Chapter Thirty-Four: Feathered Death

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Aeteh observed the roving patrols in the cool night air; the sun had set an hour ago. They consisted mainly of Kang, as the Nyen had no ability to see in the dark. On average, they numbered some twenty individuals each. Instead, of considering them a threat, Aeteh thought of them as an opportunity to take advantage of. Right now, a few small groups of Centaur scouts were busy stirring the pot. Aeteh watched, as fire arrows arced through the air, striking various tents, wagons, and siege weapons within the enemy camp. Things were about to get interesting. It did not take long for the enemy to respond. One patrol appeared and gave chase. The scouts fled, leading the patrol directly to where a hundred Centaurs stood waiting with their bows. The enemy patrol galloped over a rise and was downed in a hail of arrows. During the commotion, a great many enemy archers and foot soldiers set up ranks, cordoning off the encampment. Part two, of Aeteh's plan now went into effect. One thousand Centaurs unleashed a withering cloud of feathered death, into the enemy's ranks. Nyen, Kang, and Slyyyth fell in droves. They unleashed another volley and vanished into the night their job finished. All of this was a preamble for the main event. Now, the enemy's attention was riveted upon the attack, which was serving as a distraction. During all of this, a second force of two hundred Centaur archers drew as close as possible to the opposite end of the encampment. There stood a multitude of wagons, filled with provisions, supplies, and weapons. Beside them, stood several siege weapons and towers. From the night sky, a cloud of fiery destruction rained down upon wagons, weapons, food, and the dry brush surrounding them. In mere minutes, a multitude of fires were burning out of control. Another, devastating barrage of flaming arrows was unleashed upon tents and anything else which would burn. Coherent rational thought simply vanished in the enemy camp. Panic ran rampant through the enemy ranks and many figures began to run blindly here and there. Suddenly, five shadow-wreathed figures appeared and began to unleash a barrage of death and destruction into the night. Aeteh fervently hoped his men had been listening to his orders and were only shooting two arrows apiece. Now, was not the time to confront the Dark Binders. Many Giants were now attempting to put out the fires which were rapidly spreading. Only, it was not an easy thing to do, for the archers had done their job well. Already, a great deal of food and supplies was being rendered useless, which had been the sole purpose of tonight's raid. "Shall we attack again?" Etto, his younger brother asked. "No, they would be expecting another attack and be prepared for it," Aeteh replied. Carefully, he observed the enemies' reaction to the attack, seeking further insight into their behavior. In the enemy encampment below, figures still struggled to put out the flames. Numerous smoking heaps of charred rubble lay scattered at the far end of the enemy encampment. Tonight, had been a complete success and many of the enemy had been killed. As a bonus, a great deal of their provisions and weapons had also been destroyed. Maska had told Aeteh, "Each attack will take a bite out of the enemy. Even the largest of beasts can be taken down if enough bites are taken." General Anktar's army was so massive, Aeteh knew they needed more time, to take a lot more bites. "Maska, where are you?" The Centaur Commander wondered. Night and day, Aeteh planned further ambushes and attacks. The enemy had taken to traveling with their food, provisions, and siege weapons in the center of their army, to afford them as much protection as possible. The next morning, found Aeteh's forces shadowing General Anktar's army, as they began to march once more towards the distant Dragon's Maw mountain pass. Ahead of them, numerous enemy foraging parties had been sent to collect food of all types, at the break of dawn. Aeteh had given explicit orders to hunt down and slay on site any of the enemy who attempted to do so. An army traveled on its stomach, which he was determined to keep as empty as possible. "Hunger pangs were beginning to make their presence known among General Anktar's forces and they would only get worse," the thought made the Centaur Commander smile grimly. Stealthily, Aeteh led a group of his warriors towards a lakes edge, where Nyen and Kang were fishing, as others attempted to hunt for game. There was no need to hurry, the foragers were too far away from General Anktar's army to be under their watchful eyes. The Centaur Commander signaled with his hand, for his men to spread out. Gradually, they dispersed into the surrounding greenery, blending in with the undergrowth, awaiting his signal. The foragers had placed a lookout upon a small hill, which overlooked a bay where some Kang and Nyen were tossing nets, to gather fish. Aeteh slid his bow from its leather case and retrieved an arrow. The Nyen's chalk-white skin contrasted sharply with the bright green of the underbrush surrounding him. The soft-warbling call of a Blue Peeker wafted through the air, signaling the last of his men were in position. Quietly, Aeteh drew back his bowstring and let fly the feathered shaft at the enemy lookout. As intended, it struck the slender Nyen in the throat, rendering him silent, as he collapsed to the ground. Immediately following the impact of his arrow, multiple arrows impacted the enemy foragers, dropping them where they stood. Without a word, everyone advanced, to ensure their quarry were dead. Less than a handful of minutes later, the tranquil waters of the bay and surrounding greenery had returned to their previous peaceful state. One would never know what had happened, unless they spotted the still figures in the shadows, and they were not talking. The rest of the day proceeded with more of the same hit and run attacks against several foraging parties. Aeteh knew some of them would be successful, returning with an occasional deer, small game, fish, or fowl. The food would serve to goad the enemy into taking more chances, sending out more of their soldiers. The Centaur Commander and his men would be waiting for them. That night, great fires were banked by the enemy, to provide as much light as possible. Despite their raids, the valley below Aeteh was awash with the ruddy red light of countless fires. It was as if all their efforts were accomplishing little, yet the Centaur Commander would doggedly continue. The night air was filled with Nyen and Kang voices as they sang around their fires. In the surrounding darkness, Centaurs were easing into position, to harass the enemy troops from the surrounding ridges. The enemy soldiers were tired from marching and were eating and relaxing around the bonfires. Guards stood, staring into the darkness, as they knew there would be an attack this night. At a motion of Aeteh's arm, hundreds of arrows hissed through the air, to rain down upon the resting enemy soldiers, killing several. As fire-arrows were lit, there was a sudden flurry of activity among the enemy tents, as soldiers formed into ranks and formed a wall, facing outward. Still others, quickly dispersed within the camp, alerting the Centaur Commander to a change in enemy tactics. From various points in the camp, great balls of fire were hurled towards where Centaurs were lighting their fire-arrows upon the ridges. With shock and dismay, Aeteh realized the Dark Binder's had changed their strategy. Great fiery blasts erupted within gathered Centaurs, filling the night with flaming death. Repeatedly, the enemy continued to bombard the Centaur Commander's warriors, driving them back. Placing his horn to his lips, Aeteh signaled for his men to flee the c*****e. Hastily, they fled, into the forest and out of range. The Dark Binders had evidently taken to sleeping on towed wagons during the day, in order to stay awake at night. Their first encounter with this change in tactics, had left them with some fifty-two dead. It was a painful reminder of what overconfidence could cost you. Later that night, the Centaur Commander stood before his gathered forces. Though dismayed at the loss of their men, it was not fear which he saw within their eyes. Quietly, they stood before him, filled with a fury which demanded revenge. "Tonight, the enemy hit us harder than we hit them, but it hasn't broken our spirit, it has only succeeded in hardening our resolve. I will think on this matter, in order to turn it to our benefit. We shall plan a surprise of our own against their Dark Binders, which will exact a heavy price." As one, all his men stepped forward and shouted their approval, for they were confident in Aeteh's ability to command them. The following day, Aeteh directed his forces to attack any enemy sent to gather what food they could find. After a full day's march on foot, the enemy set-up camp and built many of their large fires. Meanwhile, the Centaur Commander's forces moved into position, where their archers would be most effective. An hour later, several of Aeteh's archers released a multitude of arrows into the resting enemy. While this was occurring, three groups of Centaurs gathered wood and built three fires, spaced far apart, as if in preparation for his men to light their arrows. After the fires were lit, the Centaur warriors quickly withdrew. As, happened the night before, enemy soldiers formed a wall, which faced outward. The Dark Binders immediately dispersed throughout the camp and began raining fiery attacks upon the three abandoned fires. All Aeteh's Warriors were experienced bowmen, but he wisely had chosen the most accurate archers under his command to strike back at the enemies' Dark Binders. The evil mages attentions were focused upon the three blazing fires, as the Centaur Commander gave the signal to fire. In a flurry of feathered shafts, numerous black robed figures of the dark order collapsed amidst their screams of agony, as their bodies were riddled by arrows. The Centaur force withdrew, confident they had dealt a crippling blow to the enemy this night, led by their Centaur leader. The enemy still had days of marching ahead of them. This meant they had more time to harass and badger the enemy. Every encounter, Aeteh vowed to take as large of a bite, as they could safely handle. Slowly, the enemy was advancing towards the pass and Aeteh did the only thing he could do for now. He began to plan the next raid against the enemy.
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