3. Westish

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I get to the deck without falling down. I get to the 6 steps. I time it out with the waves and make it up. Kane raises his eyebrows. "Nicely done." "I'm getting it." I smile. "Don't go any faster." The wheel is hooked to a box that has a lot of levers and switches on it. "What's this do?" Kane points. "This turns on the engine. It's fairly slow, but through ports and what not, it's perfect. These are the sails. There are 7 of them. We dropped 7 earlier and as you seen, this ship is fast as f**k. Probably only ever going to need 1 or 2." "Seems easy enough." "This big wheel steers. We'll get you a turn on it eventually. Need to teach the current drivers how to drive first." "That makes sense." "This black thing is the compass. The needle will always point in the direction you're going. If you want to go north, keep the needle pointing north, and you will get to where you're going." "Didn't you say there was a way to navigate with stars and the sun?" "Yes, but for this trip, it's easier with the compass. And they need to work on driving and control first." "For the sails. The buttons are in lines 2, 3, 2. So I'm assuming 2 on the front beam. 3 in the middle and 2 on the closest one?" "Yes." "Is it ever not windy?" "Not when we're in the open ocean. Sometimes, around land or big islands, you'll get less windy spots." "The engines would get us out of those." "Correct." "I can drive now." "Steering still takes some getting use to." "Keep the needle pointed to the right letter." "Yes, but going through ports is a lot trickier." "Fine, but I'm sure I could do it already. Tell me when you get to navigating with stars." "Will do." I get down 3 steps and a wave hits. I jump the last 3 and land on my feet. This isn't that bad. I check out the sitting room. It's nice and boring. Not even any books. They would probably fly all over anyway. I go to Tye's room. It feels different being here without him. Like I'm invading his privacy. I pull open the curtain and it's amazing. The sun is setting over the water. Then I see a dolphin jump. I have to show the boys. I run back up by the wheel. "DOLPHINS BOYS LOOK!" "That's cute baby." Tye kisses my head. "That's pretty with the sunset like that." I lean into him. We watch the dolphins jump and the sun set. I get a little chilly, so I cuddle into him. "You ready for bed babydoll?" "Yea, I'm tired." "I'll be down in a little bit." "You're not coming?" "I want to get you use to going there on your own. I know you'll argue about it forever." "I went in there earlier." "Really?" "That's when I seen the dolphins." He smiles. "Let's go to bed." I give Tre a hug. "Good night. Send a servant for me if you get tired. I can talk with you. Help you stay awake." "Thank you baby. Good night." I feel like I need to knock on Tye's door, he's already in there. Maybe I should. I stare at the door. He opens it. "Did you forget how they work?" He pulls me in. "Your room woman." He gives me a sweet gentle kiss. I do love him so much. "You're tired babydoll. Let's go to sleep." He gets the bed ready. I am very confused. I don't think he wants s*x. He unhooks my dress and lets it fall. Then he puts me in bed and lays beside me. "This is more complicated than I thought it would be babydoll." He pulls me into him and I put my back is against his chest. I love this. He wraps his arm around me, and I'm so warm. I open my eyes and the sun is coming up. I have my head on his chest and his arm is around me. I wonder if I should try to leave without waking him up. He rubs my back. Guess not. "Good morning babydoll." "Good morning." "Let's figure out how the shower works before everyone wakes up." The shower is 2 rooms. 1 has a drain on the floor. The other room has tables and towels. And a note. "You get 2 towels. Dry them in your room and reuse them." "I wonder how we're supposed to dry the towels." "Hang them up. We could hang them on the deck. They would dry faster, but maybe blow away." "We take the dirty clothes back to the room too?" He looks around. "Yes. The servants will collect it from there." He drops his pants. "Let's take a shower." I pull my underwear off and his eyes go dark. There's another note in the shower. "Short showers. Save water. The tanks will go empty." "I guess no fun in the shower babydoll." He smacks my butt. "I know you were thinking it." I press myself against him and give him a deep kiss. "Maybe a little fun." He smirks. He plays with a knob on the wall and the water comes out. It drenches us in 3 seconds. He shuts it off quickly. "That was a lot of water sir." "I don't think that's right." "It still works. Wet now. Where's the hair soap?" We get each other soapy. "I'll turn it back on." It floods us again. Gets the soap off really fast. "I'm sorry, but I have to oil my hair." He tries not to laugh. "Let's do oil too." We get each other oiled and I keep rubbing his chest. He's so muscly. He gives me a kiss and pulls me in close to him. I wrap my arms around his neck. I want him. Then a big wave hits. With the oil on the floor, we about fall over. He grabs onto the rail and me at the same time. "Let's just get out of here alive babydoll." He floods us with water again. I wrap my hair in a towel and put the other around my body. "I'm going to get ready in the room. I need out of here. It's to foggy and slippery." He grabs our clothes. "That sounds like a plan. I'll tell Kane about the water thing when we get up there." He wraps a towel around his waist and throws his other one over his shoulder. We get in the room and I kiss him. He pulls the towel off me and his eyes go black. Then he picks me up and I hook my legs to his hips. He puts my back to the wall and thrusts against me. He's hard already. I need him. I push back against him. But the damn towel is in the way. He drops his to the floor. I rub against his d**k. He rubs my clit with his thumb, and then he stops. "What?" "You're not wet babydoll. You ok?" "The towel Tye." He tosses me on the bed and climbs between my legs. He gives me a deep kiss and slides his fingers in my p***y. "OH YES" Then he drops and kisses it. His tongue and his lips work magic on me. "TYE YES PLEASE." He moves back up my body and gives me a deep kiss. "You want my d**k babydoll?" "OH YES" He slides it in my p***y so slowly. "TYE YES" He makes love to me so easy and gentle. "This what you want?" "OH f**k YES" My nails go down his back and I grab his ass. He speeds up from my nails. "f**k babydoll. You're so good. I love this f*****g pussy." He rolls us and let's me be on top. I move up and down on him. "God yes." He pushes into me a couple of times then rolls, so he's back on top. But a wave hits, and we roll straight off the bed. I land on top of him again. I can't stop. I can feel it building in me. He rolls us over on the floor. He pushes into me hard and fast. "f**k yes." "TYE" He goes even faster. "f**k Nadine." "OOOHHHH" My knees come up and my toes curl. "TYE" The pressure explodes inside me. "OH TYE" He f***s me through it. "TYE" "f*****g CHRIST BABY." He slams his d**k into me and starts cumming. "f**k yes." I feel him throbbing inside me. f**k I love this. I hold him as tight as I can to me. "You are so good." I give him the deepest kiss I can. He gives me another kiss and slides it out. "So are you babydoll." "Are you ok? I fell on you." "I'm good. It didn't matter. I wasn't going to let us stop." I giggle and snuggle him. "Babydoll, unless I'm obviously dead, don't stop. And if I am obviously dead. Keep going anyway. I still need you to finish." "Not sure if that's how it works sir. But I will try to never stop." "Good enough, babydoll. Let's get dressed and get some breakfast." After breakfast, Dipak is driving again. "What's wrong love? Your eyes are all red." "Didn't get much sleep sweetheart. I'm alright." "We can do this, Dipak. Get some more sleep." "Did Kane explain it to you?" "Yea, he said, use 1 or 2 sails. Keep it on the…" I look in the compass thing. It's on the W. "W for West. Go to sleep. If we see any boats or land, we'll come and bang down your door. It'll be fine. We only have to go west." "You wake me up for anything." "No problem." He kisses my head. "Thank you sweetheart." "You're welcome love. Good night." He roams away. "I'm the captain now." "What direction are you going, captain?" "Westish." "Let me see. That's westish alright." He spins the wheel. "Now it's west again." "The water is calm, Tye." "Yep." "We could go fast and no one would know." "He's probably had enough time to go to sleep. And they were probably up most of the night. We can go faster." I push an extra sail button. "It's not that windy anyway." 10 minutes later, he pushes for another one. "We have to keep it on the W." "I love you Tye." "I love you too baby." He kisses my head and drops another 2 sails. "We'll get there faster." "There's another boat over there baby." He points behind us. "Let's outrun them." I drop the last sails. "That'll probably do it, babydoll." 4 hours later, Thora comes out. "What's wrong with the shower?" "No idea. We turned it on a couple of times. We couldn't leave it on." "Same. There was a lot of water coming out. Then the note for short showers. That tank is going to drain in like 10 minutes if someone leaves the water on." Tye nods. "I'll tell Kane when he wakes up. We haven't seen anyone." "Dipak was driving when we got up here. I told him to go to sleep. He looked like hell." She nods. "The 3 of them were up all day. Then to try and take turns staying up all night. They should have known that wouldn't work. But they're stubborn." "They really are. And Dipak was telling me how I couldn't drive yesterday, because Kane could only teach 1 person at a time. They don't want to share. They have to be responsible for everything. And you see what happens. Tye's the captain because they wore themselves out being stubborn." Tye smiles and kisses my head. Thora smiles. "We have to get Tye a pirate captain's hat." Tye squeezes me. "Land ho." Thora jumps up and down. "IT'S AN ISLAND." "I WANT TO GO THERE TYE." "I'll get us closer, but then we'll have to wake Kane up. I don't know how to dock babydoll." I give him a big hug. "Thank you." He gets us close to the island, then he puts the sails up. "Go get them. I'll sit here and keep an eye on everything." I run for Dipak and Thora takes off for Kane's room. I get down a level and Tre has a towel on. "Sexy, you're naked." "Shower issue. What are you doing?" "Getting Dipak, Tye found an island. We're going to be pirates." "I'll be up in a minute baby. I thought Dipak was up there." I shake my head. "No Tye. He's been driving for 6 hours now." "I'll be up in a minute too." I give him a hug and run into Dipak's room. "Dipak." He sits straight up. "We found an island, and we're sitting here because Tye can't park the boat." "How long was I asleep?" "6 hours. Do you feel better? You look better." He throws some clothes on. "I feel a lot better sweetheart. Thank you for letting me sleep." I give him a big hug. "Anytime." "I love you sweetheart. Let's go up and see where we are." "I love you too." He walks me up with his arm around me. Kane rubs his eyes. "I don't know where we are. They found an island. But it's not the one we were aiming for. We're going to have to dock and see where we are." "WE CAN BE PIRATES NOW." I run to the front of the boat. "GO THERE." I point at the island.
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