Chapter 6: Carrying her up

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"Son, won't you have your breakfast first before leaving for work?" Mrs. Eleanor Anderson asked, staring at her only son, who was focused on Loveth. This made her smile. "Loveth!" she called, and Loveth turned to meet their gazes. She immediately looked down, feeling nervous and remembering the illicit affair she had with the young master of the house the previous night. Patrick wasn't exactly young, and she wondered why the other servants kept calling him "young master," as they had been working in the Anderson mansion long before her, probably when the handsome dark man was younger. "What would you like for breakfast, son?" Mrs. Eleanor asked, turning back to Patrick. "I'm fine, Mother. I have to go now." Patrick leaned forward and kissed his mother on the cheek, and Mrs. Eleanor frowned. "Why, son? Come sit with me first and have your breakfast. It’s not like you’ll be fired. Did you eat the chicken pepper soup I asked Loveth to serve you last night? How was it?" Mrs. Eleanor asked. Patrick stiffened and shook his head, not wanting to make his mother sadder. He replied, "It was nice, Mother. Fine, let me join you for breakfast." Loveth swallowed, seeing that he had actually lied to his mother. She gasped in shock while Mrs. Eleanor stared at her. "Prepare his tea, and don't add too much milk to the herb. What would you like, Willow, tea or coffee?" Willow looked at Patrick, who was pretending everything was fine between them for his mother's sake, and then at the new maid, who was also looking at her. She responded, "Anything, Mother. I'm okay with tea." "Loveth, you heard her. Go quickly." "Yes, ma'am." Loveth quickly exited the dining room and walked back into the kitchen to prepare the tea as instructed. She wondered why Mrs. Eleanor often sent her on errands more than the other maids and assumed it was because she was still new compared to the rest. Loveth heaved a sigh and prepared the tea quickly. Stepping out with the tray in both hands, she walked to the long dining table and approached the young master first. She didn’t know his name again, as his mother called him "son," while the other maids referred to him as "younger master." Feeling nervous, she placed the tray in front of him first. Her hands shook as she tried to serve him his teacup before moving to their guest. Loveth remembered seeing him bare the previous night, and her hands shook even more as she inhaled his cologne and masculine scent. Patrick watched the beautiful maid fumbling before him. He didn't want to believe that he had actually slept with her the previous night. Perhaps it was all a misunderstanding, and he shouldn’t ask her about it either. Annoyed, he took his teacup himself, noticing that she was wasting his time and seeing his mother frown. Willow, irritated, wondered how the Andersons would employ such a beautiful maid. The maid's cute round face and shining black eyes annoyed her. As a billionaire's daughter, her father was as high and mighty as the Andersons. She didn’t like the maid, and it was obvious. Willow watched as the yellow maid approached her with a faint smile, noting the sweat on her brow as she brought out her own teacup and placed it on the dining table in front of her. Loveth quickly sauntered to the double-door fridge, pulled out some bread, and walked back to the dining table, handing it to Willow, surprising everyone. Willow stared at her irritably; if she weren't trying to win Patrick's heart and using his mother as her only opportunity, she would have slapped the beautiful maid in front of her. The maid’s uniform suited her, accentuating her curves, despite her looking younger. Her skin was flawless and brighter than the sun, making Willow shake her head and look away. Loveth stared at Willow, confused, then glanced at Mrs. Eleanor, who shook her head sadly, and finally at the young master, all of whom frowned at her, making her wonder what she had done wrong. Clutching the bread tighter, she turned to return it to the fridge when she heard Willow complain. "No...!" "What are you doing? Get a tray and put it out!" Willow spoke through gritted teeth, clearly irritated. Loveth shook her head, noticing Mrs. Eleanor already sipping her tea without any bread. Mrs. Eleanor set down her teacup and looked at Willow as she picked up her serviette to dab the corners of her mouth. "She's still new here; that's why," Mrs. Eleanor smiled as Loveth returned with two slices of bread on a tray for the guest. She glanced at the handsome man she had an affair with the previous night and blushed. Patrick noticed Loveth's cheeks turning a brighter red, and he shook his head, looking away from her. She was beautiful, but he wouldn’t accept that he had a thing with his mother’s maid. "No way!" he replied coldly in his subconscious as she looked at him. Loveth frowned and shuddered at his cold response. She walked back to the fridge to return the remaining bread and then approached his mother to clear her used teacup. "Son, when will the marriage date be fixed now that Willow is here? No more excuses?" "Marriage?" Loveth's subconscious mind asked. Just then, the teacup slipped from her hands and fell to the ground, shattering into pieces, and some shards cut her leg. "Ah!" Loveth screamed as the sharp pieces injured her. As she stepped backward, she stepped on another broken piece, making her underfoot bleed. "Ah!" she cried again, and Patrick immediately stood up in a panic. He rushed to her as she limped away from the broken shards. "What has come over you? How can you be so daft and absent-minded as to injure yourself?" Patrick scolded her, lifting her up into his arms to the shock of Willow, who was sitting, and his mother, whose jaw dropped at the sight of her son carrying their maid. Patrick walked to the living room couch and gently set Loveth down. It was forbidden for any maid to sit on their executive couch, and Mrs. Eleanor blinked repeatedly, wondering if she was dreaming. "Patrick!" Willow finally stood up in anger from her dining seat as the other maids rushed out to mop the bloodstains. Patrick immediately dialed Jeff's number. "Contact the family doctor at once!" "Are you alright?" Patrick asked Loveth, ignoring Willow, and bent in front of her, raising her slender, smooth legs to examine her injured foot. Thoughts flashed through Patrick's mind, and he suddenly remembered that he had opened a lady's legs the previous night and made love to her. His grip on her foot tightened, causing Loveth to gasp. "Ah!" she cried, making Patrick freeze as he stared at her pretty yellow face in confusion. The sound she made reminded him of the same voice that gasped in pain when he had plunged into her and penetrated her walls. "Is she okay, son?" Mrs. Eleanor finally asked, snapping Patrick out of his thoughts. He realized he was still holding Loveth's slender, fair-complexioned legs and shifted backward, still squatting in front of her. He looked at her foot and removed the shard she had stepped on. "Ah, it hurts!" Loveth cried, and those were the exact words the lady had said to him the previous night when he first plunged deeper into her, breaking her barriers. Patrick stared at Loveth's face, unable to say sorry. Just then, their family doctor arrived; Loveth’s foot was bleeding seriously from where she had foolishly stepped on a small sharp piece. Patrick walked away to the kitchen to wash his hands while the maids cleaned and mopped the tiled floor. As he stepped out, he met Willow standing in front of him. "I'm sorry, baby, please forgive me. It's not what you think," Willow pleaded, trying to use the opportunity to apologize to Patrick. He looked at her in her short red gown that was above her knees, revealing her thighs, and he shook his head. "This is not the time to discuss this. Excuse me." Patrick walked past Willow and returned to the living room, where he saw the doctor had already attended to the cut and bandaged Loveth's foot. He looked at her face, which was in pain. "Good morning, Master Patrick," Doctor Timothy Suleiman greeted, and Patrick nodded. "Welcome, doctor. Are you done with her?" "Yes, but I'm afraid she won’t be able to step on that foot for a while, and I don't know if it will affect her job here working for you people."
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