Finding Out 3

1320 Words
A large field came to my view, there were men and women, mostly men, beating the crap out of each other. They were dressed in black and looked really terrifying. There were buildings on the field but one stood out, it was painted grey and looked like a four-storey office building with glass windows, two other buildings were on both sides. They looked like a warehouse. "Where is this place?", I questioned, looking around, obviously dazed, but Andrew was back to his straight face. How does he do that so quickly? Some men in black fitted suits ran up to us, "Young Master, Young Miss, welcome", one of them greeted, collecting the files Andrew was holding as we headed into the office building. I could feel the power and dominance my brother radiated. I guess he's more powerful than I thought. The bodyguards walked behind us as we got into the elevator. "Where is this place?", I asked again. "Just few more minutes and you'll understand", Andrew replied as we headed to the top floor. I took in a sharp breath, trying to be patient. There was a ding and the doors opened, we walked down the hallway and into an office. "I want the drugs off the ship by midnight and I want a clean work.", I heard Raiden's husky voice, he was talking to a guy. "You can go", he dismissed the guy. The guy turned around to leave but he noticed us and greeted us before walking out. "Have the weapons been delivered?", Andrew walked fully into the room, while I stood at the door. "Yeah, the vans left not quite-what the f*ck is SHE doing here?", Raiden's eyes widened as his angry gaze flickered between me and Andrew. "Um, I believe the question is what is going on here", I folded my arms and glared at the both of them. "Why did you bring her here?", Raiden's nose flared as Andrew collected the files from the bodyguard and dismissed them. "It's time we tell her", Andrew spoke calmly, dropping the files on the table. "She's not ready yet", Raiden shook his head. Why is he so stressed out just because I'm here? "That's always your excuse, she's twenty-two for goodness sake!", Andrew raised his voice for the first time in years, frustration dripping off every word he said and I flinched on the spot. Raiden looked shocked for a few seconds but it went as quickly as it came and an angry expression settled on his face, his brows ceasing together and his jaw clenching. If there one thing that I don't like, it's seeing my brothers argue because of me. "Seems Raiden doesn't want me here so I'll just get going", I turned around to leave but Andrew yanked my arm, forcing me to enter fully into the office. "You are not going anywhere, stay here while I have a word with your brother", he made me sit on the swivel chair behind the desk. He walked out with Raiden following behind him. I sat slowly and awkwardly on the black swivel chair. Something is seriously wrong here. What could they possibly be hiding from me? I turned the swivel chair around, looking through the glass windows and down at the field behind the office building, the people were still sparring, it's barely 10 am. What exactly goes on here? I turned the swivel chair around to face the mahogany desk, I started going through the papers on it but couldn't understand a thing. I dropped them, rolling my eyes and started playing with the swivel chair, spinning it around. ~~~~Andrew~~~~ "Why did you bring her here?", Raiden asked as soon as we stepped out of the office, his face twisted into a deep frown. " She's been in the dark for too long, she has to know", I replied, trying to tone down my voice. I think it's high time Riele knew who are family really are, I just hope she can take the truth. She's naive, innocent and pure, I hope the truth doesn't taint her and ruin the way she views us. "I still don't reckon with this", Raiden grumbled. "What about taking him down, he knows everyone except Riele because we kept her a secret", I insisted. Raiden let out a frustrated sigh, he wasn't winning this argument. "If she hates me, it's your fault", he huffed, pinching the bridge of his nose with one hand while the other was in his pocket. "Trust me, she's ready", I said, reassuring Raiden but mostly myself. He sighed dejectedly as we turned around to enter the office, opening the door, a Riele playing with the swivel chair came to my view. "Swivel chair, swivel chair", she kept on rotating herself on the chair, clearly unaware of I and Raiden's presence. "Yeah, she is soo ready", Raiden commented sarcastically. "Riele", I called her, she stopped spinning the chair. ~~~~Riele~~~~ I looked up at Andrew with a raised brow. "We have to tell you something", he started. I frowned, ceasing my eyebrows together, this was the same thing he said before breaking the awful news of mum and dad's death. I glanced at Raiden standing at the door, he looked kind of annoyed and worried at the same time as he looked out the window behind me, avoiding eye contact and for some reason, I started to panic. Another death? Andrew noticed my worried expression, "No, no, it's not that kind of news, it's actually good...not that good, depends on how you view it", he said in a soothing tone. "Go on", I urged. Andrew cleared his throat before speaking, "How do I break this to you...urm, I and Raiden are in the mafia", he breathed out in relief like he'd finally gotten something off his chest. I corked my head to the side, ceasing my eyebrows together as the puzzle pieces in my head only got more confusing. "I...I don't understand, I mean, I know what a mafia is but I don't understand why you guys are in one, mum and dad wouldn't like that". "Just explain everything to her", Raiden said in a level tone as he brought out a cigarette pack from his pocket, took one out and lit it. "Explain what?", I asked. "Mum and dad didn't die...", Andrew started but I cut him off, "Are they still alive?". "They were killed", Raiden spoke up. "Oh", all glances of hope vanished from my mind. "Mum and dad ran the family mafia, the mafia is a very nasty world, filled with power hungry, money seeking vultures. Sadly the Moore Clan was their next target, we tried to escape. The car accident was planned, they thought we were all in the car but mum and dad thought ahead of them and made plans for us to go the next day.", Andrew explained. I stared at him skeptically, "Why does this sound like something from a Watpad story?". "Riele, be serious", Raiden warned while I rolled my eyes. "So mum and dad were killed?", I frowned a bit as I felt a sudden wave of anger. "Yes and they were coming for us next, mostly you", Andrew added. "That's why I have a bodyguard and why we moved and why I can't go out", I said almost like a whisper as I felt tears building up in my eyes along with a burning rage of fury. All these years, my brothers were just trying to protect me,"Why didn't you just tell me?", I asked, my voice cracking. "What difference would it make?", Raiden replied my question with a question. "But good news, the threat is gone and you're now thirty-five percent safe", Andrew said. "Does that mean I can go out whenever I like now?", my eyes beamed with excitement as I quickly wiped my tears. "No", my brothers replied immediately. They'll never change.
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