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"I thought you said you've eliminated the threat? Why am I still under lockdown?", I inquired, folding my arms across my chest. "We have to prevent history from repeating itself", Andrew stated. "Erm, how?", I raised an eyebrow. "They are after you Riele", Andrew explained. "Why does it always have to be me?", I grumbled, scrunching my nose. "Because they know you worth more than anything to us in the world", Andrew's voice was softer and his calm expression was replaced with a worried one. "So to keep you safe, you're going to Australia", Raiden came to the desk and dropped his cigarette stick in the ashtray. "You guys wouldn't let me out of the house for six years and now you want me to go to Australia? Have you lost your minds?!", I frowned, annoyed that they were once again controlling me. "What Raiden meant to say is that we need your help", Andrew quickly spoke up, giving Raiden a hard glare while Raiden just shrugged. "With what?", I scoffed, sitting down on the swivel chair. "We've been battling with one of our rivals for quite some time now...", Andrew started but I cut him off, "Nope, absolutely not, I'm not gonna be dragged into all this shenanigans", I shook my head disapprovingly. "Calm down, it's not like you're gonna kill him", Raiden had a bored expression on his face as he rolled his eyes. "You wanted me to kill him?", I almost yelled out. "His dad killed mum and dad", Raiden said through gritted teeth. "And now that bastard is after us", he added. "After us? like he wants to kill us?", I ceased my brows. "No, he wants to invite us to a tea party and serve us poisoned biscuits, of course he wants to kill us!", Raiden snapped, veins popping out of his neck and forehead. "You mean after the both of you, I have nothing to do with this",I said, swinging the swivel chair slightly. "If he finds us and kills us, what about you? It won't take time before he finds you too and kills you. Even if he doesn't find you, how are you gonna survive without us?", Raiden asked, stepping closer to the desk. I looked over at Andrew who had this 'you know he is right' face. I suddenly felt this surge of anger in me as Raiden's words sank in, I don't have parents because of this bastard's dad and now the bastard himself is after my brothers, the audacity! "Raiden she doesn't have to go if she doesn't want to, we can send someone else", Andrew spoke up. "Oh, I'm going, and I'm gonna kill him", I clenched my jaw as all the pieces began to make sense. My brothers were trying to protect me from that bastard, the bastard is the reason I couldn't enjoy my teenage years, I couldn't even go to prom. I swear I'm going to kill him with my own hands. "So this is kind of like revenge?", a feminine smirk played on my lips. "Well his father killed our parents, we killed his father and now you want to destroy him...yeah, revenge", Andrew nodded. "I am going to kick his *ss", I said confidently. "Before you kick his smelly little *ss, you need training", Andrew said with a controlled smile. "Yeah, you're right", I agreed. The phone on the desk blared loudly, gaining our attention. Raiden reached out to grab it since he was closer but I grabbed it before he could. "Hello", I answered the phone. "Young Master, Mr Walker is here for the meeting", the feminine voice on the other end said. "It's Young Miss but send him in", I instructed. "What was that about?", Raiden raised his brows. "Mr Walker is on his way here", I replied. "You're learning fast. Raiden, take her for training, I have to talk to Mr Walker", Andrew instructed. Raiden led me out of Andrew's office,"The mafia isn't some game you can play and easily win, for every move made, there's a consequence", Raiden stated. "Last I checked, Andrew said take me to training, not bore me with lectures", I had a bored expression on my face as I rolled my eyes. "I'm serious Riele", he said with simple directness. "I know, I know, I'm just excited", I twirled around in the corridor, gaining stares from the passing clan members but I didn't care. To be honest, I am nervous and excited at the same time. Nervous because I've never actually killed someone before, excited because I'll be avenging my parent's death. "Andrew shouldn't have told you, you're not mature enough", I heard Raiden mumble under his breath. "I don't care, you can't change the fact that I know now, right?", I walked back to his side, rolling my eyes. "Besides, I'm old enough to be here, you were just nineteen when mum and dad were killed and you joined the mafia, I'm twenty-two", I added but Raiden didn't give me a reply. I stopped walking, turning around, I realised that Raiden had stopped walking and was staring out the glass windows and into the field. I walked up to him, "What are you looking at?", I asked but I was met with silence as Raiden didn't even notice I was beside him, not to talk of speaking to him. I followed his line of vision, smiling, I snapped my fingers in his face. "You like her", I stated. "What? No, who?", Raiden denied, shaking his head vigorously as a slight blush crept onto his cheeks, making him flustered, but it went as quickly as it came. "It wasn't a question", I folded my arms and gave him a c*cky look. I can't believe it, Raiden actually finding interest in a lady. Raiden is usually a one night stand kind of person, but the way he looked at the lady on the field, it was different, his gaze was filled with admiration. "What's her name?", I asked. "Abigael, Abigael Carter", Raiden averted his gaze, now focusing on me. Her auburn red hair neatly tied in a high ponytail stood out among the other clan members making it easy for me to spot her. She wore a black training suit that wasn't tight but it hugged all her curves perfectly. I watched with keen interest as she took down a guy as tall as Andrew. "Woah, she's good", I was amazed at her neat and calculated moves as she threw kicks and punches at another guy. "And pretty", I heard Raiden say. I turned my head swiftly and looked at Raiden with a surprised expression on my face. He freaking complimented her! He's definitely really into her. "Let's get going", he continued walking. "You really like her, talk to her", I insisted. "I talked to her", he shrugged. "Really? What did she say?", I was eager to know. "She's going to be present for the next drug exchange", he replied and I did a facepalm. Raiden's gotta be kidding me. "I mean tell her how you feel", I rolled my eyes. "", he shook his head. "Why? Are you scared she'll reject you?", I asked. "Unlikely, look at me, I'm irresistible", Raiden had a cocky grin on his face as he brushed his hands through his messy blonde hair. He had a point, 6'3, blue eyes, blonde hair, Raiden's literally every lady's dream guy. "Then why haven't you told her yet?", I questioned. "It's not that easy to walk up to her and say 'hi, I think you're pretty, let me take you out for lunch' and then what?", he said. "To sum it all up, you're afraid, just admit it Raiden", I teased, laughing. Raiden's cheeks turned red, causing me to laugh harder. "Stop laughing", he demanded but I couldn't stop.

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