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KELLY I was still shaking when I saw the gates come into view. How the f**k was I going to explain this? I had left the future Alpha on the side of the road to die. I could get into serious trouble for that, especially if I didn’t raise the alarm. That was it, I would send help for him, and then surely no one could blame me for leaving. Of course, he would probably be dead long before help reached him, but that can’t be helped. I sped up to the gates and called to the guard for help. I explained that I had been attacked by hunters and that Jake had saved me, but they had outnumbered and overpowered him. I told them where he was and that he needed help urgently. They let me in, and a group of wolves flew by me, hurrying to get to Jake in time. I parked his car near the pack house and was about to head home when Alpha Cooper emerged and called me over. I didn’t want to be anywhere near him, but it would look suspicious if I refused. Reluctantly, I approached him. He asked what had happened, and I gave him a quick run-through. He looked worried, and I could see that he was hurting. Tonight was worth it just for that. I couldn’t bear to be near him any longer, so I said that I was exhausted and shaken and wanted to go home to bed. He nodded, and I left. I had just made it home when I heard a commotion. Looking out my window, I realised that the warriors were back. Then I saw him. Jake was with them. How the f**k had he gotten away? JAKE I had seen the wolves racing g towards me and cut them off. Greg wanted to go after the hunters, but I told them not to. I said that we should get back to Dawn Sky and make a plan of defence, not chase off after them. He, of course, obeyed, and we had all headed home. I couldn’t let them go after the hunters. She would be hurt, and I couldn’t allow that. I didn’t really understand, I needed some time to process what had just happened. Why the f**k would the Moon Goddess in all her infinite wisdom, mate me to a f*****g hunter????? When we got back I saw my car and was relieved that Kelly had made it home safe. I realised that she had left me there with a silver blade against my throat, but she was probably terrified. Besides she sent help. I made my way up the concrete front steps, and Ally barrelled into me. She wrapped her arms around me, and her face was wet with tears. “Thank the Goddess you are ok!!” she said. Mum joined us in the hug, her own tears flowing. Dad stood nearby, I could see that he was relieved by my safety, even if he didn’t make a big show of it like my sister. I nodded at him, and he returned my nod with a smile and nod of his own. Dad had never been great with showing his emotions, but we knew how he felt. He wasn’t a cold man, just not overly touchy feely. We went up to his office so that I could give him a report of the nights events. Ally was still attached to me. I filled him in on everything, but I left out the bit about the hunter being my mate. I’m not sure that he would be understanding about that. Hell! I don’t understand it myself. ALPHA COOPER I was relieved that my son was safe, but I couldn’t help thinking that he was holding something back. Had something else happened on that road tonight? I considered that perhaps it was something that he didn’t want to discuss in front of Ally, who had refused to leave. Or maybe he didn’t want to get anyone in trouble. Like how it was that Kelly had arrived back at the pack in his car, leaving him in the hands of hunters. She could have mindlinked for help long before she reached the gates, yet she had waited. This hadn’t gone unnoticed by me. I would summon her for a little chat tomorrow morning. I also needed to find a better solution to the issue of her protection. She wouldn’t like it, but I wasn’t about to give her a choice. Amie I had been shocked when mum told me what had happened. I had wondered if I’d done the right thing going to Alpha Cooper behind her back. Now I was so glad that I did. Thank the Goddess that Jake was there to save her. I would have to give him a special thank you, I thought to myself. My wolf Zoe growled impatiently in my mind. I told her to shut up and blocked her out. I’d had to do that a lot since Jake had come home from the academy. She didn’t understand my love for him. She wanted me to be with my mate, but not even the mate bond could compare to the love that Jake and I shared. I was meant to be his Luna, I just knew it. One day, when we were the official leaders of this pack, sure by side. Even Zoe would have to admit that the Goddess had made a terrible mistake by not making us mates. Although part of me was glad that we weren’t, after all, now we would always know that our love was true, not just caused by a bond that we had no control over. Mum had fallen asleep by this point, so I quietly slipped away back to my own bed. Tomorrow I will go to him. I lay there trying to drift off,to no avail. f**k it! I would sneak up to Jake's room tonight. I could say that I wanted to thank him and check that he was OK. It was the perfect excuse.
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