4. Weirdest Chase

1188 Words
The boys get us closer, then the people on the island start throwing spears at the boat. "I don't think they want us to visit." "There's no dock. I need to check the map." Kane takes off for the office. "Don't get any closer." Dipak and Tre go with him. Something manages to hit the boat. Thora peeks over the edge. "Back up a little." "Should be fine. They aren't going to damage the boat from there." I see men pulling 6-person boats out of the trees and putting them in the water. "UM TYE!" "Oh ok." He kicks on the engines. He gets the little boats behind us and they keep following. Kane and my boys come back. "Why did you turn the engines on?" Tye points. They see the boats chasing us. Kane cracks up laughing. "This is the weirdest chase I've ever been in." All of a sudden, someone on a little boat throws something. It doesn't hit our boat, it hits the water. But then fire burns on top of the water. "Time to go." Kane drops all the sails and takes the wheel. We take off fast. Everyone but Kane falls on our asses. I flip over backwards and do a summersault. Tre grabs my ankle. "You should probably hold onto something when that happens." "Maybe a little warning next time, Kane." Thora brushes herself off. "Sorry but we have to be careful around fire. Especially something that burns on water. That would take the boat out." He gets us far away from them. Then he puts the sails away. "Water is calm enough. We can let the boat sit and have lunch. Figure out where we are." We eat, then go to the captain's office. The boys have the maps on the conference table. Kane points at an island. "This is where we were going. This is where we left from. As you can see, it's southwest. The water was pushing us south, so we needed to go west. However, the kids went entirely to fast. The water did not push us south enough. We are somewhere in these islands here. They are not friendly. However, now we need to go south and west to get to these islands. The water will be pushing us south. We'll have to go 1 click more west. We're going to have to go south with 3 clicks west." Thora raises her hand. "What's a click?" "A click is the little mark on the compass. It's not going to be directly south. It will be south, but 3 clicks to the west." "How did you get the first 2 clicks west?" "This is called a compass rose on a map. It will show you N,S,W,E. You line it up. We're here. Directly south, would put us here. How many clicks west would you need to go to get here?" "2." "Perfect." "But now the water is also pushing south." He pulls another map out. "This is a water current map. It shows which directions the currents are going. Here is where we are. The water is flowing direct south. We need to add on a west click to counter that." "That makes sense. How do you know how fast the currents are pushing?" "You don't and they do vary. But they never change directions. You'll learn more about that as we go. But if we raised the sails and still moved fast. That is one hell of a current. You have to counter those a lot. But I pulled up the sails, and we weren't moving much. We'll be alright with 1 click to counter it." "I get it. Thank you." "Now I want to let Dipak steer. And I want to let Tye work up there, so he understands the speed." "Why?" "Because the speed 'hauling ass.' Does not help me." Thora runs up behind them. "I'm going to watch for islands. I can't believe the boat got hit by a spear." "What do you want to do, baby?" "You." "That sounds fun." Tre carries me to his room and lays me on the bed. He opens the curtain. Then he climbs over me slowly. "I'm going to have Kane make these into balconies if he can. I could make love to you on a balcony over the ocean." He kisses my marking spot and I nearly melt. "We could hear the waves, watch the stars." He gives me a deep gentle kiss and unhooks my dress. "I could see how deep inside you, I can get." I push his shirt over his head and kiss his shoulder. "I need you." He unhooks the dress and pulls it off me. "You want me in your ass baby?" "I don't know." He takes my underwear off. Then he kisses my boobs. He spends so much time on them. He kisses them and sucks on them. He teases them with his fingers. "I love these baby." Then he kisses my marking spot as he slides his d**k in me. "Uuhhh" "Mmm You feel good baby." He moves in me slowly. My head falls back, and I hold him close. "Oohhh" "I love making love to you." He holds his d**k deep in me and does slow thrusts. "OH TRE" "I love it when you scream my name." He draws his fangs right by my marking spot. My head tilts to the side as pleasure shoots through me. "TRE" "I love the way your body reacts to me." He licks the marking spot then moves over to the other side. He draws his fangs and my head tilts the other way. The pleasure shoots through me again. "OH YES TRE" My body wants nothing more than to submit to him, and he knows it. He leaves his fangs out and kisses that marking spot. "TRE PLEASE" He moves his d**k in and out of me with long motions. "You're dripping wet for me baby." Then he goes back to staying deep. He switches to the other marking spot and kisses it. "UUUHHHH" "I wonder which side I'll bite into." "TRE" "So wet baby. I know you need to cum." He puts the fangs away and gives me a deep gentle kiss. "I love this though." "TRE" He moves his mouth to my marking spot and draws his fangs again. "OH TRE YES" It shoots pleasure through me and I start cumming. "TRE" He keeps it in me deep. "TRE YES" I c*m all over his d**k hard. I hold him as tight as I can. He starts throbbing inside me. "Yes baby." He holds it deep. "TRE" He gives me a deep kiss as we finish. "That was amazing, baby." I wrap my arms and legs around him. He's never going anywhere. "Mine." He chuckles. "I'm yours baby." He slides his d**k out and holds me. "You're never going anywhere." "I'll never leave you baby. You're everything I want." He lays down beside me and pulls me on him. "I love you so much. You're all that matters to me." He rubs my back. "Mine." "All yours baby."
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