13. Mrs Haughter spills tea

1717 Words

LUCAS I had never had s*x. Like never. Now, this didn't bother me but I was however very curious on how it would feel. I mean, I'm sure I have an idea or two, courtesy of p**n videos and friends’ testimonials, but I would really love to have it myself. To get to know how it feels first hand. Of course I was very much aware that when it came to things like s*x, waiting was never a bad idea. People that involved in premature s*x often regretted it later as the mind has to be just as prepared as the body...and more often than not, the body matured first. I didn't, however, see myself as too young to engage in s****l activities. I was sixteen and in all of my years, I had never heard a certain age that was set for people to have sex...as long as it was consensual and not between an adul

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