
1300 Words
I took one last glance at the mirror, smiling and reassuring myself. 'Okay, you can do this', I gave myself a reassuring smile before walking out of my room, shutting the door behind me. I looked down the hallway, making sure no one was in sight. I took a deep breath and briskly walked to the stairs. I ran the whole way down, reaching the bottom, I crouched behind the stairs. I turned my head left, looking into the living room, just to make sure I'm not being watched. Phew, all good. Taking another deep breath, I ran towards the door. I reached for the door knob "Riele?". Shoot! I've been caught. I turned around slowly with a smile in my face " Yeah?" "Where do you think you're going?", Andrew asked. Raiden was leaning on the wall near the living room. "I'm going to Doli's place", I told him. "Why?" Raiden blew out smoke from the cigarette in between his lips. "It's a fashion emergency, duh! She needs me to help her pick an outfit for a party. Don't worry, I'm not going to the party." I rolled my eyes. "And before you ask any further questions, I have my phone with me and it is fully charged and I can call incase of any emergency - which I know there isn't going to be - I have money with me incase my phone dies and I need to use a payphone and I know the house address incase I get lost. Can I go now?" I folded my arms. I know my brothers, they can never let me go. They are like eagles watching their prey but instead of wanting to hurt me, they want to protect me at all cost. I don't know what or who they are protecting me from but I hate it. I've lived most of my life in this house. I rarely go out, it's not my fault. I was only sixteen. I just got back from school, ready to spend the weekend with my brothers since my parents travelled that Friday morning. They were to return on Sunday, my parents are business gurus, so they travelled a lot. I met my brothers discussing in hushed tones and Raiden seemed furious. They noticed my presence and stopped talking. Andrew stared at me but his normally bright face was gloomy, I swear I saw tears in his eyes. Something wasn't right. "What happened?" I dropped my school bag on the tiled floor and walked into the living room. My brothers glanced at each other, not saying anything to me. The silence only added to my anxiety and fear, "Say something!", I was getting so scared. "We have to tell you something" Andrew spoke up. Finally. I started to panic as different thoughts ran through my mind. What if Raiden goes to jail again? Or dad lost all of his investors? Mum's beauty salon was burnt? "Tell me what?" I took a step towards Andrew but he didn't answer my question. I turned to Raiden but he only turned his face, looking at the window. Why are they acting like this? "We don't have to tell her", Andrew said, dipping his hands into his pockets. "She's going to find out sooner or later", Raiden clenched his jaw. He only does that when he's pained or furious. "Tell me what? Find out what?", I was baffled. Andrew sighed, grabbing my shoulders, "Mum and dad are dead". Those five words shook my world. The following Monday, I went to school with a bodyguard. I'm not a celebrity or anything. I questioned my brothers but they didn't care. The bodyguard thing went on for two months before my brothers took me out of school. Andrew took over dad's company and ran it really well that within a year, we made billions of dollars, I even got my car at seventeen. I was happy but then the following Saturday, we moved. We lived in New York City and moved to Florida. I questioned my brothers non-stop but they just ignored me. Through out our stay in Florida, I still wasn't allowed to go out of the house. After two years, we moved back to New York City and I continued my home school. I had to go to college online and even get my certificate online. How shitty is that? I missed out on all the fun of going to college and stuffs. My movements were restricted and even if I went out of the house, I had to go with at least two bodyguards and I had to be back in ten minutes. I felt caged and controlled but no matter how much I questioned and complained, my brothers kept on giving me the same replies ' You'll understand when you're older'. Right now I'm trying to sneak out of the house. I have a date tonight with my boyfriend. It's our three years anniversary and I don't want to be late. My brothers don't know about Jaxon, if they ever find out I'll surely get grounded, yeah, I still get grounded. I'm 22 for f*ck sake. I and Jaxon met when I was 19, that night I sneaked out of the house to go to a concert with my best friend, Doli. I bumped into him, spilling my coffee all over his shirt, it was love at first sight. We started dating two weeks after. Jaxon called me like an hour ago, he's taking me out to a fancy dinner. I can't wait. Andrew glanced at Raiden, I held my breath, silently praying for them to allow me to go. "Fine, you can go", Andrew agreed. I finally released my breath, sighing in relief. They allowed me! They literally allowed me! "Wait, this isn't a joke right?", for some reason, this sounded too good to be true. Something ain't right. "You are already grown up, we can't keep you in the house forever", Andrew chuckled lightly as he ran his fingers through my hair. "So that means I can go out whenever I want?", my face lit up. "No", my brothers replied at the same time. I knew it, I'll never be free. "Be back in an hour", Raiden turned and left with Andrew. That went an extent. I got out of the house, bringing out my car keys. "Hey", I called Doli as I entered my car "So? Did they let you?", she asked almost immediately. "Yeah, weird", I replied. "Yes, very weird. Anyways come over quick, you have to get ready", she squealed. She's definitely planning something. She only squeals when she's got something up her sleeves. "What are you up to this time?", I tried not to roll my eyes. "You'll see", she giggled and ended the call. Freak. I and Doli are inseparable. She's been my best friend since kindergarten and I ain't kidding about it. We went to the same elementary, middle and even high school, till of course my brothers happened. The only person allowed into the house is Doli and that is because my brothers trust her. She's like family to me, the older sister I never had, even though she's just two months older than me. We get along pretty well though she's more of a partying kind of person. Within ten minutes I got to Doli's place. I got down from my car and walked towards the front door. Before I could even ring the doorbell, Doli had already opened the door and pulled me inside while I let out a shriek. "What the hell has gotten into you Doli?", I laughed as she dragged me to her room. "I'm just so excited, you're finally going to give Jaxon your body", she shut the door. Wait what?
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