15. Changing

1960 Words

TILDA Changing for every werewolf meant different things. I mean, it was ideally the same thing but meant different things to every werewolf. To most it was a time they felt free, to some it was a time they felt more powerful, to some it was a time they felt like royalties, a time they felt special. Generally, changing was always a wonderful experience for werewolves. Well, not to me though. I wouldn't pretend that I didn't love the way the metamorphosis felt… though it was estatic. Even beyond that. I wouldn't lie that I didn't crave the power I felt whenever I changed. The feeling I always got wasn't something that could ever be expressed in words. But then it wasn't an issue of whether I felt good or not but rather an issue of control. A sort of tug between the wolf and the man.

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