Chapter Thirty-Two: Into the Storm

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A game of cat and mouse continued for most of the day. Five times now, they had managed to slip by bands of scouts. Donovan felt that it was only a matter of time before their presence would be discovered. The prince glanced at the setting Sun, which hung like a large golden disc above the horizon. No storm clouds in the sky promised any relief from the heat. Prince Donovan took another sip of warm water from his water skin and wiped at his sweaty brow and froze. Amongst the trees, on the far side of a huge weedy expanse, were a great number of the enemy upon horseback. Their attention was riveted upon them. From what Donovan could see, the enemy's numbers were considerably greater than theirs. Ahead, was a slight rise upon which a stand of trees grew, the area was strewn with large rocks and dead trees. It was not a place which Donovan normally would have chosen to defend, yet it would have to do. "I have warned the others; we have been discovered. The enemy's numbers are too great for me and the other mind adepts to conceal us. I have told the others, we will make a stand within the trees and rocks ahead of us," Etony's voice said in his mind. With a cry, Donovan led them galloping towards the available cover. Everyone charged in with a rush and rapidly prepared for battle. He dismounted, hastily tethered Thunder and grabbed his bow and quiver. All around him, was a flurry of activity, as the others armed themselves. He raced to stand behind a rotting log, where he could cover a gap which led toward their position. "Anyone with a bow, prepare to send as many of the enemy to the Dark Hag's bag as you can. The rest of you must deny the enemy access to our position and protect the archers!" Donovan ordered. Soon after retrieving his bow and quiver, he was lining up with his first target. The beginning of the battle was ragged at best. After nearly an hour, they had managed to desperately fight off the enemy at every turn. Despite the odds being in the enemy's favor, they were managing to hold their own. One Nyen savage charged past, only to fall with an arrow sticking out of his chest. He fell to the ground and lay still, beside another who had died with Donovan's arrow sticking out of his throat. The cover was better than he had thought, and the archers were giving a good account of themselves. Morgan had managed to climb atop a boulder and was exacting a heavy toll upon the enemy attackers. Donovan watched, as she released arrow after arrow into the enemy's ranks. His eyes must have been playing tricks on him, for the range was beyond anything she had previously attempted. She was now using a stone for a shield, stepping out, and releasing her bowstring, and once more stepping behind its cover. The enemy was trying to eliminate her, as she rained death upon their panic-filled forms. Abruptly, the enemy horsemen fled, to escape the deadly wrath of the markswoman. An outcry welled up from between two boulders, where Maneau and Emec stood shoulder to shoulder with bows in hand. Two Kang leaped from their horses and charged at them. Both burly enemy fighters fell to the ground, each with an arrow in its wide chest. The sudden discharge of energy from someone's staff, made Donovan rapidly turn and look. Brenna, Aberith, and Fenwildre were standing side by side upon a large flat boulder. The looks upon their faces, were of grim determination. Prince Donovan watched as a small group of Nyen and Kang in full charge, were reduced to flaming debris hurled outward into the air. Around the three of them, arrows were rendered into bits of burning wood, when they impacted a transparent shield of pale silvery-blue. The number of the enemy who were sacrificing themselves in order to reach them, was unbelievable. It was not near enough. "Brother, the enemy is suffering heavy losses at the hands of those three. Brenna looks as though she is just starting to warm up," Changa said. A moment later, he blocked a blow from a sword, and ended the attack with a sword thrust of his own. From behind a boulder, a male Slyyyth charged towards them. The lizard fighter was knocked off his feet by a mass of fur, which promptly ripped out the creature's throat. Moments later, the wolf transformed into a young man, who after smiling at them, charged a Nyen on foot. The loud roar of a raken made Donovan freeze. With a mighty bellow, Celete in raken form charged and swatted a Kang from his horse. The muscular body hurtled through the air, to slam heavily into the face of a massive boulder. In a blur, the raken's huge jaws crunched sickeningly about the Kang's hapless mount. Instantly, the horse was dead. Without pause, the powerful raken charged over to make sure its rider was, also. Enemy horseback archers attempted to bring down or drive away the huge fleet-beast, which only increased her fury. Donovan grimly watched, while awaiting Celete's response. Whirling about, the raken's long thick tail became a blur hurtling towards riders who were attempting to flee. The great mass of sinew and flesh impacted their bodies, shattering armor and bone alike. Enraged, the raken charged from body to body, ensuring they were all dead before charging out of sight to greet more of the enemy. In the distance, a horn blew. Dark wisps of shadow gathered around them, blotting out the evening Sun. In the sullen hazy darkness, echoed the sound of chains, clanking of armor, and the murmuring of a multitude of voices. From the dark shadows charged figures with weapons in hand, in a bid to overwhelm them. "PREPARE YOURSELVES, THE ENEMY HAS SENT DARK BINDERS TO ATTACK," Prince Everin bellowed. In the gathering gloom which now enshrouded them, a desperate battle for survival ensued. Many Kang, Slyyyth and Nyen met their deaths on the sharpened edges of hardened steel and still, they came. Here and there lone soldiers fell and did not get up again. There was no way to help them, as everyone was fighting for their lives. The air was pierced by a shrill scream. When the cry of agony faded, the shadowy darkness began to wane. The Dark Binder who had cast the evil spell had evidently met an early demise. Donovan smiled grimly, at the thought and released another arrow, which slammed into a Nyen's face, downing him in a cloud of dust. From a gap between two boulders, charged several heavy cavalries, led by Prince Everin. He directed them in a charge, slamming into the exposed flank of many of the enemy's light cavalry which had arrived. The enemy horsemen were heavily pressuring soldiers, who were defending a cluster of archers. If their defense failed, the archers behind them were doomed. Amidst, a great deal of screaming and cries of vengeance, the enemy's flank wavered and collapsed. From behind cover, charged armored men armed with swords, hand axes, and spears. In what seemed to be only a few minutes, amidst a great deal of shouting, the entrapped enemy cavalry was hewn down. Rapidly, Prince Everin withdrew his force of knights back within the shelter of the trees and rocks. The armored soldiers resumed their defensive positions, while awaiting the next opportunity. "Well done Prince Everin," Donovan shouted with a smile and a nod of his head. "Whenever an opportunity presents itself, I fully intend to make the enemy pay dearly," Prince Everin shouted while smiling grimly. One Nyen upon horseback, charged at him, wielding a wicked-looking sword. Without hesitation, Donovan stepped to the side, evading the blade by the narrowest of margins. He could feel the disturbance in the air, caused by the passage of the blade. He drew his own sword, and its blue-flamed blade flared brilliantly, as it sliced through his foe and his mount. "Yes, he intended to make sure the enemy paid dearly for all their transgressions." He watched, as the cleaved bodies of his opponent and his horse, separated and tumbled to the ground. Donovan felt a cold breeze buffet him and turned to seek its source. Changa had sheathed his sword and now held his battle stave, while facing several of the approaching enemy. The wind, began to blow towards the attackers, gathering more strength by the second and was beginning to roar. The air beside Changa shimmered and Brenna appeared. Swiftly, she raised her staff and the stone upon it flared brightly, as she spoke melodic words. Prince Donovan watched in awe, as Brenna fed power into Changa's spell, which grew in strength many times over. Now, a silvery-blue nimbus, formed about Brenna and Changa. The ground beneath Donovan's feet trembled and shook, as the air was filled with a thunderous roar. The wind slowed the attackers, even as a driven deluge began to hammer at their cowering forms. In moments, the temperature plummeted. Even from this far away, the air was bitter cold, and the enemy involved were now being pelted by freezing sleet. In a matter of a few minutes, the attackers were frozen solid and were no longer a threat to anyone. Changa lowered his battle stave and looked at Brenna in total awe. He appeared stronger and lacked the weariness he had shown before when he cast a spell. The Wind Walker nodded his head in appreciation and waited for her to respond. "Well, my friend, do you wish to do the honors? Or shall I?" Brenna asked, pleasantly. Without a word, Changa motioned for Brenna to handle the situation. She stepped forward and spoke one word, high and keening. In the blink of an eye, those frozen before them shattered and covered the ground in the shards of their icy remains. "Simply incredible!" Changa shouted. He returned to the task at hand and drew his sword. Moments later, he downed an attacking Slyyyth. Brenna disappeared and once more reappeared beside Aberith. Beside them, stood Fenwildre, who was enveloped by a silvery-blue shield and was sending, ball after ball of light, into some enemy light-cavalry. As each ball of light exploded, Nyen, Kang, and their mounts were hurled screaming, through the air. When they landed with a crash, none of them appeared to be moving. Donovan waded back into the battle, knowing Brenna was growing in her powers, by leaps and bounds. Fenwildre was certainly making up for lost time and Aberith moved swiftly and powerfully, with deadly intent. The thought caused him to laugh heartily and with that, Donovan began to wreak havoc amongst the enemy.   
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