
The Unfilial Boss Woman


Loveth Logan was employed as a maid in Patrick Anderson's mansion. One night, Patrick came home intoxicated and slept with Loveth. However, his wealthy family found out about this incident and rejected Loveth. They forced her to terminate her pregnancy with Patrick's child.

Ridden with guilt, Patrick searched tirelessly to find Loveth. He later discovered that she had given birth to twins, who were his own children. But Loveth refused to take him back, despite his persistent pleas, until he proved his commitment to her and their family.

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Drunken Night
Patrick stood up from his executive office chair as he was done with the day's work. At 8 p.m. sharp, his personal assistant, Jeff Hudson, knocked and stepped into his executive office, which was painted in an ash-grey color, to see him. "Good evening, boss. Are you leaving for home now?" Jeff asked. Patrick stepped out from his office chair in silence. He picked up his black coat that was hanging on his executive office chair and wore it to prevent the cold wind from hitting his cool, dark skin and freezing him to death. He then adjusted his necktie and snatched his briefcase away from his office desk. With a final glance, Patrick exited his office on the eighth floor of his ten-story, multimillion-dollar hotel in the state. He entered the elevator, which immediately took him down to the ground floor of his luxurious hotel. Patrick stepped out and made his way to his black SUV, and his bodyguards pulled the car door closed for him as soon as he entered the back seat. He owned a vast range of secret businesses in the state, and his mind was preoccupied with a lot of thoughts, ranging from his parents' constant pressure for him to bring home a wife to the list of competitors who wanted to take him down and away from the business world. He had kept a series of multiple identities hidden, and no one knew who the real Patrick Anderson was, as he kept his business strategies coded. Patrick stared ahead at Jeff, who was rushing up to join him in his car. Jeff approached and slid into the driver's seat, as he was Patrick's driver as well. He ignited the SUV's engine and finally drove out from the luxurious hotel. Jeff arrived at the Anderson mansion's front gate, and the security men pulled the huge black gate open. He drove the luxury SUV into the mansion premises and parked. Patrick stepped down from the SUV and walked towards the four-story building's frontage. He was angry, and his blood continued to boil hot as he clicked his black shoes on the cemented ground and walked into the living room. The new maid, Loveth Logan, was seen mopping the living room's tiled floor. She stared back at Patrick as she saw him enter the living room. She smiled and greeted him, "Good evening, sir. Welcome home." "Hmm," Patrick didn't respond to Loveth's greeting. He frowned and stared away as he walked up to the milk-colored couch in the living room to drop his briefcase there. He took off his black coat and hung it on his shoulder, and he could feel the warmer heat from the heater warming up his cool, dark skin. He picked up his briefcase and walked towards the elevator to retire back upstairs to his chamber. Patrick was wearing only a red-colored pocket shirt with his black plain trousers, and he had short black hair on his head. Just then, his mother, Mrs. Eleanor Anderson, a 70-year-old woman, stepped out from her room below as she suffered from knee cap pain. She saw Loveth still mopping the tiled floor and frowned and stared away, then saw Patrick wanting to enter the elevator. "Son," Mrs. Eleanor called him back. Patrick paused and stared back at his mother. He met her smiling gaze on him, and he sighed and walked back to meet her as she was wearing a long blue gown and she walked forward to meet him too. "Good evening, mother," Patrick greeted his mother as he finally approached her and hugged her to her shoulder. He walked with her to the couch, as he was her only son, and he had four older sisters. Patrick knew that there was nothing else his parents wanted from him other than for him to give them an heir. His four older sisters were all married and far older than him, as his aged mother had birthed him lastly, after 10 years of his immediate elder sister's birth. "Welcome, son. How was today in the office?" Mrs. Eleanor finally asked him. "Fine, mother," Patrick replied and sat down with his mother on the couch. "I can see that, Patrick. When will you finally marry? As you know that your father and I aren't getting any younger? Or don't you want us to see the next heir of Anderson Corporations?" Mrs. Eleanor asked him again. Patrick frowned and sighed, "Hmm." "Son," his mother called to his attention again, and Patrick replied, "Mom, you don't have to worry about your death yet, okay. I will think about a bride soon, probably this week or next week." "Okay, son," Mrs. Eleanor replied with a smile, while Patrick stood up from the living room couch to retire back to his chamber, as he was heartbroken. "But how about your girlfriend, Willow Albert? Why not make an arrangement to go and marry her at once, or what's the matter, son?" Mrs. Eleanor asked, getting a little worried about what was going wrong between Patrick and his girlfriend, and what was stopping them from marrying, as they were so in love. Patrick felt his forehead become sweaty at his mother's questions. He looked away and made eye contact with their new maid, Loveth Logan. She smiled at him and blushed as she continued with her mopping of the tiled floor happily. Patrick's dark grey unique-colored eyes scanned her waist in her pink maid uniform, and she looked so beautiful with nice curves, making him wonder who had purposely employed her to work in their mansion. Patrick quickly stared away from Loveth, and he looked back at his mother and replied, "Mom, Willow travelled out without informing me about it, as she had refused to give me a proper explanation too." Patrick couldn't tell his mother the truth related to why he broke up with Willow Albert, the cheap slut that was 24/7 horny and fell for any available rod that wanted to thrust into her secret cave. Mrs. Eleanor sighed and replied, "But I spoke to Willow yesterday, and she told me that you both are fine and still together." "Mom," Patrick stiffened and stared back at his mother unbelievably. Forcing a fake smile and menacing laughter, he replied, "Mom, I am very tired now, and I need to return to my room." "Okay, son," Mrs. Eleanor replied, and watched Patrick finally walk away to the elevator. Mrs. Eleanor saw Loveth, and she called Patrick back, "Son.. have you met Loveth Logan? She's the new maid from Westwood, and her mother is one of the charitable women there who are contributing to building the economy." "Hmm," Patrick paused and stared back at Loveth, who was already done mopping the tiled floor, and she bowed her head lower to him as she felt his cold, piercing gaze on her. "How do you see her, Patrick? Your eldest sister, Isabel Owen, actually recommended her services to us, and she's like a daughter to me and helps me a lot, as I am already old and cannot work much. Come, Loveth," Mrs. Eleanor stopped talking and signaled to Loveth to come. "Loveth, meet my son, Master Patrick Anderson, sole heir to Anderson Corporation." Loveth stopped in front of Patrick's view, and she bowed her head lower and respectfully to him, and she spoke, "It's an honor to meet you, sir." Patrick froze as he stood speechless and sank into deep thinking. Was this some sort of temptation or set-up by his mother? Her eyes were so shining black like a panther's. Her nose was very sharp-pointed, her lips naturally pink without lip gloss, and her long natural blonde hair was packed into a ponytail. Her skin also looked flawless, like milk and honey mixed together, and Patrick took some time assessing her beauty until his mother's words finally snapped him out of his assessment. "I see you like her, son... She's also a very good cook, and I cannot help but feel younger and love her more." "Hmm," Patrick's eyes finally narrowed at Loveth. He stared back at his mother and replied, "Okay, mom. Good to see she's taking good care of you. I have to go upstairs now, as I have some important online business meeting to catch up with by 10 p.m., and I need to be ready for it." Patrick immediately walked away and went into the elevator, without waiting for his mother's response, and he went up to the fourth floor. Patrick arrived at the fourth floor and stepped out from the elevator into his sitting room, and he cussed out, "F*CK!" as he was very annoyed and he didn't want to end up marrying a loose, bitchy woman. Patrick approached his sitting room couch and dropped his briefcase and coat on the couch. He walked ahead to his sitting room bar to take out an alcoholic wine, as he was angry and couldn't believe that Willow would cheat on him with his rival, Tony Miles. Patrick took out an alcoholic wine bottle from his bar collection, popped it open, and drank the red wine content directly from the bottle's mouth. He staggered, feeling the wine's effect on him, and he sat down on a stool closer to the bar top. Patrick finished drinking the wine bottle in his hand and took out another wine bottle, popping it open again. He cussed out, "Hate you, Willow." Just then, Patrick heard his sitting room door slide open, and he stared backward and saw a beautiful maid step into his sitting room with a tray of his meal in her hands.

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