12. Pirate Attack

1434 Words
We run up to the deck and all hell is breaking loose. There are pirates on our boat. The boys are fighting them off. Apparently, they swung over on ropes. Me and Thora draw our swords and jump in the middle. We kill them as fast as we can. There are a lot of them. We are extremely outnumbered, but they are human. They die easily. "AARRRGGGHHH" One swings at me from behind. I duck and cut his legs off. There are so many of them laying dead around us. There's some strong ones up by the wheel. The boys are getting them. Thora gets the last one near us. Then the boats collide. I didn't even notice they were getting closer. We get thrown on our asses. But the other boat has no one left on it. They all must have come over. Me and Thora think it at the same time. The decks are about the same height. We run and hop onto their boat. "We're the real pirates. Not them." "We need to get the boats apart." She goes for the wheel. I go for the captain's office. I want the maps. I need to figure out light. They were running dark. "Here." Thora hands me a boat lamp. She lights it and goes back to the wheel. The boats make some weird grinding noise, then break apart. I take the light and go below deck. I have 1 of the swords drawn, but I don't hear anyone. I peek in the rooms. They have a lot more stuff to do than we do. Then I find an office at the front. I light 2 more oil lights and can finally see. I nearly get thrown over sideways for some reason. "Dang it Thora. Learn to steer." Then I find a bunch of papers. I check the top one, and it's a map of something. I roll them up and take them. I find another compass. One the size of my hand this time. I find a few telescopes. I take those. Then I hear something on the deck above me. Time to go. I turn to leave and see red eyes looking in the window at me. They are only there for a second. I check but nothing there, only darkness. I leave the lamps and make my way out in the dark. "AAAAAHHHHHHHH!" "WHAT IN THE HELL ARE YOU DOING, WOMAN?" I hug Tye tight. "You scared me." "I am going to beat your ass. What are you doing here?" "Getting the maps." I show him my stuff. "I'm a pirate too." "Woman... You can't... come on. I'll take you back. We are going to talk about this though." "We have 2 boats now, Tye." Kane comes out of nowhere. "She's not wrong. Where is the captain's office?" "Right there. I got the lamps on in it." "I'm taking her back, Kane. I'll be right back." "Fine." Tye takes me up to the deck. "Dragon and go back." I do what he says. Not sure why he's mad. He lands right beside me on our deck. Tre and Dipak seem confused. "Yea, guess where I found her." Tre raises his eyebrows. Dipak's eyes go red. "AAAAHHHH!" I take off running. I don't know where to go. I'm on a boat. Tre grabs me before I get anywhere. "You're alright. Baby did you go over there alone?" I shake my head. "Thora is driving." Dipak and Tye turn to dragons and take off. Tre pulls me into his side. "Let's drive this boat for now." "Ok." He gets me up by the wheel and stands with his arms around me. "What were you doing?" "Being a pirate. I went and got their maps." I pull them out of my dress. Then I pull out the compass. "I got stuff. I was coming back when I ran into Tye." "Why did you go over there to begin with?" "To get the boat off ours. They hit. We were going to move it. But there was no one there. I got the maps and stuff." Dipak lands with Thora on our deck. She turns around and starts screaming. "WE'RE PIRATES TOO DIPAK. IT'S NOT JUST YOU. WE HAVE EYES. WE CAN SEE IT WAS EMPTY. WHY NOT TAKE IT? STOP TREATING US LIKE WE'RE A YEAR OLD. WE CAN MAKE OUR OWN DECISIONS. WE CAN DEFEND OURSELVES." She kicks him in the shin and takes off below deck. Then she comes right back up. "WE KILLED MORE OF THEM THAN YOU DID ANYWAY. THAT'S OUR BOAT. NOT YOURS. WE TOOK IT. NOT YOU. NOT ANY OF YOU. IT'S OURS." Then she goes back down. Dipak looks at me and I turn around and shove my head into Tre's chest. I wrap my arms around him. He takes my hat off. "Why don't you go take the pirate stuff off and come back? You have to be hot." I shake my head. He rubs my back with 1 hand and steers with the other. Dipak comes up. "I'm going back over." "Alright." I peek at Dipak as he turns into a dragon and flies to the other boat. Then I run across the deck and down the steps. I take off the pirate stuff and put on some flat shoes with the unicorn outfit. Then I go up to the deck. I get the swords off the dead guys. I like their swords. Their clothes are bloody, and they have nothing in their pockets. I go over to Tre. "Can I push them off the deck? They don't have anything." "Make sure you check the pockets, baby and around their necks for jewelry. Come here." I walk back to him, and he gives me a kiss. "I wanted a kiss. I'll get up here cleared. I can't get to far away from the wheel. We'll get the servants later. We need to get the bodies off first." "Ok." I open the gate where the dock connects on one side. "BABY, BE CAREFUL AROUND THAT." I check bodies for weapons or money, then I push them overboard. They really don't have anything. I get through everyone on the main deck. There was about 25 of them. It was a lot. There's just swords and blood everywhere now. "Good job baby." I smile. I love him. I go to lean on the side and sure enough, it's the part I moved. I fall right off the boat. It happens so fast I don't even make any noise. I hit the water and go under. I fight my way back up and the boat is trying to pull me under it and push me away at the same time. I open my mouth to yell, and I get hit by a wave and pushed back under. This is not fun. I hear Tre's dragon make a weird scream noise. It was loud. I'm sure they could hear that for miles. I turn and he's flying towards me. I put my arm up, and he grabs it right before another wave takes me under. He lands on the deck with me. Tye and Dipak are standing by the wheel staring at us confused. They come down. "I fell off the boat." "What were you doing?" "I was trying to help, Tye." "STOP TRYING TO HELP. YOU ARE MAKING IT MORE DIFFICULT." My eyes feel with tears. I can't even see. I turn and run down the steps. I don't know where to go. But I'm covered in salt and I have some green plant in my hair. I have blood on my feet from being on the deck again. I run to the shower. I cry my entire shower. I was trying to help. I can't do anything right. I get out of the shower and there's no towels. I stand there and cry. Then the door opens and Tre comes in. He takes his shirt off and puts it over my head. He picks me up and carries me to his room. He sits on the couch and holds me while I cry. He dries my hair and body. Then he lays me in the bed. He lays down beside me and pulls me over him. I lay my head on his chest and keep crying. He rubs my back. "It'll be alright baby. He didn't mean it." "I'm never doing this again, Tre." "Close your eyes baby." I snuggle into his side and close my eyes. He rubs my back. I cry myself to sleep.
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