14. What am I?

1675 Words

LUCAS Mrs Haughter seemed to know a lot about the ‘bond bracelet’. What was funny was that I didn't know it was called a bond bracelet, well, it had been on me for only sixteen years. She had very shocking things to say about the bracelet. Things that made me see my mother as one big liar. That was the shocking bit though. I knew my mother had been lying about something, I knew that since I was little. She wasn't a very good liar so I had caught her lies on several occasions. The story my Mum told me when I was little was that my father was a soldier who went to war in a foreign country but was killed in battle. I bought that story till I was eleven...and at that point I had began to reason a little more. If my Dad was a war hero, why didn't I have videos, pictures or anything that w

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