13. Captain Thora

1862 Words
I wake up at lunch. Tre left me some fruit, cheese, and bread. My eye's are burning again. Now I have no clothes. I lay on the bed and just watch out the window. I throw the blanket back over me. I have no reason to leave. And no clothes if I wanted to anyways. About an hour later, I can feel Tre's eyes on my back. "You going to stay in here until we get back?" I nod. "I'll get some of your clothes from Tye." I hear the door shut. I cry again. He comes back about 15 minutes later and throws some underwear and one of the little summer dresses on the bed. "Let's get you dressed baby." I shake my head. "Yes, you can't be in bed a whole day. You need to eat lunch." I'm not going anywhere near that dining room. I don't care what anyone says. I would probably make lunch more difficult for everyone too. I stand there crying and Tre gets my underwear on, then he puts the dress over my head. He guides me to the couch. He sits behind me and combs my hair. "Really shouldn't have slept on this wet baby. It's a mess. I'm going to go get some more oil. I think that might help." He always takes care of me. He's so good to me. I cry again. About the time my hair gets done, someone knocks on the door. "Thank you, put it over there." The servants set up lunch. We watch out the window and eat. He looks like hell. "You need sleep." "I can sit with you baby." "No. You need sleep. I can tell you're tired. Go lay down. I'll go stare out another window. That way it'll be dark in here." "You sure baby? I can stay up longer. I know you're sad." He kisses my head. "Lots of windows on the boat, and I'm even dressed now." "Will you get me up for dinner, so I can eat and take over one of the boats?" "Can you take over the other boat? Thora and I can search it while you're there." He kisses my head. "I'll think about it." I hug him. "I love you." "I love you too, baby." "Sleep well. I'll wake you up for dinner." Dipak is steering. He sees me but doesn't do anything. Thora is sitting at the front on the benches. I sit with her. Dipak comes over to us about 2 minutes later. He looks tired. I thought he just took over. "Can you 2 steer the boat for awhile. I need more sleep. I'm falling asleep up there." We jump up. "I'll show you what to keep it at." "Northeast. No more than 3 sails. But try to keep it at 2." "We can do that." "Wake me up when you are bored." We keep it at 2 sails. We sail all afternoon. Right up until dinner. It was about 6 hours. "I think the boys will be good now." "Yea probably." "I'll go wake them up and have them eat. You good up here?" She nods. I get on the lower deck and Kane comes up. "I guess I'll drive this boat." I shake my head. "She's excited to try alone and Tye's been over there all day. He's probably getting hungry. Go send Tye back. I'm getting Tre up now." "Ok." Tre's sound asleep on his back. I sit down beside him and rub his head. He says, "Hi baby." before he even opens his eyes. "Hi sexy. Thora and I have been driving this boat, and we're still good. Kane just went to the other one. If you want to sleep some more, you can. But I know you wanted up at dinner, so I figured I'd ask." "I'll keep sleeping baby. Wake me up when you are done." "I love you." "I love you too, baby." I leave as quiet as I can and go to the kitchen. I get myself and Thora a couple of plates of food and some blood. "Thank you princess queen." "Tre's not getting up. I told him we're good. So he said he would sleep some more." She sits her plate down on the box with the controls. She picks at it while she drives. "You are a natural at this." "I should have been the captain." "You got us a second boat already, too. That's got to be some kind of record." "True." I sit down. "Maybe I should have made Tre get up. My back is hurting." "I'm still good. You take a break, then we can switch." "Let me know when." Tye lands beside us. "I thought Tre was driving?" "He wants to sleep." "Did Dipak drive after I left?" Thora laughs. "He was tired too. The pirates only come out at night. It's better for them to sleep during the day. And we're perfectly capable of steering a boat." "I mean honestly, what are we going to hit?" "Yea, it's not like we could mess up to much. Go eat and go to sleep. You like hell Tye." I don't look at him. I eat my food. He picks me up and carries me to his room. Then he puts me on my feet. He really does look like hell. Looks like he hasn't slept in a week. Tye puts his head in his hands. "I'm sorry babydoll." I stare at him. "I was so mad when I found you over there. There were more pirates on that boat. They could have 100 more. We didn't know how many were there." "I saw they were on our boat, and we moved theirs. Once, we got the boats apart. I knew it was empty. I went to the captain's office to get the maps. I was on my way back when I ran into you." "The boat wasn't empty, babydoll. There were 15 pirates on it. They were sleeping on the lower levels. If they woke up with only you and Thora over there." He shakes his head. "We would have killed them, Tye." "Baby, you were the only 1 in that office. I know they're humans. But 15 of them on you? Do you really think you wouldn't have been hurt? Babydoll, they would have hurt you. They would have raped you. They would have ripped you apart and threw you overboard." "I thought it was empty." "Even when Kane and I went over, we stuck together. None of us go into a situation like that alone. What you did was dangerous." I sit down beside him. "If you had steered the boat away, that would have been 1 thing. But you went into their ship on your own." Dipak is in the doorway. "I wanted to get the maps. I thought that was important for pirates to take." Dipak smiles. "We have to be smart about it. We think things through. We don't go alone unless it's absolutely necessary. Safety first sweetheart." "I'm sorry." "Whose driving?" "Thora." He runs out the door. Tye rubs my back. "I'm sorry about what I said on the deck babydoll. I didn't mean it. You don't make anything more difficult. You scared the hell out of me when I found you over there. I was pissed off. Then I get back over here and Tre was putting you in the boat cause you fell off. You could have been hurt by that too. I opened my mouth and stupid words flew out. I saw your eyes fill up with tears, and it ripped my heart out. I didn't want to hurt you or make you feel like you can't help. I know you helped. You saw them first, you didn't panic, you alerted everyone, you killed so many of them, you moved the boat, came back and cleaned the deck. You helped, babydoll. You did. I didn't mean to make it sound like it did." "You're not mad?" "I'm mad. You should have known better than to go into that ship. But I am sorry for telling you that you make everything more difficult. You don't make anything more difficult. You scared me. I still think I should beat your ass for that. You know better than to go into a hostile place. Especially alone like that. I should have spanked you instead of trying to yell at you." I shake my head. I need to find a way out of here fast. Someone knocks on the door and I jump up to get it. It's the servants with his food. I hand them my plate and take his stuff. Maybe he'll not be mad after he eats. I should leave though. "What are you thinking?" I shrug my shoulders and give him his stuff. I wait for him to put a bite in his mouth and I run. "STOP!" I keep running. I'm already out. He catches me before I even get to the stairs. He carries me back and stands me up. "Now what was that?" "I don't want to be in trouble." "So you run when I say stop?" I start to cry. "No. I'm not doing tears now. I find you in a pirate boat. You run for me when I tell you to stop." He grabs my wrist and pulls me to the chair. "Tye no." I try to pull away. "Enough." He says it with such a deep tone. I stop moving and stand there shaking. He sits down and pulls me over his lap. He lifts the dress up. He pulls my underwear down below my butt and I wiggle. "Count." -Smack- "AAAHHHH" It hurts. He's not playing at all. "You're getting 10. Now count or it starts over." "1" -Smack- "2" -Smack- "5 for finding you in that ship and 5 for running when I told you to stop. You know better than doing either of those." I shake my head and cry harder. "3" "Move your hands." -Smack- "4" -Smack- "5" "Now are you ever going to run again when I tell you to stop?" I shake my head. "What?" "No sir." -Smack- "6" "Every time I have to tell you to move your hands, I add another one." I move my hands and cry harder. -Smack- "7" My whole body tenses up. "It hurts Tye." "It's supposed to." -Smack- "8" "Am I ever going to find you somewhere like that alone again?" "No sir." -Smack- "9" "Please no more. It hurts." "I'm going to make damn sure you listen next time. That was dangerous. Now move your hands. I'm adding another one." -Smack- "10" "OWE" "1 more and you're done. You can sit and think about it." -Smack- "11" "AAAHHHH" He rubs my butt and then pulls my underwear up. I stand there sobbing. He hugs me after he fixes the dress. "I love you babydoll. I don't want to do that, but you're not listening. You could have been hurt, and I can't even believe you ran like that. Go sit on the couch." I sit on the couch and cry.
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