Chapter Thirty-Six: Heat of Battle

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Slowly, Donovan stood. Anarta's and Selt's attention were now solely upon Brenna, who was beginning to cave in under the murderous onslaught. With a face filled with exhaustion and strain, she continued to fight back. "The next tree closer to Anarta, was not far off," he thought. If Prince Donovan could reach it unopposed, he might have a chance to deal with her. This would even the odds for Brenna. While mustering the courage for the charge, the blurred shape of a silver wolf hurtled past Donovan, towards Anarta. Donovan found himself silently cheering his ally onward. With a great leap, the wolf managed to find the right forearm of Anarta and crunched down. Her shrill screams of pain and frustration filled the air, as she attempted to awkwardly whirl about. Timitz was shaking his head back and forth when a fiery blast from Selt struck him in the side. The powerful bolt caused a bright flare of sparks to shower outward. The spells impact hurled the silver wolf end over end, to land upon the ground unmoving. Brenna had recovered from the Adumorda Disciple's combined attacks and now stood strongly again. Still, Donovan had no doubts if the battle continued much longer, she would lose. For, Anarta and Selt began to attack Brenna once more, in a more orderly manner. Prince Donovan charged at Anarta, determined to end her threat, once and for all. The area around him was ripped by an explosion, which sent him hurtling through the air. He hit with enough force to knock the wind out of him, in a patch of tall grass. Donovan slowly inspected himself and found his chest plate was scorched and lightly buckled as well. Something was wrong with his left side, for the pain was agonizing. Raising his head, he struggled to spot Anarta who was continuing her assault upon Brenna's defenses. It was then when Prince Donovan witnessed a miracle. Timitz, the silver wolf had been struck while attacking Anarta, he had changed back into his human form. Holding his sword in his right hand, and grasping his left side with his left hand, the Dreena charged. Barely conscious, Donovan's fingers weakly sought the small ornately sewn leather bag, which he had been given. He located it and fished out two of the amafruit, which he managed with a shaking hand to put into his mouth. Weakly, he chewed and silently watched; Prince Donovan could barely manage to crawl, let alone run to help Timitz. He need not have worried, for Morgan shot an arrow, which slammed into Selt's right shoulder. He whirled around and unleashed a withering blast of fire at her, but she had leaped for cover. The fiery blast struck the rock she was hiding behind. At the last moment, Anarta must have sensed Timitz's approach. She turned to face him, just before his white glowing blade pierced her chest and found her heart. Her mouth opened and closed in silent words, while b****y froth bubbled past her lips. Then the green shimmering light left her eyes and she collapsed onto the ground. Moments later, Timitz crumpled beside her still form. Selt whirled around and after spotting his downed sister, he roared in rage. Before the Adumorda Priest could begin to respond, Donovan heard the thunder of a great many horses, approaching. This was followed by a spear which hurtled through the air and plunged deeply into Selt's right thigh. Staggering, Selt unleashed a withering blast of fire into the night air. Prince Donovan was amazed the dark mage was still able to put up a fight. With a loud beast-like snarl, the evil entity reached out and placed a black leathery hand upon Anarta's body. Immediately, the two Adumorda Priests disappeared in a swirl of shadow and drifting smoke. Prince Donovan managed to lean on an elbow, though he was in agony. Through the swirling fog of pain which now surrounded him, a figure appeared, and helped steady him, as he shakily lay within her grasp. Wearily, he turned to gaze into Zafoo's smiling face, as he tried to keep from passing out from his fractured ribs. "It appears my debt has been repaid. We came seeking you, after my people agreed it is best to fight the strange ones beside new friends. I brought some of my people and my other three sisters." "We are forever in your debt. We thank you for your much-needed help, it was beyond a doubt, badly needed." Donovan replied. He somehow, managed a weak grin. "My people will drive away the last of the strange ones, for we far outnumber them now," Zafoo commented while Donovan observed the enemy response. Some fought to their bitter end, while most fled to escape certain death in the form of avenging superior numbers. The Ayuni were relentless, in their pursuit of Bemenah's minions, as they pursued them through forest and undergrowth alike. Grimly, Prince Donovan bade them great success; those killed today would mean fewer they would face in the days ahead. Brenna's frantic voice drew Donovan's attention to where she was sitting, with Timitz's head in her lap. Beside him, lay his sword, which was badly scorched. Selt's fiery bolt had struck his concealed rune-covered blade and it had deflected, most of the spell. "Timitz, you saved me and now it is my turn to save you. Eat these and they will help you. I can still feel your heart beating. Listen to me, before it is too late," Brenna said. She placed two amafruit within his open mouth. The round plump fruit rolled back out. "Brenna, it's too late," Donovan told her gently. Zafoo helped Donovan to his feet, and he began to attempt to limp towards her, to offer her a shoulder to cry on. "No one should ever have to face the death of a close friend. It was a wound, which would never heal, and served to remind all how temporary the life of a mortal could be," Prince Donovan thought in anguish. "No, it is not. I can sense he is still here," Brenna said fiercely. Her body now had a faint, silvery-blue glow. She took the two small fruit and squeezed them, while dripping the juicy pulp, into his mouth. Patiently, the Neeri made sure none of the fruit was wasted. Donovan paused, as he realized he was watching another miracle unfold. With mouth agape, Timitz's still form weakly swallowed and uttered a low moan. "This is why we must never lose faith," Brenna said fiercely. With this said, she began to cry softly, while cradling Timitz's head in her lap. Donovan sensed someone's presence and tried to turn to greet them. He would have fallen, had not Morgan and Zafoo caught him and guided him to a fallen log, where he wearily sat. Those standing there took a few minutes to offer a silent prayer. For a time, it seemed as if the area around them was bathed in the glow of a most pleasing light, which gave strength to everyone it touched. Since the last of the Dark Binders had been dealt with, the surrounding shadows departed, revealing a starlit sky. Prince Donovan decided then and there, there was never a more beautiful sight. It left him feeling as if they truly had a chance. Around them, the sound of many horses galloping, filled the night air with their thundering hooves. In a roiling storm of death, dust, and shrieks and shouting the Ayuni were striking back, fast and hard. The thought made Donovan smile, despite his pain. The amafruit which Donovan had eaten after being injured, were already starting to heal the injuries he had sustained. Wearily, Donovan felt a warm glow surround him, A gentle voice spoke to him, "You are now in good hands, and must rest. In order for you to heal, close your eyes and sleep." Donovan was barely able to keep his eyelids open. "I need to …" "Rest," said a figure who helped him lay back. The last thing he remembered was Zafoo's face and others rushing in. Donovan drifted quietly asleep, bathed in a golden light, with the figure with golden hair guarding him. Donovan looked up, and saw he lay in his bedroll, in his tent.   The slight figure of Morgan was at his side. "Where is she?" Donovan asked, looking around him. He wanted to thank her for watching over him. "Where is who?" Morgan asked him. "A lady who was watching over me, she was so kind," Donovan tried to explain, and lay back for a moment. "Donovan, you have been asleep for over a day. You were badly injured and were unable to travel. We were saved by Zafoo and the Ayuni, they drove the enemy away," Morgan informed him. Donovan rolled out of his bedroll and began to dress himself. It was early morning, and mists of water vapor, had gathered to be burned by the rising sun. He gave a small silent thanks to Elliana, to have watched over him. It was going to be a long day.   
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