Losing Him

1714 Words
I came out of the restaurant. "Riele!", Doli called but I ignored her, walking right past her. I walked to the back of the building beside the restaurant. I sat on the ground and cried. All the tears that I've been holding in came pouring out all at once. I didn't want to cry in front of Jaxon. I don't want him to know that his words hurt me. I buried my head in my knees as his words kept on replaying in my head. He never really liked me. I was just wasting my time with him. Hehe, three years I can never get back. 'You've been such a fool Riele ', I laughed in my head. As much as I hate Jaxon now, I can't seem to get him out of my head. He was my first boyfriend, I gave him my first kiss. "I won't stop loving you, even if the world ends", I remember him telling me right after the kiss. Hehe, but the world hasn't come to an end, has it? He was only playing me. I stopped crying and wiped my tears. He doesn't deserve them. But then again, I was ready to spend the rest of my life with him, he was the only one that made my smile, apart from Doli of course. He was madly in love with me. I felt tears welling up in my eyes again. 'No, no, I'm not going to cry again', I shook my head. But then again I found myself crying over Jaxon, reminiscing about the good times we had. How I would sneak out of the house just so he could take me out. I remember the first time I went to a bar, Jaxon took me there. I got drunk and threw up all over my shirt. I had to wear his shirt for the rest of the night. It's one of the nights I'll never forget. You've been a fool Riele. I ran my fingers through my hair as I cried. "Hey, are you okay?", I heard someone say. I stopped crying and looked up. Holy sh*t, have I seen anyone this...hot. He wore a white shirt with a pair of black trousers, he had a jacket over his shoulder. "You have a little bit of tears on your cheeks", he bent over and used his thumb to wipe the tear on my right cheek before wiping the one on top left. "Are you okay now?", his deep voice always made me zone out. I shook my head. I looked over his shoulder and saw Jaxon coming out of the restaurant with the lady, he was holding her hand and whispering sweet words into her ear while she blushed and giggled. "Hey", I totally forgot about the god in front of me. "He...b-broke up w-wi-with me", I sobbed as I grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer. He was surprised by my action but he hugged me anyways. "It's fine", he rubbed my hair gently, just like the way my mum used to any time I cried. I took a sharp breath, inhaling his bergamot and sandalwood scent. Damn, he even smells so sexy. My sobs died down within minutes but neither of us wanted to break the hug. "Riele! Riele!", I heard Doli call me. She sounded worried. "There you are... what is going on?", she was surprised to see me hugging...I don't even know his name. He broke the hug and smiled at me. "I think your friend is here for you", he pulled me up. "Thanks", I sniffed and walked towards Doli. "Let's go and buy ice cream, okay?", she tried to comfort me as we walked away. ~~~~~ I sighed as I pulled up in the driveway. I wiped the dried up tears in my face with a wet towel before putting on a smile and getting down from my car. I can't let my brothers know that I cried. They hate it when I cry. I walked towards the porch, just as reached for the door knob, my phone beeped. It was a message from... Jaxon. Why the f*ck is he texting me? I opened the message anyway but I regretted it as soon as I read it. I threw my phone into my purse. I opened the door and walked in, slamming it shut out of anger before running up to my room, also slamming the door. I kicked my heels off my feet as I jumped into my bed. I buried my face in my pillow as I started round two of tears. F*ck Jaxon! ~~~~Andrew~~~~ I looked out the window as I heard Riele's car pull up in the driveway. It took a while but she got down from her car. I continued with my work but I had to look up again when I heard the front door slam, then Riele's running feet and the slamming of her room door. What's going on? I stood up and walked to her room. "Riele, is everything alright?", I asked knocking on her door. "Go away", she sniffed. Why is she crying?. "What happened? I heard slamming of doors", Raiden walked up to me. "It's Riele", I sighed. "Riele, open up, can we talk?", I tried turning the door knob but it was locked. "I said go away", she must have thrown something at the door because I heard something hit the door with a loud thud. "Someone hurt her", Raiden frowned. "Let's not jump into conclusions", I tried to open the door again. "Riele, you can talk to us, okay? Just open the door, you're making us worried ", I spoke to her calmly. I didn't hear any response. Just then Elijah rushed in, "What happened to my sister?", Raiden grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "Relax man", I pulled Raiden away from Elijah. "She...she...", Elijah panted. "She what?", Raiden asked impatiently. "Her boyfriend broke up with her", Elijah explain. "That motherf*cker", Raiden balled his fist. "He's gonna pay", he turned and left. He's planning on doing something dangerous. "Hope he didn't cause any physical injury?", I turned to Elijah. "No, just pulled on her hair a little ", Elijah continued. I nodded and told Elijah to go. "Riele, rainbow, open up, can we talk?", I tried opening the door again but it was still locked. "Derek, get the extra key", I instructed a guard that was walking by. He nodded and went, coming back a minute later with the extra key. I unlocked the door and walked in. Riele was crying in her pillow, one leg of her heels near the bathroom while the other was at her closet. "Don't cry", I sat at the edge of her bed and stroked her hair gently. "How did you get in?", she sniffed as she sat up. "This is my house, I have extra keys", I replied. "You mean our house, mum and dad gave it to us" she rolled her eyes. "True but I'm the eldest", I shrugged. "What happened? Why are you crying?", I tucked the loose strands of hair on her face behind her ear. "Jaxon ditched me, cheated on me, body shamed me, talked trash about you and Raiden and then dumped me", she explained. "I don't even know what he sees in that frog he's carrying around", she folded her arms and huffed. "Such an i***t", she added. "Sorry about that, this is why you are not allowed to go out, people make you cry and you know we don't like when you're sad or when you cry", I pinched her cheek playfully. "Pfft, that's not the reason", she swatted my hand away and rolled her eyes. "You guys are hiding something and I know it", she squinted her eyes at me. "What did Jaxon say about us?", I pinched the tip of her red nose. "He said that you guys are weird and that I'm a dumb*ss", she pouted cutely. "I'm not dumb", she rested her head on my laps. "I know", I twirled her hair on my finger. "Don't tell Raiden, okay?", she looked at me. "Why?", I raised a brow, "He'll do something to Jaxon and I know it", she stated sitting up. She's right, Raiden is a typical gangster, he gets into fights and stuff. He's been in and out of jail a lot of times. "Okay, I promise not to tell him", I stood up. "And don't cry anymore, okay?", I added. "I'll try", she let out a weak smile. I nodded before going out. ~~~~Riele~~~~ "Are you feeling better?", Doli asked as over the phone, "Yeah, I'm better now, thanks", I replied. It's been three days since Jaxon broke up with me and I must say, I'm not the best at handling break ups. All I do all day is stuff my face in ice cream and watch reality shows. I also haven't gone out of my room but Andrew checks up on me time to time. "I need to get more ice cream, talk to you later", I told Doli, ending the call before getting out of my messy bed and going into the bathroom. I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror, my hair's a mess, my eyes were swollen from all the crying and I had dark circles under my eyes because I haven't slept in a while. If I ever fall in love with any guy, please remind me to kill myself. I dragged my socked feet into the kitchen, bumping into the stool, knocking it over. Clumsy me. I opened the fridge and brought out a bucket of ice cream, taking a spoon, I turned and left. "Someone left the TV on!", I yelled as I picked up the remote to switch it off but I stopped midway, "Two people were found dead two nights ago", the reporter said. That's weird, we haven't had a murder case in months. I dropped the remote as I stood to listen. " They've been identified as Tiffany Howard and Jaxon Steel. They were found dead in bed on Saturday night. They were both shot six times in the head. The police are carrying out investigations....", I dropped my ice cream and stopped listening.
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