5. Water Watching

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An hour later, I snuggle into his side. He kisses my head. "That was a good nap baby. I should probably go up on deck and see what they are learning now." We get to the wheel and I snuggle with Tre. "What's with you?" "Mine." Tre tightens his grip. "I'm not going anywhere. I'm yours." Dipak rolls his eyes. "Where is he going to go, sweetheart? We're in the middle of the ocean." "Dipak, can you not be an ass?" Tre rubs my back. "Fine, I'll kick his ass and throw him in a cell if he tries to jump overboard." I nod. Tye winks at me. "Why does she get like this with you?" "I have the biggest dick." I roll my eyes. "No you don't. I do." "Pfft. I'm bigger than both of you." "BOYS. You seen mine. It's the biggest." "We can't argue with that sweetheart." "Kane, did anyone tell you about the shower?" "No, what about it?" "It's not right. Go try to shower." "I need to anyway. You guys good?" "We'll be fine." I wrap my arms around Tre and hug him. Tye shakes his head. "Seriously?" Dipak smiles. "She's always been vulnerable with him. Like she's cuddly with you. I doubt if it'll ever change." "How is she with you?" "Dominating." Tre kisses my head. "I don't see the dominating side very often. Mostly I get the vulnerable side. I get a lot of cuddles. Dipak is more 'tell me what you want, so I can do it,' but I mean, half the time she doesn't even know what she wants." "You guess what she wants?" Tre nods. "I guess I do. I do what I think she needs. Sometimes I get it right, because she ends up like this." Dipak laughs. "He takes her choices away. He makes the decisions and then treats her like a baby. He's so damn gentle. He thinks he's going to break her." "I don't think I'm going to break her. But why the hell would I do anything to cause her pain? Of course, I'll be easy with her. I love her and want her to feel good. If you like being rough with her, then something is wrong with you. Maybe you need to ease up. Maybe that's why she tries to dominate you, you're to damn rough. She's trying to get you to back off." "Oh believe me, she's not asking me to back off when I got her by her throat up against a wall, seeing how hard I can slam my d**k into her. Maybe you need to pick it up. She wants more out of you." "Why the f**k would you grab her by the throat? You're going to hurt her. AGAIN." "It's not my fault you don't know how to fuck." That was to much, Dipak. "Sorry I didn't go f**k 10,000 people before I met her. Sorry I didn't get as good as you did at slamming women around. But at least I can make love to my mate. She's the only 1 I've done that for." Oh, that one hurt me. I turn and walk away. I lay in Tye's bed and cry. I get up an hour later and my eyes are burning. They feel raw. I cried to hard. I lay on the couch. The water and sky are perfect. I get cool water and cloths. Then I go back to laying on the couch. I keep cool cloths on my eyes. It feels good. Tye puts my head in his lap. "You want to come to dinner babydoll?" I shake my head. "I'm going to bring dinner to you." I shake my head. "Yes, you have to eat babydoll. We can eat by the window. It's a pretty view." He gets some food, and we sit at the table. "What do you think about the boat?" "Not a lot to do on it. Watch the water. Eat. Watch the water." "Get spears thrown at us. Watch the water." I laugh. "I do love water. But some other things to do would be nice." "There's always fishing and swimming." "Speed fishing as fast as we go." "If Kane wants to swim, I hope he can swim fast." I nearly choke on a piece of fish. "That would be hilarious. Someone swimming behind the boat trying to catch up." "Dipak would be yelling. You're the one who wanted to swim. So swim." "Tre would be beside him. Quit being an ass. Let him back on the boat." "What would I be doing, babydoll?" "Standing between them with this look on your face that says, 'Oh my god you're idiots.'" "I didn't know my face said that. It probably says that quite a lot." I laugh. "It does." Then he laughs. "We'd have to throw you off the boat to get Dipak to stop. He would slam on the breaks and go save you. Then we'd get a 3-hour lecture from him because there could have been a shark that went after you." "I'd be perfectly fine though. You and Tre could get Kane back on the boat while we were stopped." "He'd be laying there half dead for 3 hours because he swam 10 miles." We crack up laughing. There's a knock on the door. Tye winks. "Enter." "It's soundproof Tye." "I guess that does make a difference." He gets up and opens the door. Tre smiles at me. "You ok?" "I'm fine." He sits by me. "I'm sorry we were fighting like that. None of that even matters. We love you to death." "I know." "I'm sorry I said that about Dipak. I have no idea how many people he's been with. It's not my business. I picked a stupid number out of the air. I seen it upset you. I'm sorry for that." "It's fine. The past doesn't matter. He's mine now. Now is all I care about." "Then why did it upset you?" I shove my fish in my mouth. Tre nods. "We can wait for you to chew baby. And you can't run anywhere. We're on a boat." "I don't like thinking about it." "We know that much." "Fine. I always felt like he would find someone else. I never felt like I was enough. I'm a young girl. For him, of all people. I had only ever kissed 1 boy. And then Dipak. I feel like he needs someone more than me. I'll never be enough. I mean, I'm a teenager. Everyone else he was with probably had more experience and more... more everything." "That's why Dipak punched me. He knew I brought that up for you. I am sorry baby. I shouldn't have said anything like that." Tre kisses me on the head. "He shouldn't have been saying what he was saying either. I just wish you guys wouldn't fight. I love you both, and you're so different." Tye smiles. "We should go swimming." "I could use a break from water watching." Tre smirks. "Will you be naked?" "No, I have unicorn island outfits here." "I like naked better." "You can go naked then, Tre." "Well, can I go in my underwear around Thora? I don't want to dirty more clothes. Especially these. They take forever to dry." "That's fine. Your underwear looks like tight shorts anyway. I don't know how any of you wear that much fabric." Tye smirks. "And we don't know how you wear so little." "Right. My underwear have more fabric than some of your full outfits." "Now you understand why you're able to wear them to swim in." I pull out a unicorn island outfit. Tye holds the chair. "OUR ROOM. I DON'T HAVE TO LEAVE." Tre shakes his head and unbuttons the back of the dress. The top comes down. Tye watches me. I smile at Tre. "He might like my boobs as much as you." I let the dress drop. "I doubt it." I get the outfit on. "I need my swords." Tye grabs them off the wall. "What are you going to do with them?" "Be a pirate princess, sir."
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