6. Walk The Plank

1004 Words
Kane and Dipak are by the wheel. Dipak looks like hell again. He sees me and jumps down the steps. Then he scoops me up and hugs me. "I love you, Dipak." "I love you sweetheart. More than anything. You are everything babygirl." "I am going to need you to do something for me sir." "Anything sweetheart." He hugs me tight. I wiggle and he puts me on my feet. Kane stopped the boat. The boys got the plank hooked to the side. I pull my swords and point them at him. "Walk the plank." "Woman, we're almost there." "WALK THE PLANK!" Thora comes up beside me. "WALK THE PLANK." "I got my clothes on, woman." Kane smirks. "It's a mutiny." Dipak must see the boys stripping to their underwear. "FINE." He walks to the plank. Then he takes his shirt off and gets his sword out. He flips it around. I point my sword at him. "WALK THE PLANK." He throws his shoes and his pants off. He gets to the end of the plank in his underwear and flexes his muscles. I watch him. He is damn sexy. I love his body. He smirks and takes a step towards me. Thora sees it. "WALK THE PLANK." "Thank you." I step out on the plank. Dipak raises his eyebrows. "OFF THE PLANK." "Make me." I toss the swords back on deck and run towards him. I know he'll throw me in. I stop about 3 quarters of the way to him. His eyes get huge. I jump as hard as I can and put all my weight on the long skinny board. It works like a spring and flings him off it. I throw my arms up in the air. "BOATS OURS!" Everyone cheers. Dipak's smiling and shaking his head. Then he smacks the water in front of him. I jump. "I told you, I would make you walk the plank sir." I hug him tight. "Yes you did, sweetheart. That was good thinking too. I was going to throw you over my head." "I figured you would either stop me or throw me. I knew I had to do something else." "You're so smart." He gives me a kiss. Thora jumps off the plank. "None of that right now. Swim time." The boys come down laughing. Me and Thora spend an hour getting thrown around by the boys. The boys take turns trying to touch the bottom. I don't believe anyone does it. It seems to be really deep right here. Kane yells, "HEY COME ON. SEE THOSE CLOUDS. WE HAVE TO GO NOW." Dipak throws me up, and I turn into a dragon. I come back and grab Thora's wrist. I carry her up that way. Then I go back and grab Dipak's wrist. I get him out of the water and he wiggles it. I let him go, and he turns into a dragon like that. Then we do that for the boys. "That was a neat trick." Thora takes off running. "I'm taking a shower before you have s*x in it. Give me 5 minutes. It won't take long." "That's pretty dangerous, actually. I don't think I'd try it." The boys give me a weird look. "It's very slippery. And foggy." "I had to hold onto the shelf and her, so we didn't fall." Tre smirks. "The oil and the rocking of the boat. I bet that was interesting." "And all that water coming down. It made for a very difficult shower." "We were happy to get out alive." Tye nods. "No s*x was needed." They laugh. Thora runs back up. "I'm good." "That was fast." "I wanted to rinse the salt off. It dries my skin to much." Dipak picks me up. "I'm taking this one. Hopefully, it's not as dangerous now." The water comes out better now. We get washed and put the oils on, then it gets slippery. I laugh when Dipak grabs the shelf and me. We manage to get the oil off and get out. "That is to dangerous for s*x, sweetheart." "Yes it is." He wraps one of his towels around me and picks me up. "I'll take you in bed then." He carries me to his room. The curtain is open, and the sky is dark. I can see lightning and the waves are getting bigger. "I think you should go deal with that instead love." Tye comes around the corner. "Hey, it's getting bad fast." "I see that. Take her and help her get some clothes on. I'll be up in a second. I need... pants." Tre jumps down the steps. "Kane said to get your ass up there." "I need pants first." Tre runs back up the steps. Tye motions to our room. A big ass wave must hit cause I'm thrown right into the wall. He puts his arm around me. "Are you alright?" Thora comes out of her room. "The window is making me sea sick." "Close the curtain Thora." Tye pushes me down the hallway, and into our room. I freeze solid. His curtain is open, and the waves are huge. I know the boat is rocking. But I didn't know the waves were that big. I'm surprised they aren't hitting on the deck. My mouth falls open. "Come on babydoll. Give me your foot." He's trying to put underwear on me. I snap out of it and get my underwear on and then someone bangs on the door. Tre walks in. "You need to get up on deck." I freak out. "WHAT? We'll fall overboard. It's not safe." "Woman now." He grabs the shirt from Tye and puts it over my head. At the same time, Tye pulls the skirt up. Then he throws me over his shoulder. He bangs on Thora's door as we get to it. She opens it and she is green. He grabs her arm and pulls. "We have to go up." Tye shuts the door and pushes her down the hallway.
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