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JAKE I followed Kelly to the city, making sure that I was far enough back that she wouldn’t realise. I was actually looking forward to a relaxing night away from the pack. It would give me time to process what dad had said. I hadn’t expected to become Alpha for years yet. It felt good knowing that he had so much faith in me. Today had been quite the day. Between getting new pack members, Shaun’s mate, and now hunters sniffing around, I was going to enjoy this chance to relax for a few hours. Besides, if I wasn’t at home, then I didn’t have to worry about Amie. The way she was looking at me and holding my hand earlier told me that she’s still clinging to her hope of us getting together. I realised now that I was just going to have to be totally honest with her. She needs to hear it from me. I settled into one of the big, comfortable leather armchairs in the hotel lobby. From here, I had a perfect view of the restaurant. I pulled out the book I’d brought and ordered a cup of tea and a sandwich from the reception. They knew that my family owned the place, so no one was going to bother me about sitting here for a few hours. HOLLY My father had been in a mood all day. He was still mad that I had let that werewolf go. I knew that mum understood my reasoning, but she wasn’t about to go against him. The atmosphere in the hotel room was uncomfortable. I needed to get out of here, but every time I tried to leave, he would get angry again. My stomach grumbled. I offered to go and get some food for all of us. My father’s phone rang at that moment, so he just nodded and shooed me with his hand. Warning me not to be too long, as he answered. Mum gave me a smile and a nod, handing me some money for the food. I got outside as quickly as I could, breathing in the fresh air. Well fresher air. That crappy room smelt of damp and sweat. I walked quickly away in search of food. When I got back, my father told me to eat up as we had a job tonight. I asked what the job was to be met with a sneer “Killing a monster. That’s all you need to know. Just do as I say, girl.” He said. I nodded and ate my food, not really wanting to antagonise him more. Once we had eaten, he grabbed his old duffel bag, and we headed out. There was a guy leaning against the beaten up clunker that my father drove. He waved to us as we approached. My father greeted him like he was an old friend, but I had never seen Jim before. He told my parents that we needed to get a move on if we were going to get set up before she reached us. My father thanked him for his help, and we all climbed into the car. “Martin.” He said, stretching out a hand as he spoke. I shook his hand “Holly.” I replied politely. He looked me up and down in a way that gave me the creeps. He turned to catch my father’s eye in the rear view mirror and nodded. I saw my father grin. What was that about? Mum looked as confused as I did. We pulled over on a stretch of country road. My father and Martin got out to have a look around. “Mum, what are we hunting?” I took my chance to ask while we were alone. She looked down “I’m sorry, sweetie. You know what he’s like.” She said. Before I could press her more, they returned. My father pulled the car off the road and hid it from view among the trees and bushes. He pulled a tyre spike from the boot of the car and laid it across the road. This narrowed things down slightly. Vampires rarely bothered driving as they were faster on foot, witches, and Warlocks generally used magic to get about. I had a sinking feeling. My father smirked at me. He was watching for my reaction as the headlights came into view. JAKE I had let Kelly leave shortly before me. Luckily, she hadn’t noticed me in the lobby. I watched her drive away and gave her a few minutes' head start. I was expecting her to park up somewhere for the night like usual. I was surprised to see that she was heading home. Before long, the city lights were disappearing into the distance, and there was nothing but empty, country roads the rest of the way. I relaxed a little bit and let myself enjoy the peace and quiet. Putting the window down to enjoy the cool night air. A smell hit me suddenly. It smelt like fresh cut grass and ripe, juicy peaches. I breathed it in deeply. Where was that smell coming from? It was amazing. I braked when I saw Kelly’s car stopped in the middle of the road. I jumped out of my car and ran over to find her driver and passenger doors wide open. The radio was still playing, but the car was empty. I heard a scream in the trees and took off in that direction. I decided that it would be easier if I shifted. Logan would find her much quicker than I would. I removed my clothes and let Logan take over. He scooped my clothes up and sniffed the air. In no time, he had got her scent and took off running. Kelly was kneeling on the ground naked, and her leg was bleeding badly. There was a man who stood over her, holding a knife. From the way it glinted in the moo light and the cur on Kelly’s leg, I figured that it must be silver. He was about to bring g the blade down on Kelly when I barrelled into him, sending him flying into a tree. He slumped to the ground unconscious. Kelly looked up at me, relief all over her face. I shifted to help her up, and her expression changed when she saw who I was. I knew she wouldn’t be happy about being followed, so I quickly told her that I’d been visiting a friend in the city and was on my home when I’d seen her car. She seemed to buy it and reluctantly allowed me to help her up. Her leg was pretty bad so I suggested that I carry her to my car. She refused at first, but when we heard footsteps getting closer, she agreed. I lifted her and began to run towards the road. I was pretty quick even in human form. I got her into my car, then suddenly I was hit from behind. Dazed, I turned to find another guy standing there. He hit me in the face, and the pain ripped through me like a tidal wave. I looked at his hand. He was wearing silver knuckle dusters. s**t!!! A woman appeared from the trees and approached us. She didn’t help the man but stood there watching as he continued to rain down punches. I swung wildly. The pain was almost blinding. Finally, one of my swings connected, and I felt him stumble. This gave me the opening I needed. I punched him in the jaw and knocked him out. I turned to the woman, and I hoped that she would just run. She stood her ground, and suddenly, I felt a cold blade against my throat. The silver burning my skin. I growled in pain. Logan was dancing around in my mind. I inhaled deeply as the knife moved slightly. That smell was much stronger now. It seemed like it was all around me. I should be afraid right now, yet I felt strangely at peace. I heard the roar of an engine and realised that Kelly was driving away in my car. I looked over at the woman who still stood before me. She was looking at whoever was holding the knife to my throat. “What’s the matter?” she asked. “Finish this.” She said. Then the most beautiful voice that I'd ever heard came from behind me “I can’t. Mum, I don’t understand. I feel strange.” She said. Logan growled from deep within me “Mate!!” he said. I froze. No, it can’t be. How could this happen? I heard gasps from both women and her grip on the knife loosened from the shock, just long enough for me to knock it from her hand and move away from her. I quickly shifted and ran as fast as Logan could towards home.
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