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HOLLY I was still in shock. He had called me mate!! A werewolf had f*****g called me his mate!! I had studied enough werewolf lore, while researching the creatures that we hunted, over the years to know what that word meant to them. He must have been mistaken though surely. I couldn’t be his mate. I glanced up at my father, who had been glaring at me since we had got back to the hotel. He wanted an explanation of how both werewolves had managed to get away. We had just said that they overpowered me. Luckily, he had been unconscious at the time. I can’t even imagine what he would have done if he had heard it. Mum had told me that we were not to tell anyone about what had happened. Especially my father. Martin had emerged from the trees holding his head not long after the wolf had taken off. I hoped that he hadn’t heard anything. He hadn’t said anything. I struggled to get to sleep, and when I did, my dreams were invaded by thoughts of him. The way the moonlight had bounced off his naked body. The feel of his warm body pressed against me as I held my knife to his throat. His soft, tanned skin beneath my fingers. I didn’t want to think of him like that. I was disgusted with myself. I may not really have that much of a problem with weres, not like the way I do vampires or demons, but that doesn’t mean I wanted to feel like this about one. He was still a f*****g supernatural being. He wasn’t normal. I am though, just a normal one hundred percent human. So how the f**k could I be his f*****g mate???? How is that even possible?? I decided that i needed to study the lore a bit deeper. I already knew a bit about the whole mate thing. The werewolves believed that some Moon Goddess chose them a perfect mate. They would feel an instant and deep bond to each other. The thing is though I don’t believe in their moon Goddess, and even if she was real, how the f**k can she involve me in her matchmaking s**t??? I’m not one of her children of the Moon!! How could I be the perfect mate for a werewolf? I was so angry. Partly at this f*****g so called Goddess, and partly at myself because I just couldn’t stop thinking about him. This was a messed up situation. The next morning my father seemed in a much better mood. Over breakfast he told us that he had an announcement to make later. He said that he was waiting for a guest to arrive first. A feeling of dread was washing over me. He kept giving me strange looks. I could tell that he was feeling extremely pleased with himself, but didn’t know why. I looked at mum, who was clearly just as confused as I was. What the f**k was he up to??? I didn’t have to wait long to find out. There was a knock at the door, and my father opened it. He welcomed his guest with a big smile and a handshake. They walked over and joined us at the small table. “Lovely to see you again.” Martin said to me. Something about the way his beady eyes were fixed on me gave me the creeps. I nodded a silent greeting. He sat down next to me and smiled over at my father. What was going on with these two? Clearly, whatever was happening, they were in on it together. Mum had obviously noticed the weird energy in the room as well. “What’s going on, Charles? What’s this big announcement?” she asked my father. I could hear a slight nervousness in her voice. He grinned and took her hand in his own. “Tina my love, today is a happy day. Today we celebrate the joining of two families.” He said. My stomach dropped. Did he know after all? Was he planning on sending me to be with the werewolf as a way to get closer to them? I was starting to feel a little queasy. Mum looked puzzled “What do you mean?” she asked. He laughed a little “Martin here has kindly agreed to marry Holly. This is going to make our family stronger. Especially once they start having children.” He said. Martin looked at me hungrily. My stomach was turning. I excused myself and headed to the bathroom. Mum joined me shortly after. “Maybe this is for the best, given what happened last night.” She said softly. I just shook my head. “I don’t want to marry that creep. Please, mum.” I begged her. She sighed and hugged me. I left the bathroom to find Martin waiting outside. He took my hand, and a shiver of disgust ran through me. He leaned closer and whispered in my ear “I know about your dirty little secret. I heard that mutt last night. If you don’t want Daddy to know, then I suggest that you be a good little wife.” It felt like the world just stopped for a second. s**t!! This f*****g creepy arsehole was blackmailing me. How was I supposed to get out of this? I tried to figure out what would be worse. Dealing with my father's anger on finding out that not only was I somehow apparently the mate to a werewolf, but that we had also hid that fact from him. Or marriage to this weasel of a man. Neither option really appealed to me. I looked at Martin and then my father, a thought niggling away at my mind. Even if I told my father, he would make me marry Martin anyway. Martin said that he wanted to get married as soon as possible. His eyes were all over me, making me feel naked. I looked at Mum, my eyes begging her to do something, but she just stayed silent.
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