Chapter Thirty-Three: Dreams and Storms

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It had taken nearly seven and a half days of travel before another message arrived by henna hawk, perhaps four hours past noon. They had slept only when necessary, for the urgency was great and time was a luxury they did not have. Maska turned to face everyone with the message in hand and began to read it. "'We have kept up the pattern of harassment as you ordered. To date, we have managed to destroy several supply weapons and have killed many of the enemy. They now use roving patrols to keep us away. Still, we will continue to take little bites. —Aeteh.'" "Those men are risking their lives to buy us time and we still have days of travel before we reach Fort Belton. Let us hope they will continue to be successful. May the Great Lady guide and protect them," King Tarran said with his head bowed. "We must trust in Aeteh's judgment and pray his planning and shrewd timing continue to prevail," Maska said with a voice filled with concern. The Centaur Chieftain had chosen Aeteh to command the Centaur scouts and troops in the region. It was because he possessed a natural talent for leadership. He was ten seasons older than Changa and he had taken a life-mate and was more settled. To Maska, Aeteh was like another son. Maska finished writing his message and read it out loud. "Aeteh be careful. We are coming with some eighteen thousand soldiers upon horseback. Continue the campaign of taking little bites. Remember, to stay out of the enemies reach and we will fight our enemies' together. —Maska." Quickly, he rolled the message up and put it into the small waxed, round wooden tube. The henna falcon's handler swiftly fastened the small vessel to the bird's leg and sent it on its way. Maska and King Tarran once more took the lead, leading the men onward, through the down-pouring rain. Behind him, the thunder of thousands of horses' hooves filled the air. Ahead of them and slightly to the East, the horizon was repeatedly shattered by blinding arcs of lightning bolts. Maska had never seen so much lightning in one place. Without being told, he surmised there was nothing natural about this storm, for it did not move and only grew brighter. The Centaur Chieftains apprehension grew, as he could sense a mighty struggle was unfolding and was yet to play itself out. One, which mortal man or creature dared not enter, if they hoped to survive. Two hours before sunset, their powerful force began passing through a blackened wasteland of burned out forest, and the destroyed town of Strenton. Just North of the town ruins, was the charred remains of the Myrton Watchtower Garrison, which had stood at the base of Myrton Mountain. Two months ago, the Black Dragon had destroyed everything which had stood in the vicinity. The fort's heavy oak gates stood a-kilter and were now little more than shattered burnt planking. Over two hundred and fifty Dawn-breaker Mounted Brigadiers and militia had manned the fort. They had all died horrible deaths. Woodcutters had buried what few remains they had found. "It is evident, the foul-beast was most thorough, it left nothing untouched. My Lord, how are we to deal with such a beast? Waging a war is bad enough, we must find a way to destroy this evil, else we are doomed!" King Tarran said in a lowered voice. "To date, this monster has destroyed five Watch-tower Garrisons, and we are still helpless to prevent it." Out of respect, the king slowed their rate of travel and murmured a silent prayer as they rode past. "We must stand ever-vigilant, and not be cowed by the atrocities the dragon leaves in its wake. This is what it seeks; if it breaks our spirit, then it has already won. Surely, the Great Mother has taken the measure of this dragon, and it is only a matter of time before its downfall," Maska shouted to bolster the morale of King Tarran and the men following him." King Tarran remained silent, as he stared at Maska for a moment, with a face filled with anger. "If Elliana truly has a plan to deal with this beast, she needs to inform us sooner and not later. I have long since tired of our countrymen being used as toys and part of this dragon's meals!" "The look upon his friend's face, was one given when he was faced with no good choices yet was forced to helplessly participate anyways. Maska knew this, for he too ached to deal the Black Dragon a fatal blow, to end its wanton destruction. Yet now, he was forced to hide, like the rest of his countrymen when the creature approached, and pray it did not notice him," Maska fumed silently. Nothing living moved in the area. To Maska, it was as if every form of life had forsaken the land, leaving the spirits of the dead to wander about a lifeless wasteland. Not a hint of green grass or tender shoots could be seen. Standing remnants of blackened trees, stood as lifeless effigies; mute reminders of a time when the forest was green and full of life. This massive destruction was beyond revenge, beyond mere retaliation. It was the handiwork of a monster who enjoyed killing and creating chaos. This evil being lived to rend the mind and flesh of his enemies' in a manner which would never be forgotten. Their massive force rode past the resting place of their countrymen, with still stony faces. Onward, they rode, as the muddy road led them closer to the distant raging storm. The cavalries advanced through the wind-driven rain for two more hours wrapped in their layered oil-cloth cloaks, which kept them warm and dry. Maska was tired and knew everyone else was too. "Tarran, we must find a suitable place to camp. The horses and men grow tired and need to rest." An hour later, Maska and King Tarran found a suitable camping site in a valley where tall trees sheltered them from the wind. The booming of rolling thunder echoing across the sky was partially diminished by the depth of the valley, for which Maska was grateful. An hour later, their force was sheltered from the brunt of the storm, within their sturdy tents. The meal tonight consisted of dried meat, small grain loaves, and water. The Centaur Chieftain quietly ate his fill and laid down upon his bedroll. The heavy blanket which covered him kept him warm. It was not long before he drifted off to sleep. Maska was standing upon a hilltop, watching the same storm as they had been riding toward. Even though the storm continued unabated, not a sound broke the silence where he stood. "Maska, it is I, Tenasae. As you have guessed, this is no natural storm. The powers of light have gathered to prevent great evil from gaining a foothold in Etmindor. Bemenah is summoning all of his forces, to crush the life out of all sentient beings." "What does this mean for my people, and for the Alliance of the Five Kingdoms?" Maska asked quietly. The storms turbulence no longer concealed what was happening. He could see everything clearly, as if he were mere yards away from the gargantuan struggle now taking place. A black-scaled form was advancing from what appeared to be a tear in the night sky, above barren land. It was being opposed by numerous gleaming knights and their white horses; Multiple lightning bolts, ripped through the sky, to impact the enormous nightmare. The mounted horsemen bore lances, from which issued glaring white shafts of light, which struck the titan heavily. The beast responded with bright-purple bolts of energy, that impacted some of the brave defenders, slowing their defensive line. "Who is the valiant force, which is fighting this evil nightmare? I have never seen their kind before. Their armor gleams like the finest polished silver. Please tell me who they are," Maska asked. "Whoever they are, they are well-trained, for they move in unison and counter-attacked most effectively." "They are called the Fetwyn, they are spirits of the land who have existed since the Great Lady Elliana created our world. They are beings of power, which will suffer no trespass from denizens of the dark realm, such as the one you see now. It seeks to enter the realm of Etmindor and spawn others of its kind, in order to create greater chaos." Tenasae said. "I have come, to tell you there is still room for hope. Even the mightiest of evil creatures may be laid low, by the powers of the light. The Dark Brother seeks to end this war quickly, before Prince Donovan and the army he has gathered returns," Tenasae answered with a smile. "The war has barely begun, and only part of our forces, have responded. Delay General Anktar's forces for as long as possible to buy time for the rest of our forces to arrive." "Ahh-Maska, look!" The Centaur Chieftain watched the battle before him intently, as the black-scaled beast was being driven backward into the rent in the sky. Another surge from the mass of silvery knights, succeeded in driving the horror out of sight. The spot, where the beast had struggled to penetrate, now glowed an intense white, which slowly began to fade. Maska heard the peal of a horn echo through the air, and watched the gleaming knights promptly fade away as so much swirling silvery smoke. Maska stirred and awakened the following morning; the downpour had ceased, as had the gathering storm. He had awakened at the c***k of dawn and other than noise made by the encampment, they were surrounded by utter calm. The dream he had experienced, had filled him with energy, as well as a sense of awe. Indeed, he felt like a new man. He approached the cooking fires, and gratefully accepted a large wooden mug of hot porridge, sweetened with honey, and a mug of hot tea. With a remarkable sense of giddiness, the Centaur Chieftain accepted the dream, as an omen. He would have to inform King Tarran of course, right after he figured out how to tell the tale.
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