that face and hair", Doli pulled me off the bed and into the chair at her vanity. "Now don't act all shy and all, be brave to do whatever Jaxon tells you to, like sucking on his d**k, just do it and don't forget to put in some action like licking the tip of his d**k before taking it in", Doli stated as she curled the ends of my long brown hair. "Do you really have to tell me all these things ", I tried to change the subject,"Yes, it's important to know the do's and don't's of s*x. Make sure you m**n his name, it's sexy ", she continued to say. "How many times have you had s*x?", I laughed, "You seriously expect me to count?", she joined in the laughter. My best friend is such a b**ch. "Next time, it's gonna be you dolling me up for my date", Doli said as she applied the blush on my cheeks. "You've gotten another boyfriend?", I asked surprised. Doli's last boyfriend was a total nerd. I wondered what Doli saw in him and anytime I talked to her about him, her excuse would always be 'He's a monster in bed'. She's a s*x freak. She got tired of him and eventually broke up with him. "No, I'm talking about Andrew", she answered. She has a HUGE crush on my brother, Andrew. He's hot, I know. "Did he ask you out on a date?", I inquired, "Not yet, we're getting there ", Doli had an optimistic smile on her face. "All done", she announced. "Wow", I mumbled as I stared at myself in the mirror. I put on make up but only simple make up, looking at myself in this kind of make up is just... amazing. I look different, in a good way. "Stop drooling over yourself and get changed, Jaxon will be here soon ", Doli rolled her eyes. I giggled at her words before entering into her walk-in closet. I changed into the outfit I chose and came out. "Damn, you looking sexy girl", Doli hyped me as I walked out. "Thanks ", I laughed. Now we wait for Jaxon. ~~~~Andrew~~~~ I watched as Riele walked out of the house, obviously excited that I and Raiden allowed her to go out of the house. "Should I follow her boss?", Elijah, Riele's personal bodyguard asked as he followed me into my study, "Yeah, make sure she's safe", I replied as I continued with my work. "You know she's going on a date right?", Raiden leaned on the wall at the entrance of my study as he lit a cigarette. "Yes I know", I turned my swivel chair around, facing the window behind my desk. "And you allowed her go?", Raiden was obviously mad that I let Riele go. "You can't keep her in here forever you know", I stared at the sky. It's going to be dark soon. "What if they find her and then take her away just like they did to mum and dad?", Raiden fumed as he puffed out smoke from him nostrils. "They wouldn't dare", I stood up from my seat and walked towards Raiden, "I know you're worried about Riele, I am too, that's why we have Elijah and the rest of the men, they'll keep her safe while she's out ", I stood in front of him. Raiden let out a sigh before turning back and leaving to his room. I walked back to my table. I sat on the chair, bringing out a picture from one of my drawers. "Riele is safe okay?", I caressed the woman's face in the picture. It's a picture of our family, it was taken seventeen years ago, I was only ten at that time. My dad and mum were happily holding hands while ten year old me stood in the middle with a big goofy smile on my face, eight year old Raiden stood to my left with a frown on his face, I can't remember why he was mad but he looked funny while five year old Riele was too busy to keep her face on the camera as she tried to lick her ice cream. My parents were always busy with work but they made sure that they had time for us. ~~~~Riele~~~~ I sighed for the hundredth time tonight. Jaxon is thirty minutes late, I thought we girls were meant to keep the guys waiting, not the other way around. "Is he picking up his call?", Doli asked, "No", I threw my phone on a couch as Jaxon's number went straight to voicemail again. I started pacing around,"What if he's in danger or my brothers found out about him? Oh Jesus". "Just calm down, I'll call him now", she brought out her phone to call Jaxon. Just then her phone beeped and she let out a gasp. "What? What is it?", I asked anxiously. "It's bad, very bad", Doli had a worried look on her face, "It's Jaxon right?", I moved closer to her. She nodded in response. I took deep breaths, trying to calm myself down. "On a scale of one to ten, how bad?" "Ten", Doli bit her lower lip. Oh God. "Just....what happened" "You know Monica right?", Doli started to explain, "Yeah", I nodded. "She just texted me that Jesse just texted her that Avery saw Jaxon entering a restaurant with a lady that is not you", She said all in one breath. What? "So he's on a date with another lady?", I asked feeling my insides turn. Doli nodded slowly as she rubbed my back. I don't believe it. "I'ma go see for myself ", I grabbed Doli's car keys and ran out. "Wait up!! You know you're not allowed to drive when you're hurting and besides you don't know the restaurant ", she ran after me. She's right, I tossed the keys to her and got into the passenger's seat. "Monica just texted me the address, it's not far from here", Doli started the car and in fifteen minutes we arrived at the restaurant. I looked at the name, this is the restaurant Jaxon was meant to bring me to, not some random chick. "Riele, don't do something you might regret later", Doli warned. "Jaxon is the one that will regret ever cheating on me....if what Avery saw is true ", I got down from her car and walked towards the entrance. I got into the lobby, "Your reservation miss?", a guy stopped me from entering into the dining room. I gave him a dirty look before pushing him aside and storming into the dining room. "Miss! You can't go in there without a reservation", the guy yelled after me but I didn't turn back. "Umm... sorry, this is very important, a life or death situation actually", I heard Doli tell him. She must have tipped him because he didn't try to stop me again. I scanned through the crowd. My eyes landed on him, he was indeed with another lady. I walked towards the table, "Hey, am I interrupting anything?", I faked a smile, grabbing a chair from a nearby table and sitting beside Jaxon. I heard Jaxon curse under his breath. "What are you doing here?", he asked obviously surprised to see me. "Who? Me?", I laughed, "Are you sure you're not talking to this thing sitting across the table?", I stopped laughing and looked at the blonde haired lady that Jaxon was on a date with. "Jaxon, baby, who is she?", her voice was so high-pitched fake. "She's not meant to be here, just ignore her", Jaxon smiled sweetly at her. Oh the pretence. "Riele, just go, okay?", he seemed annoyed that I was interrupting his date. "Uh excuse me, I should be the one sitting in that seat, not this b**ch, no that's not the right word... yeah, sl*t.", I eyed the girl with blonde hair. She stared at me with a shocked expression on her face. "Jaxon who is this and why is she posing to be your girlfriend?", she turned to Jaxon with an angry expression on her face. "Posing? Tsk, your hair is not even naturally blonde. It's so obvious you dyed it, so now who's posing?, I rolled my eyes. She let out a gasp as she grabbed her hair, looking at it closely. "Why are you on a date with her instead of me?", I turned to Jaxon. "Can't you see? She's obviously better than you. She's got huge stuffs, you got...stuffs but they are not satisfying to look at", he leaned back into the chair. I blinked twice. Is he body shaming me? "Are you serious? No offense but she looks like a Barbie doll, the fake type. How many CC's of silicone did you put in there? 400? Puh-leez, I don't even need surgery to have a perfect body shape". She let out another gasp as she stared at me in shock."I'm sure no one has told you this before but your fake eyelashes fit your fake personality, b**ch", I added. I'm not lying, everything looks fake. "Riele", Jaxon gave me a warning look but I rolled my eyes at him. "Is that all you see in this plastic fake doll?" "She gives the best s*x", Jaxon added. I frowned, wait so how long has this been going on? Like, what the f*ck? The lady had a proud smile on her face. "Just because she lets you have her? I guess she's cheaper than I expected ", I shook my head. The smile on her face disappeared. "At least she doesn't have crazy overprotective brothers", Jaxon shrugged. Is he talking about my brothers? "Andrew and Raiden are so sus, don't you think? Always all up in your business and stuff. They are los-", I slapped the rest of the words back into his mouth causing gasps to erupt from people around. The whole restaurant was silent as everyone's eyes were on us. I stood up, "Never in your miserable life talk about my brothers like that", I warned. Jaxon slowly stood up from his seat, "Did you just slap me?", his eyes were red in anger as he walked towards me, closing the gap between us. "Never. Talk. About. My. Brothers. Again.", I repeated, moving back to get away from Jaxon. You can insult me all you want but never insult my loved ones. Jaxon has crossed the line. Ditched me, cheated on me and now talking trash about my brothers. Oh he is gonna pay. I winced in pain as my lower back hit a table. Jaxon yanked my hair, causing more pain. "You are such a dumb*ss. I never really liked you. Your brothers are weird and so are you. You're crazy and stupid ", he spat in my face. "I hate you ", I managed to say. "I hate you Jaxon Steel". So all this time, he was only... pretending. 'Damn, you're so stupid Riele', I scolded myself mentally. "Good, you see that lady over there, she's replacing you and by the way, we were never a thing and will never be a thing", his hot breath was on my face. I felt my heart break. I can't believe I ever fantasized about us having s*x. I reached for anything to use to free myself from Jaxon's grip. I grabbed a bowl and dumped the contents on his hair. Another round of gasps erupted from the crowd. Jaxon let go of my hair and moved back, surprised by my action. I walked towards him, pushing him to the ground, "Good", I turned and left.
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