2. Pirate Princess

1568 Words
Thora grabs my arm. "Come stand by the edge and see how fast we're going." Tre won't even get near the edge. He goes towards the boys. I go to the middle and look straight up. Those black sails really make it a pirate ship. All of a sudden, a big wave hits and I fall straight on my ass. Tye comes down the stairs for me. Tre is trying to get up the other steps. Another wave hits and they both fall. Kane and Dipak lose it. Thora helps me up. "Thank you." "My pleasure princess queen. It takes awhile to get use to the ground moving constantly." "I can see that." She goes to help Tre. Tye hugs me. "I took the faster route down the steps." "I seen that. This is going to be hell for us." "Maybe it's good Thora came." I glance and she's helping Tre up the steps. "I do think you're right." A big wave hits in the front and the boat goes up. Then it crashes back down. Tye is laying on the ground beside me. "At least the view is good from here, babydoll." I lay my head on his stomach. "Yes it is amazing." He rubs my hair, and we enjoy the view. 5 of the sails roll up. Now there's only 2 in the middle out. Thora smiles. "You can try to stand now. They slowed down." I try to stand up and Kane runs right by. He takes the flag down. Thora runs off to Dipak. Tre comes over to me. Then he lays on the ground. "I need a minute." Me and Tye lay back down. Dipak puts the other 2 sails away. "Did you give up on ever walking again?" "Yes." "I will go slow for the rest of the day. You need to practice though. You can't lay here forever." Thora comes over. "The other ship is approaching. Why did you stop?" "They can't move or help when the ship is moving." Tre rubs his eyes. "I hope it's not real pirates, or we're screwed." "It'll be fine. We're dragons. Thora and Kane have no issues moving around. We can do this. If we have to run, I'll drop the sails. Then you should lay down again." Thora smirks. "Hell of a crew we got here. Even the servants keep falling over." "OR" I put my finger up. "We can fly beside the boat." Tre and Tye nod. Kane shakes his head. "Pirates do not fly beside the boat. You need to get your sea legs. Get up. You have to move around. Remember the waves come at the same time between them. Figure out when the next one will hit and take stairs between them for now." The 3 of us stand up. I brush myself off. "This isn't that bad. It's a little rocky." "Exactly." Thora fixes my hair. "Practice walking to the wheel and back." We take off in random directions. I get to the very front when another ship pulls up beside us. It's about the same size as ours. It has guards on it. They put wood between the boats. Then a couple of the guards and another man come onto our boat. They talk to the boys for a minute. They are boring. I stand up and a big wave comes. I nearly fall over the edge. I sit back down. Kane comes over a minute later. "You want to go somewhere else?" "I wanted to go see what you were talking about." "We're in their waters. They're making sure we're not doing anything illegal, like being pirates." He pulls me up and helps me to the boys. "You ok? You almost fell over the edge, ma'am." "I'm fine, thank you for asking, sir. The constant ground moving is hard to move around with." "Yes, it takes a couple of months. You'll get use to it." My eyebrows fly up. "MONTHS?" He laughs. "They're not pirates. I imagine she is a princess, and they are transporting her." "Why would you call me a princess? I don't even have a tiara on. And this is hardly a princess dress." He smiles. That makes me mad. "HOW DOES HE KNOW?" Kane glances at me. "You do act like a princess." "I ACT LIKE EVERY OTHER PERSON." Dipak smirks. "AAAAHHHHH!" Kane grabs me from falling. "That was a big wave that time." "I need a damn drink." The man chuckles. "That'll make it worse." "How do you know I'm a princess?" He motions for the guards to go back. Then he gets on the wooden bridge thing. I follow him right on it. Tre yells, "GET DOWN FROM THERE NOW!" He turns around and sees me half over the bridge with him. "Because of the way you fix your dress. The way you stand, straight and tall with your shoulders back. The way you speak. The way you address people. You're attitude. You are full of confidence. Your inner strength is unbelievable. Now, good day princess. I'm leaving on my boat, and you are leaving on yours." "Fine. Good day sir. Thank you for your honesty." I turn to go back and another damn wave hits. He grabs hold of my arm and I spider monkey him. He motions for the guards to stay back, then he takes me back to my boat. Kane pulls me off his back. "Sorry, she does that sometimes." "Have a good day." Kane puts me on my feet and I brush myself off. "That wasn't so bad." Dipak goes back to the wheel. Tye smiles. "You tried to invade his boat because he called you a princess." "I'm not a princess. I'm a pirate." He spins me in a circle. "The pirate princess." Then he gives me a kiss. "My pirate princess." 2 sails drop and off we go. "Remember slow. Walk slow and try to remember how much time is between the waves. That will help. Stay away from the edges for now." I roam around. It is easier now that we slowed down. Thora yells, "TIME TO EAT DINNER." I sit between Tre and Tye. I feel stable here. Mary gives us each a plate and a servant puts food in the middle of the table. A big wave hits and everyone catches their plate. "The challenges on a boat sure are different." Thora rubs her eyes. "Imagine trying to have sex." I laugh. "Get thrown overboard naked." "That would be Tre. Can't make it up the steps." Tre gives Tye a dirty look. "You can't either." "I took the express route down." We laugh and eat. "I'll show you how to sail. Dipak can eat and sleep. Come on Tre." I'll eat with Dipak. I don't want him to be alone. He comes in after a couple of minutes. "I thought you would be off trying to walk." "I'll give you some company. Be careful of rogue waves. You'll have to catch your food." "This sure is different. It's like watching a bunch of drunk people try to walk." "How are you good at it?" "I'm holding on to the wheel sweetheart. It's stable." "That's cheating sir." He smirks. "Did you see Tre go over?" "Yes, I screamed at you to stop." "That was hilarious, and then he pretended nothing happened. I lost it." "You all did." "You like this so far?" "I love it. It's going to some time to get use to. I don't think one 5-day trip will do it." "No, I imagine it will take a few before we can walk like we're not drunk." "Did you see Tre and Tye fall at the same time?" "Yea, one fell up the steps and the other fell down. At least they weren't on the same steps." I nod and throw a piece of fruit in my mouth. "Come see my view with me. I haven't got to see it yet." He helps me to his room and opens the curtain. "It is beautiful. All that water." I sit on his couch. It faces right out the window. "I could sit here for hours." He puts his arm around me. "I can't wait until we get good at this. It'll be a lot of fun." "I'll be a good pirate princess." "The pirate princess. I like that." "There's a big wave coming, Dipak. LOOK! It's going to hit us." I throw my face in his lap and cover my head with my arms. "Sweetheart watch." He pulls me up. The boat moves but it's not horrible. "Maybe I shouldn't sit here for hours." He kisses my head. "I need to get some sleep sweetheart. It's been a long day." "Did Dracul ever get the dragon?" "Yes he did." "Wow." He gives me a kiss. "I want to get back up there as soon as I can, baby. I know Tre is going to be getting tired too. We have to figure this out." "You can teach me too. Then we could take turns. More people taking turns would make it easier." "Yes it will. But me and Tre need to get it before we can teach anyone else. Kane can only show us the steering and sail stuff one at a time." "I understand. I love you." "I love you too, sweetheart." "Sleep well sir." I kiss his head.
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