Chapter 7: The Rivals

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Patrick stared at Loveth as she attempted to stand up, even though her right foot was bandaged. "Ah!" she groaned in pain, and he looked away from her to his mother, clearly unaware of who had employed her in their mansion. "I don't know if she can manage it, but it's fine if she wants to stay. Isabel wouldn't be happy if she found out that I sent Loveth home in this state," his mother replied, and he turned back to Doctor Timothy Suleiman. "Doc, you heard my mother. I don't have a say in women's affairs, and I’m not the one who employed her either. I have to be on my way now," Patrick said as he turned to leave. "Son, wait!" his mother called him back, and he frowned, knowing she wouldn’t ask him anything other than when the marriage date would be set. "Mom, you worry too much. I will be back, and we will discuss this." He quickly exited their crowded living room and walked out to Jeff, who rushed up to meet him. "Boss." "Attend to Doc Timothy first and bring my briefcase and suit jacket from the couch. I cannot handle my mother's intense nagging about marriage," Patrick murmured as he walked away. Jeff quickly understood and approached Doctor Timothy, who had also stepped out. "I will visit the clinic, Doctor," Jeff said before darting into the living room to get his boss's briefcase and suit jacket. He stole a glance at the beautiful young lady seated on the elegant, milk-colored couch, who looked to be in pain. Jeff picked up the blue suit jacket and carried Patrick's suitcase, bowing to elderly Mrs. Eleanor while avoiding Willow's gaze. Jeff walked up to the red Toyota Venza that was waiting, and the security guards opened the door for Patrick. He sat inside, while Jeff took the driver's seat, placing Patrick's coat and briefcase in the second front seat before starting the car's engine. Patrick was quiet throughout the drive, his mind racing with images of the mysterious woman he didn’t want to believe was the new maid. He remembered how he had rushed to her and carried her in his arms, making him restless since he hadn’t planned to touch a maid, let alone carry her like a piece of jewelry. She smelled so nice; her feminine scent seemed to wash away all his previous anger at Willow. "Who let that b***h into the premises?" Patrick finally questioned Jeff, who was driving the Venza through traffic. "Kelvin Austin, boss," Jeff replied. "Hmm, that lunatic wouldn't ask first before permitting anyone into the premises," Patrick murmured as he stared out the window. "He did, boss. He asked Madam, and she ordered him to allow Willow inside," Jeff responded. "Mother was already out by then?" Patrick asked, surprised to learn that his mother was downstairs so early in the day. "Yes, she had been downstairs for an hour before I came up to check on you," Jeff replied. "It's okay. Focus on your driving." Patrick directed his gaze to the road as Jeff drove them to their company, The Anderson Luxury Hotel. Patrick stepped out without waiting for his bodyguards and walked towards the magnificent 10-storey hotel. Tony Miles also emerged from his black SUV, smirking as he approached Patrick. Patrick didn’t even notice the bodyguards around him and glanced back at about four of Tony's guards standing nearby. "I told you I would get Willow Albert, didn’t I?" Tony smirked, and Patrick narrowed his eyes at him as some interviewers approached. "Good morning, Master Patrick!" a female interviewer rushed up to him, and photographers began taking his pictures. He stared back at Tony, ignoring the interviewer’s greeting, and his bodyguards quickly came up to them and chased the interviewers away. "I don't care if you marry Willow Albert either. Now excuse me." Patrick walked past Tony and stepped into the grand entrance of his hotel, where he had a business meeting at 10 am to catch up on the 10 pm meeting he missed. Tony watched Patrick's retreating figure and laughed, then walked to his Honda Pilot as his guards opened the door for him. He sat in silence, wondering what had changed in Patrick. Tony knew Patrick wanted to marry Willow, and they even had an official engagement that was the talk of the town since Willow's father was a billionaire and an oil mogul. "I will find out what changed. Start the car!" Tony ordered his driver, who quickly started the engine and drove from the Anderson hotel to Miles Hotel while Patrick entered the elevator that took him to the sixth floor of his exquisite hotel, where the meeting would be held. Patrick walked straight to the meeting room, where he had about twelve top members to meet. The meeting was a brief discussion about his partnership with them, and he had been working with them through his father, the former CEO, who was now on leave for treatment under the care of his elder sister, Isabel Anderson Owen, who was married to a politician in the state. Patrick entered the conference room, and the meeting was brief as he took his seat at the long table, where twelve top members were already seated and waiting. The men in black suits wanted to brief Patrick on the new changes and things to add to the hotel, the dos and don’ts. Patrick sat calmly, staring at the elderly men, most of whom were the account manager, PR, sales manager, and other top staff working under him. The meeting was quick, and he stood up to shake hands with Mr. Samuel Kingston, the head of hotel records, who was his father's closest friend. The meeting ended, and he walked out, taking the elevator to the 8th floor where his office was. As he stepped out, his mind was filled with thoughts of what had happened between him and the new maid the previous night and what Willow was doing in their home. "I'm sure Willow traveled out with Tony. How did she appear out of nowhere and end up in our home?" Patrick walked into his office, which was wide and painted in ash-grey. He walked past four couches placed around to his main office seat behind the desk. His office felt like a room; it was spacious, and he used the four purple couches to relax and host models when he was bored. He was the boss and did whatever he liked. He had repented from his sinful ways after falling in love with Willow, but she never changed. Patrick shook his head and sat down in his black executive chair. Just then, he heard a knock on his office door, and his secretary, Miss Ava Adams, a stunning blonde beauty, walked in and greeted him. "Good afternoon, boss." Ava was dressed in a white shirt and deep red skirt with black shoes, wearing a black bow tie around her neck. Patrick stared at her in silence; she resembled his mother's new maid, but her eyes were brown, and he felt haunted by blurry images from the previous night. "What do you want?" he asked coldly, not remembering that he had sent for her. "Sir, here are the documentation for the new magazine covers. Some have been published, and I'm here to show them to you." Patrick remained silent, staring at his computer on the desk that he hadn't switched on, then looked back at Ava. "Drop it on the center table and exit my office. I didn't send for you!" His voice was colder, and she shuddered, immediately doing as she was told before exiting his office. Ava wondered what angered Patrick again; it seemed that every day with him in the office only worsened his mood. She had thought that after he got engaged to Willow last month, he would be happier, but he only seemed to get worse. Ava shook her head and returned to her office to continue handling Patrick's affairs, as he hardly responded and only relaxed with the new models whenever he got the chance. Patrick adjusted his necktie, loosening it, and unbuttoned a couple of his white shirt sleeves as he felt hot and sick despite the air conditioning. His office line rang, and he picked up, knowing he had a visitor. "Sir, Willow Albert is here to see you," Ava informed him, and Patrick's brows furrowed. "Don't let her in, and send her away before I send the guards downstairs to do it themselves." He hung up the office line, leaving Ava speechless as she stood before Willow, who was dressed in a short red gown and black boots, refusing to sit.
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