Finding Out 2

1316 Words
~~~~Riele~~~~ We stopped at my favourite ice cream parlour, and of course I had strawberry flavoured ice cream, it's my favourite. We arrived at the company, getting out of the car, I looked up at the tall storey building, the glass windows reflecting the rays of the morning sun as I used my palm to shield my eyes. Not much changed on the outside. "Just follow me okay?", Andrew said as he made his way towards the double glass door. "I know my way around, I'm not a baby", I huffed, folding my arms as we walked in. A feeling of nostalgia hit me as the front desk came to my view, dad used to bring me here when I was little and I would sit in his office chair and start bossing everyone around, I eventually ended up with the nickname 'Little Boss'. I was very fond of my dad, Andrew too but Raiden was all for my mum. There used to be a man at the front but now it was a lady. She bowed slightly as I and Andrew walked by, "Welcome Young Master and Young Miss", she mumbled the greeting. Young Master? That's a weird name for your boss if you ask me, and Young Miss, what happened to Little Boss? I looked at Andrew with a confused expression on my face but he only smirked at me. I wanted to talk but someone beat me to it, "Young Master, good morning. You're way behind schedule, your meeting with the Connor Brothers is starting soon, they are in the meeting room already", a lady with long black hair wearing a white button up shirt and black office skirt walked up to us. She was holding a workpad as she read Andrew's schedule from it. From the looks of it, she's his Personal Assistant. "Hold the meeting with the Connor Brothers, I have something urgent to attend to", he said. She nodded in response as her gaze met mine for a split second. "I'll let them know", with that, she turned and left. "Isn't the meeting important?", I asked as Andrew led me into the elevator. "It is but this is more important, they can wait", he replied, as the elevator doors closed. The elevator stopped when we got to the sixth floor. The hallway was busy with some staffs running around. Stepping out of the elevator, I could feel all eyes on us, me especially, some of the male workers throwing me a flirty glance. I noticed the female workers looking at Andrew like he was some demi god or something. They murmured their greetings as we walked by. It's good to know my brother is good looking, dark brown hair with russet brown eyes and 6'5. He wore a black button up shirt with matching office trousers and black shoes. I looked up at him and he had a straight poker face on, wasn't he just smiling like three seconds ago? 'How did he do that?', I thought to myself as I tried to make the same expression on my face but I'm pretty sure I didn't look like my brother. We stopped in front of a door, pretty sure it's his office. "Wanna grab a few things first", he murmured, entering and I followed behind. Dad's office was just as I remembered it, a large mahogany desk with files sat beside the window with papers neatly stacked up, a brown sofa at the right corner of the room, and to the left was a white door, the bathroom. The walls were no longer their normal light hue, they were now a darker shade. I watched Andrew pick up a few papers before he turned to me,"All set, let's go", he stated, heading towards the door. "What exactly do you want to show me?", I grumbled, rolling my eyes. I was already tired of walking around this boring place. Andrew chuckled, stepping into the elevator once more, "Patience Riele", his face was back to normal as he typed in some numbers on a keypad I hadn't noticed before and the elevator moved down. "I have so many questions right now", I stated. "Shoot", Andrew urged. "Young Master? Young Miss? What the hell is that", I scoffed, folding my arms. "You'll get used to it...hopefully", Andrew laughed which only added to my confusion but I stayed quiet. The elevator got to the ground floor but it didn't stop there. "Why is it still going down?", I turned to Andrew, frowning. "Hold up", he said, bringing out his phone to make a call. My anxiety was increasing with every passing second, what does my brother want to show me? Maybe I'm already old enough to know why they locked me up in the house and restricted my movements, if that is the case, it's about time. "We're on our way", Andrew ended the call. "What is going on, I want to know", I demanded. "A little patience Rainbow", he ruffled my hair and I scowled at him. I kept on questioning Andrew but he would only laugh or tell me to wait, which I found annoying and frustrating. The elevator dinged and the doors opened. Andrew strolled out casually. "Where is this place?", my eyes darted around the underground parking lot, expensive looking cars neatly parked in their position. "Woah, are your workers this rich? These look mad expensive", I awed at one of the cars, it was my favourite colour, pink. "That one is yours", he stated. I raised a brow at my brother, "I don't understand". "These are our cars, some yours, Raiden's, and others for me", he explained and I almost fainted. There were about fifty cars here, maybe more, but common, this is all too much. Andrew runs the company, Raiden owns a bar, I have a beauty salon, where in the world did my brothers get the money to buy this many cars? "H-what? Is this what you wanted to show me?", I asked, trying to keep up with his pace as he headed for the other end of the parking lot. "Well, part of it", he shrugged. Wait, there's more? 'Maybe mansions signed to my name and a pretty pink unicorn', I thought to myself. "Ho-wh-did-nevermind", I tried to form a question but my mind was still a daze. Andrew laughed, "Just wait few minutes more". I just nodded in response. We kept on walking till we approached a brick wall. "A wall, how wonderful", I said with a sarcastic tone. Andrew smirked as he pushed a brick and a keypad came out, he typed in some numbers and the wall literally opened up. "Common", Andrew went in. I stood on my spot, shocked, I've only seen something like this in movies, never knew it was real. I'm starting to question my brother's innocence. I took deep raspy breathes as my shaky legs followed Andrew. 'He isn't gonna kill you, he's your brother, he isn't going to kill you, he's your brother', I kept on chanting in my head, my hands clenched together as we walked further into the eerily dark hallway. "I can literally taste your fear, relax", Andrew laughed. I only glared at him in response, why wouldn't I be afraid, I don't know where the h*ll he's taking me to. We approached a flight of stairs. "This way", Andrew urged for me to follow him which I did. We reached the top and a door stood opposite us. "Let me guess, another secret code?", I grumbled, rolling my eyes. "I'm afraid you're wrong dear sister", Andrew open the door and the sunlight shone brightly into my eyes, almost making me go blind. "Try to keep up", Andrew stated, walking out. I blinked a few times to adjust to the light, which I did after a few seconds. "Hey, wait up!", I ran after him.
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