Chapter 5: Morning Feelings

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Patrick woke up the following morning with a headache. He sat up in bed and looked around, trying to remember the hot, stupid dream he had the previous night. "f**k!" he cursed. "What happened here?" he asked himself. Just then, he heard a knock on his chamber door, pulling him out of his thoughts. As he stared at the door that swung open, Jeff Hudson stepped in. "Good morning, boss," Jeff greeted Patrick, surprised to see the young man still sitting on his bed, clutching his head with his right palm. Patrick wanted to slide out of bed but realized he was stark naked. Jeff immediately turned away, even though he was older than Patrick. Patrick was still his boss. "Get out!" Patrick commanded. Jeff quickly responded, "Yes, boss!" and exited the room, wondering what had gone wrong with his boss. Jeff went out to take a call from some private clients who were inquiring why the young Anderson had missed the meeting with their members the previous night. Meanwhile, Patrick slid out of bed, trying to imagine the dream he had. He remembered a beautiful fair woman in his arms, and they had been making love, but he couldn't recall her face. "But her eyes..." Patrick said, frowning as he glanced back at his bed, wanting to pull the bedspread away. When he saw the stains, he exclaimed, "Oh my! What happened here?" Jeff, who was still standing behind the door after having excused himself, immediately darted back into the room, ending his call. He stared at his boss in shock, noticing him fully naked and the stains on the bed. Jeff was confused as he looked at Patrick. "Get out and give me some privacy!" Patrick snapped. "I’m sorry, boss; I heard you scream." Jeff swallowed hard and quickly exited, not fully understanding his boss's annoyance. Since Patrick had graduated and taken over as CEO, managing all his father's secret business and public affairs, he had become bitter. Jeff wondered why the young billionaire felt this way when his parents had left him a billion-dollar fortune. Shaking his head, Jeff exited his boss's sitting room, walked into the elevator, and went down to the grand floor. It was already past 8 AM on a bright Wednesday morning. "Wasn't it a dream?" Patrick asked himself as he flung the bedspread away, irritated by the dried deep red stains on his white bedspread. He walked to his large, exquisite bathroom to shower, suspecting he might have injured himself and bled the previous night. He turned on the shower tap and quickly bathed, realizing he was already late. As the boss, he wasn’t afraid of anything. They owned the mega Anderson Hotel and Suites, along with other fashion and magazine ventures. He also ran his father's oil business and had many personal businesses he sponsored. After bathing quickly, he stepped out of the bathroom and walked back to his room. He avoided looking at the bedspread he had thrown onto the tiled floor, trying not to think deeply about the stains. He walked to his wardrobe and pulled out a blue suit with white inner sleeves, dressing quickly. He put on his shorts and undershirt first, then slipped into his blue trousers. Just then, he heard a soft knock on his chamber door. He knew it was his mother's maids arriving to clean his room since he had woken up late, instead of his usual 7 AM. Walking to the large wall mirror hanging brightly to his right, he stared at his handsome reflection. Suddenly, an image flashed in his mind, causing his heart to race. "What was that?" Patrick asked himself, shaking his head as he remembered someone had barged into his chamber the previous night while he was unclad. His eyes narrowed at the memory. He angrily flung open his room door, determined to confront the intruder, still believing everything that had happened the previous night was just a dream. Patrick opened the door wider in anger and saw two slim maids, dark in complexion and dressed in their pink maid gowns, standing before him. His anger boiled. "What do you want here? Can't you wait for me to leave before barging into my room? Get out!" Patrick slammed the door hard on them. He walked back to his reading table and noticed a tray of food covered there, his brows furrowing. "Clearly, it wasn't a dream," Patrick muttered. Frowning, he placed his hands on his waist, trying to remember who had brought the meal the previous night. "That new maid. My goodness!" he exclaimed. He walked back to the bedspread, threw it to the floor, picked it up, and sniffed it again, touching the stains. His fists tightened as he realized it was no dream. He threw the bedspread back onto the bed and approached his study table to open the plate of food. "She had brought it last night, and she dared to peek at me. But how come?" Patrick shook his head in denial, grabbed his briefcase, and held his blue suit in his arms as he walked out of his chamber. He glanced at the two maids waiting for him to finish. It obviously wasn’t any of them, as they had flat chests. He turned away from them and walked toward the elevator, heading downstairs. When he stepped out onto the first floor, he saw his mother seated in the dining room, smiling at someone across from her. He overheard her discussing something with the person. He placed his briefcase down on a nearby couch and put on his suit, wanting to look smart for work. Just as he grabbed his briefcase again and looked up, he saw Willow Albert smiling at him; she was the one sitting with his mother. "He's here already, ma," Willow said, winking at him. Patrick's eyes narrowed at her as he clicked his black shoes on the tiled floor, walking slowly toward the dining table where his mother sat. "Good morning, Mother," Patrick greeted as he approached, giving her a warm hug. She pulled away and smiled. "Son, your baby is here, and I’m so happy to see her," his mother said, smiling at him. Patrick maintained an expressionless face, trying to figure out why Willow had suddenly appeared in their family home. His mother knew how much he loved Willow, and he had never told her about their breakup. "Son, what's wrong? Didn't you eat your dinner last night?" Patrick's eyes darkened at his mother's question. Just then, he saw the familiar-looking maid stepping out of the kitchen holding another tray. She looked like sunshine in her pink maid uniform—a simple dress with a white apron tied in front. Loveth had been in the kitchen preparing her madam's tea with an assistant maid named Aria Jameson, who had been working in the Anderson home for ten years and was now 28 years old. Loveth prepared the tea and carried it out, not expecting to see her madam's son standing beside his mother in the long dining room. Her grip on the tray tightened, knowing it was the last medicinal tea left, and she didn’t want to lose her hold on it. She walked slowly to the dining table, feeling all eyes on her. Willow looked at Patrick and noticed him staring at the maid. She equally was shocked to see such a beautiful young lady in the mansion. The maid approached the dining table and greeted them, "Good morning, ma’am. Good morning." She blushed nervously, and Willow shifted her gaze back to Patrick. Patrick kept his expressionless face, and Willow knew he was angry with her. She hadn’t thought of Tony recording her escapades with him and sending it to Patrick. Willow wanted to confront Tony after he sent a picture of his genitals to her w******p chat. But she still loved Patrick very much. She hadn’t considered the implications of her secret affair or the reason for her traveling without informing him, knowing he loved her deeply. However, Tony made it seem like she had purposely dumped Patrick and chosen him over Patrick.
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